JacobwWaltz HoS App 2.0!?
Usual character name: Strange Mannequin/Clownequin, Tay Coldheart, Mendicant Bias(Mendi?)
BYOND username:Jacob_waltz
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Jacob Waltz
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play:3,4, and five when there are events.

Reason for application: A Head of Security adds a fair bit to how security can interact with the round and the crew. I'd like to add more as the HoS from time to time and enhance the rounds I participate in even more!

Security experience (300 word minimum): I've been playing ss13 on goon now for five years now I think? I've interacted with many people while playing and have spent a fair number of hours now playing security! It's been a fantastic ride from kicking people out of places they don't belong, executing criminals for horrid offenses, to defending the station from all kinds of crazy threats out there. My first few shifts in security will always be on my mind, I didn’t start playing security beyond learning how to use the gear until I started playing more frequently on the roleplay servers. While I love being robust and doing combat from time to time, it all opened up to me when I started doing it in roleplay especially. So many different people to interact with and things to do on and off station while doing the job. Nowadays I feel pretty comfortable training the newbees that show up, new members to security are always welcome and can make the shifts they join all the more fun to be a part of! It's always on my mind to try and make security interesting not only to myself but to those on my team and those whom I arrest! At time of writing this I've just finished a round as detective with a group of spy thieves doing some minor to medium crimes. Security is the kind of job I enjoy playing when I want to interact with as much of the crew as possible while not playing captain or medical doctor/director. You can just talk to people, get into trials with dodgy lawyers, ticket, fine, or arrest people, or even just yell at them over the radio for lots of things! It's a lot of combat but there's lots of little nuance things to learn about investigating who committed crimes. I've still got some things to learn but that just makes things even more interesting in the future!

Answer two or more of the following:

• As advice to other security members, either new or old, try talking to the “suspect/perp/crimer” first. More often than not I’ve found that they can have a lot more peace in them than you might expect. It's never as much fun to catch a crimer before they're ready to interact with the round on their terms, and gimmicks are almost always fun or interesting to interact with!
  • On topic of my playstyle playing security versus not. I'll usually spend a lot less time running or sprinting everywhere. Additionally I'll be more focused on protecting members of the crew rather than running from danger myself more often.
  • Having multiple officers on the team can be a great help in a round, there have been plenty of rounds where I've worked alone against multiple antagonists, which while it can be a fun challenge, having a team to communicate with and rely on is a great relief most of the time. The burden of protecting the crew can be quite heavy from time to time.

Answer one or more of the following:
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

Floating in the void
Station hub, cosmic ballet,
Life transcends, confined

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None
So, honest feedback here. I think that you would make a fine HoS. you have the experience, confidence and have been fairly good at judging a situation and responding accordingly. That said I personally haven't seen you play security often and I think are best known for your clown role which is why the application for HoS seems a bit odd. I'd love to see more of you in security so I can be a better judge there. Again, overall I'd say yes. you as the player have the characteristics to properly play that role in a fun and responsible way. I hope the feedback helps! +1
I've seen you play lots of different people- firmly believe you have the range and ability to play an engaging HoS. Would love to see you play security more, since I don't really see Strange out and about, but Mendi as AI is a solid indicator that you can co-ordinate a team well.
Like other posters said I don't see you a lot. But purely on my lack of encounters I can not say much. Mentioning thedude6969's reply, I don't know if the reason I haven't seen you is because you are more focused on other roles and that is what I think kinda makes my feedback a little different.

I am usually full blown support and I think this is going to be my first time not giving a positive review. I personally think you could spend more time with Security and I don't know if you play more on other servers as you mentioned a vast variety but I don't think I have ever seen you and if I have, not enough to engrave it in my noodle.

I really really think you could be a 10/10 security officer but from someone who has played leadership roles I think you lack the experience to properly maintain a stable security team. That being said, I do really think you're a solid applicant this is purely my thoughts and I hope you don't stop trying.

Overall, not enough experience from my POV and just kind of never seen you before -1
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to insufficient community response. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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