Flora Flores' HoS Application
Usual character name: Flora Flores
BYOND username: Pixeox
Discord username: pixeox
Recommended by: Telareti (Ranni Stella), brief recommendations from other players.
Goon servers you play: 3 and 4.

Reason for application:

Teaching new players, making Security more fun for others and ordering and organising other officers are all aspects of playing Security which I enjoy a lot. As a HoS, I'd be able to do this a lot more. Also, as a HoS, roleplay interactions from antags and crew are more encouraged as both Security and Command, which I find enjoyable and hope to make other players' rounds better too! I've noticed that I play Security a lot more frequently now, and have contemplated for a while, but ultimately think I'm now ready for the role.

I've also been mistaken for a HoS waaaay too many times by waaay too many people.  surprised fat and sassy space-bee

Security experience
When I first picked up Security in my newbee days as other characters, I'd left it as one of the last occupations that I wanted to learn due to how important of a role it can be. Unfortunately, I wasn't introduced into how the job works like most new players normally are now, and I hadn't quite understood the game machnics available like mentorhelp-ing, so I learned how things worked at my own pace and made some mistakes along the way. I immediately threw myself into Security as an Officer instead of an Assistant, once again, because of a lack of game knowledge, and it was occassionally a little overwhelming. Despite this, it was still a fairly enjoyable role to play and the balance between gameplay and roleplay was entertaining for me. Between then and now, there was a large time frame where I refused to play Security simply because it was scary for me as a newbee. I've now picked it up again recently (as Flora!) and can say that I'm now a lot more experienced.

Security Officer is a role that I have played very frequently in the past few months. Once again, the balance between gameplay and roleplay is something that greatly interests me as someone majorly interested in the game itself, as well as my characters. Socialising with the team that I'm working with regularly is one of my main priorities in order to to familiarise myself with security members and make those tense moments when roleplaying as enjoyable for me and others as possible. I also have a tendency to take leadership and make orders for other officers as Flora so that we can be as optimal as possible - the teamwork and organisation of doing this is far more amusing and adds an interesting structure to the round. During my time playing Security, I've trained quite a few other players - officers and assistants. Watching other players go through the learning process that I once had to experience myself is heart-warming to and makes me glad that I'm able to help.

When handling antagonists, I have tried to be tolerant about what they're planning, and how I, as Security, can make their experience more enjoyable. If someone is using a harmless gimmick, I'll play along. If they're a more action-focused and serious antagonist, I'll try and double that energy. It is extremely rare that I ever immediately taze someone, and the only instances where I would do is if they're actively harming the crew and will not stop. I have a preference for using words over force: I'm not exactly robust and strong gameplay-wise, but I still prefer a more dialogue-based approach to problems in rounds regardless, such as calming down characters in hostage or potential bomb/TTV situations. These moments of conversations often lead to roleplay scenarios that I look forward to.

Answer two or more of the following:

What advice would you give to other sec players?
1. Tolerate other player's antagonist schemes to an extent.
If someone is an antagonist and starting a fairly harmless gimmick, or hasn't started anything prior, don't be extremely serious all the time and play along with it! It'll make the round more fun for the both of you. Don't be too lenient with antagonists though. You are still Security.
Example: a traitor using a chameleon cloaker and pretending to be the Captain. Roleplay it! Maybe they're really good at acting as the Captain.

2. Keep your equipment in your toolbelt when you're not using it.
Banana peels, slipping hazards and players with the disarm intent are all dangers to you and your equipment. You can lose it in silly ways sometimes, which is why it's better to keep all your tools in your belt, where you won't lose it as much. Security will also be able to track you down as long as you left your pinpointer and labelled it at the desk... on that note, remember to label your pinpointers!

3. Take breaks from Security.
Security can be a pretty stressful role; I've seen myself and other players get unneccessarily stressed and make mistakes sometimes. Take healthy breaks! You aren't being forced by anyone to play Security and nobody expects it of you.

