Rufus’s HoS app
Usual character name: Rufus Mcdunfish
BYOND username: FlyzerMizer
Discord username (if you are on our discord): FlyzerMizer
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: classic/Heisenbee

Reason for application: I’ve been playing for awhile now, close to three years, and I always wanted to try my hand at HoS. I think sec is a fun role to play and challenge myself with, and HoS is simply a level up, more responsibilities, a bigger target on your back, and a bigger gun. I got time to make a app, so why not?

Security experience (300 word minimum):
I w
I was put off by sec from the start of the game for me. They were always the killjoys who ruin all the fun. I would have bad experiences with them, mostly from my own stupidity. It took me a bit before I actually got into sec, but when I did, I understood why they were killjoys.

 Sec is a hard job, probably one of the hardest. The entire round hinges on you and how well you do your job. I always tried to make sec a fun experience for myself and others. I tried constant gimmicks and challenges on myself. I tried to be as impartial and fair as possible. But it is always impossible to be perfect. Trying to improve myself both in my judgment as a secoff and my skill was always something I did.
  Since the start, I have always been very sympathetic towards antags, potentially to a fault, but I feel as though antags play the most important role in a round. Treating them fairly was my biggest goal. I took into account the round time, the severity of their crime, and their overall impact on a round each time I decide a punishment.

 I have a zero-tolerance policy on shitters, I learned it the hard way that sometimes you’ll simply have to ahelp and kill someone if they are consistently a problem to sec, and you’re unsure of their antag status. It never felt good to be the one to make that decision, especially if the shitter themselves is a fellow secoff, but it’s still necessary, especially if they’re negatively affecting the round.

 But at the end of the day, once you get all of that out of the way, the shitters, the morals, the confusing situations, and it’s just you, your team, and the antags, sec can be one of the most fun roles the game has to offer.


Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Don’t take the role too seriously, it’s a game and you should prioritize that you’re having fun. Sec can often feel the boredom or suckiness of a bad round the most, so if you’re overwhelmed or stressed, you should take a step back so you don’t end up making rash decisions ingame.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    I personally prefer playing solo, it’s much more challenging and feels as though there’s much more stake, but when I play on a full team I make sure I’m not in the way, first and foremost. A full sec team can be daunting for other players, so I am probably extra forgiving and would give more chances to antags than I would as a solo sec. Communication is something I’m not perfect at, but I try to chime in on the radio as often as I can, it’s something I want to get better at.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
I always enjoyed turning things into pies, so I think it would be fun if I could get all the secoffs to turn their equipment into pies and use them to arrest criminals, perhaps even make them dress up as clowns. Another idea I had was to put all of security into a box that I would carry around and deliver to maybe a gang’s locker, or directly to a nukies plant site.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): N/A
After review of community feedback and internal deliberation, we have accepted your application to become a HoS. Congrats! Please familiarize yourself with our HoS Guidelines and reach out anytime if you have any concerns or questions.

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