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Caseboard for security
It would be totally wicked sick if the security department or even just the detective had a caseboard for mid round officers or just anyone to look at, see who the main suspects are, and what information security has on them. The caseboard system from Shadows of Doubt is a fantastic example of what it could look like.
this would be a great addition imo. Most of the time when I latejoin as HoS I'm super in the dark, so having something I can glance at to get a basic idea of what's happening would be great. Of course, that requires someone to actually keep up to date with the damn thing, which I think should be the job of the detective.
Preferably the detective, I agree both thematically and also as a agency tool for them to integrate (or distract) security. Further, to make it a bit easier to update quickly: Make it a "virtual" corkboard for the following reasons:

1. explains and allows the detective to remotely access it via their VR headset: They're not stuck sitting around in security all round. Alternatively, you could take this in a different direction and make it a security assistant job, but I prefer detective.
2. Make it visually apparent when it's been updated or there's something up on the board via a changing screen sprite (like the clone scanner) You could do this with a corkboard too, but I personally feel that its easier to get someone to visually notice animated sprites (even if they're just a blinking light) than sprites with phased changes (like our current notice boards)
3. If you really wanted to ramp up the scope creep/add to the project later if it's going well, you could tie in with the AI cameras for a "Vague" and occasionally updated "Last seen" for PoI. I'm thinking a minute-updated "X person was seen by camera in X room" you're not taking away the AI's use in more proactive tracking, you're not creating anything particularly powerful (and certainly less powerful than asking the AI) but you do at least give a nice little "hey, maybe go check this area out" indicator for the more investigatory security members.

I would suggest keeping the information relatively simple on the board: PoI's, arrest status, maybe a relatively limited entry on what they did, and maybe a "summary of situation", maybe. Really, it should be something that isn't adding a huge amount of work for anyone maintaining it but still provide an avenue to prevent continuous repetition of information: This is something even as an AI regular security will spend significant amounts of time doing: repeating itself.

EDIT Point 3: Hmm, on reflection this one has a small problem with providing contradictory information against the AI (when the AI might be lying) unless you let them manipulate it, but if you keep the update period for it vague enough I feel like this becomes more like in interesting way to make deductions rather than something you could exploit (because the information is vague enough not to be definitive, just indicatory)
This got brought in in the Discord before, I think another branch has quite literally that. Great for slower rounds.

[Image: image.png?ex=671ddbc9&is=671c8a49&hm=f03...e51a5ff00&]
Pinning up photos and wanted posters would be sick
I love this for flavoring, but... It needs to be faster done since even RP goes a lil bit too fast to do caseboards.
Maybe a "Caseboard box" you know the evidence box? Then put the items in there in a caseboard and you can show it off to others?
(10-26-2024, 12:27 PM)Kotlol Wrote: I love this for flavoring, but... It needs to be faster done since even RP goes a lil bit too fast to do caseboards.
Maybe a "Caseboard box" you know the evidence box? Then put the items in there in a caseboard and you can show it off to others?

Some kind of way to tag evidence, like a handheld device or PDA app. Scans the item and records it into a database, autofilling information like where it was found, who tagged it, and when it was tagged, etc.

Then at the cardboard you just select things from a list of scanned items to start building the case
(10-26-2024, 01:19 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Some kind of way to tag evidence, like a handheld device or PDA app. Scans the item and records it into a database, autofilling information like where it was found, who tagged it, and when it was tagged, etc.

Then at the cardboard you just select things from a list of scanned items to start building the case

This is a smarter idea and streamlines the process.
As a side note, if you have the time when latejoining you can also (If the rest of the team have actually done the paperwork on the criminals) quickly log into secmate, search for anyone marked for Suspect, Detain, Arrest and Parolled to get a quick glimpse at those with records for the current shift.

I would personally love that kind of board though, give us secasses more paperwork! Perhaps something the AI can also update, as they usually have a good idea on the current status of the goings on in Security and the station due to their channels access.

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