4. Communicate on the Security frequency regularly.
So that your team is assured that you're okay and know where you are. Mentioning when you won't be able to use the frequency for some time for reasons like surgery is something that I also encourage.

5. Interact with the crew!
Limiting yourself to just Security can make your round dull and the crew might trust you less. Socialise with other non-security players more! As well as this, a lot of Security forget that it shouldn't just be about getting the bad guys, but also helping out the good guys in crisises. Help out the crew when you can so that they're secure.

What was one of your favourite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one.)
Defeating the singulo with a gun. This was on an admeme round. A cyborg was mutated into a singulo after being irradiated and went on a rampage in hallways, killing a large amount of the crew. The anti-singularity launcher wasn't working on the singulo and everyone was panicking. The shuttle was called, and the armory was authorised. In an attempt to save everyone left, I shot at the singulo as it was chasing me, because if a ROCKET LAUNCHER won't work on a singulo, obviously bullets will! It worked and the singulo was destroyed.
I may have celebrated too soon and accidentally walked into it when it died, also killing me. Oops.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
A shooting range - every time that I have tried to run a gimmick like this, I usually run out of time to organise it. For rounds where there is little to or nothing happening, I like to organise something to keep Security busy, such as decorating our space with construction equipment.

Draw a picture!
Okay! Here's Flora in a Head of Security uniform, as well as a small doodle of Sylvester on the side. Adorable.  bee

[Image: flora_hos.png?ex=67574331&is=6755f1b1&hm...height=671]

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application, lying about it will):
I have not been banned before.
My experiences with Flora as security have been very positive, she's often very level headed with handling situations, while also being very interactive with both crew and antags, often times dealing with things in a fun and fair way, I feel she's very responsible as security and understanding how to match the flow of the round depending on what's taking place with a healthy mentality, I find she's very reliable and communicative as an officer and I could see her making a good leader.

Based on what I've seen Pixie's got a healthy mindset towards things in game, very kind towards players and in helping people, such as teaching them or guiding them when needed and thinking about how to make things enjoyable for people, Overall i feel Pixie would make a very fair and fun HoS, while also being a good leader and influence on the rounds.
I think Flora's a shoe-in for the role. The vast majority of the time I see her on the security team, she demonstrates a very clear and level head. I cannot recall Flora ever lashing out against others, nor can I recall her being unfair towards antagonists. I've seen her take leadership during times of need and train new recruits spectacularly. She demonstrates a very solid understanding of the role, especially great communication.

I would love to see Flora as an HoS, she has the most amount of support I can give. +1
Flora has always been a great leader, even in tough and stressful situations. Her experience in Security rivals that of at least 5 average players, and rarely, if ever, falters. Pixie, outside of Flora, always wants everyone to have a good time, and successfully does so 100% of the time. The idea of her being HoS, is an amazing thought, and I believe she would do an amazing job.
I think I'd like to observe you in game a bit more before I make a decision. Generally polite in Discord, though.
Flora is one of the best officers i know. Always fun and friendly to be around but responsible and decisive when it comes down to it. She knows when to goof off and when it's time to get serious. Communicative, competent, capable and a strong sense of leadership. I often see her make the executive decisions when nobody else is confident to make an unpleasant judgement call. To further refresh my memory i've been observing her more closely both while on shift and while spectating and i wasn't let down. If anyone is HoS material, then Flora is. +1 from me
After my break from SS13, and when I returned, I noticed Flora as a well adjusted and thoughtful person in the security team. They're always up to date with the radio, and when I am playing antagonist, I find them to be very fair. I'd be happy to see them in the red beret, and  though I haven't been back very long, I am confident they are a polite person both IC and OOC, and makes a conscience effort to better themself and the people around them. +1 from me   Sleeping bee
I have seen a lot of positive attitudes, communication and transparency from Flora, and she seems very mindful of the influence that security has in round balance, +1.
After review of community feedback and internal deliberation, we have accepted your application to become a HoS. Congrats! Please familiarize yourself with our HoS Guidelines and reach out anytime if you have any concerns or questions.

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