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AI (No not that AI)
What possibilities could goon explore with AI as it exists today?

A few things that popped into my head:


NPC Antags

Generative z-levels?
so true

i had never considered it before but outsourcing all of the fun things in life, like creativity and imagination, leaves so much more time free for other things

like breathing, and depression
(10-16-2024, 05:54 PM)Outie Wrote: NPC Antags

we need to outsource playing the game to AI so players can focus on all the other stuff
Less automating the game, more things like having a full-on conversation with shitty bill on the space diner
feel free to PR, if it's shitty it'll get denied if not then it'll be considered

it will be hard to be non-shitty
Generally speaking, I would rather find methods to encourage players in a social deduction game to generally be speaking to each other as much as possible and not essentially having a conversation with a talkative wall.
Also we have medass on the discord and frankly they're powerful enough without giving them expert system allies.

The best version of this with some thought I can put together is having some scuttlebots in the background speaking to each other in faint unintrusive text or something while having 0% actual reaction to players. There, you've got potential for some funny observations, you're not drawing players away from engaging with each other, and there might be a few funny screenshots of a clown watching two scuttlebots discussing the merits of green wires over red wires for half an hour.

EDIT: Plus why not that AI? AI can do AI stuff, Look. 
[Image: ai-joke.png]
Random event: Rogue AI that generates art that the crew has to kill
I have a somewhat irrational hatred towards most things generative AI, so I personally would not like to see this added.
Let's disect things logically (I hate generative AI too but let's do this):

Chatbots (so shitty bill can be a person):
Takes people away from the station to see what crazy stuff shitty bill will spout in the diner.
Thus disrupts any interaction in an INTERACTION GAME to sit with a chatbot. SO DENIED.

NPC Antags:
If you thought Metaing antags was bad enough... imagine if we get AI Antags that suck at the antagging and thus rounds end shortly.
No.. but we already have Antag npcs so that is enough. DENIED.

Generative Z-levels:
The debris field is randomly generated from pre-picked assets. Any other randomisation would just make people want to A-zone them all the time to see what is generated this time. THUS taking people away from the station more, THUS... you get it.. DENIED.

So why do I not want this?
it removes the social interaction from players.
Antags need to be players so we can SOCIALLY DEDUCT who the bad guys are.. by giving them to AI.. it just becomes a horde mode.
By giving randomized Z-levels.. it gives them more exploration then there is, making it an exploration game.
By giving chatbots, they will try to make the chatbot say stupid stuff and throw them into the station wich means they take time away to play the game and fuck around.

So tell me... would you rather play the game with humans as intended or do you want to play SS13 by yourself with chat bots and AI controlled crew/antags?
I'm not an expert on AI or coding, but doesn't AI need a bunch of training to do? Like i know you can get it to do things better and better each time, but it needs lot's of trial and error to be calibrated correctly and it still needs a lot of work put into as far as i know.

More diner NPC reactivity would be cool though, since they do have a bit of an immersion breaking problem imo. As they are meant to be people, but having basically no AI makes them hard to consider as such.
Yeah i mean this thread was basically just to break the ice on the topic, i really dunno when it comes to AI myself. Its pretty incredible what you can do with it at times, and other times its horrifying

Maybe a wiki chatbot that you can give prompts to in-game 'how can i make 1million spacebux so i can build a pod with flame armor' stuff like that

I do agree with most of the points above though
(Yesterday, 03:49 AM)Outie Wrote: Maybe a wiki chatbot that you can give prompts to in-game 'how can i make 1million spacebux so i can build a pod with flame armor' stuff like that

someone tried to train one to answer questions based on the wiki but there just isn't enough pages, it doesn't work. it just lies, like ai always does. medical assistant in the discord is about the limit of what youre going to get with ai here
even if it did work flawlessly, I'd like to keep ss13 a human experience. Plus, the purple mice would go hungry ):
I'm not interested in "breaking the ice" on adding bots or bot generated content to the game. Part of what makes this game special is that it's a passion project made over more then a decade by people who are freely contributing their time and energy and creativity. "AI" generated content is not respectful to the original human creative works, doesn't credit its inspirations, and adds a slush of cheap novelty while not being part of a community that is building the game we want to play.
I liked it back then in chatrooms, where you'd have dummy bots generating and posting chat messages very occasionally, "trained" on what others typed in the chatroom, but with the rudimentary techniques of the days. Sometimes they'd come up with bangers and everyone would hit them with a "good one (bot)". From what I understand, HeadSurgeon and tg's parrot used to be like that?

I think that something like once every round or two, receiving a message from a "partner station" generated by previous messages to partner stations might help add more life to the universe.

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