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Brain Damage
I think that in-game brain damage can be a pretty fun and funny way to debilitate a crew member without fully removing them from the game.

At present, its my understanding that some of the only effective ways of doing this is through substantive mercury poisoning, or other selective poisons all of which take time and require access to chems.

A few years ago I got a bit overzealous with a PR to introduce a surgical method to spoon peoples brains out. This was very understandably rejected as too much of an element of body horror, especially since the spooned brains were a food item.

I do think that having a more medical way of inflicting brain damage without chems would be interesting but would appreciate input from the community.

What do you all think about a surgical step where, during the normal surgical procedure to expose the brain prior to removing it you can continue to apply scalpel or spoon to simply inflict direct brain damage? Perhaps 5 to 10 brain damage per click?

If this remains to far out there I will put it to bed.

Some factors to consider:

1) Brain damage can be very debilitating including being unable to open doors and changing speech. 

2) If you are doing surgery and can get to this point you could easily kill with brain removal, so in theory my idea would not be too easy to access.

3) partially lobotomizing antags as a way of at least partially defanging them is funny. Alternatively, a rogue doctor trying to lobotomize crew could be funny and interesting.
As another idea if we dont like the surgical aspect of this, what do people think about adding touch/inhale to mercury? Skin absorption of mercury irl is dangerous, (not as much as direct injection due to its physical properties) but mercury vapour inhalation is even more so
I'd rather just buff mercury or make taking damage to the head during brain surgery cause damage directly rather than adding a surgical procedure for it.

If we go with the former option, the main problem would become mercury's accessibility-to-debilitation ratio. Easy access for infinite good poision.

Option 3: Forced dabbing.
That first option of head damage during brain surgery definitely makes sense too.
(10-11-2024, 08:17 AM)Chasu Wrote: I'd rather just buff mercury or make taking damage to the head during brain surgery cause damage directly rather than adding a surgical procedure for it.

If we go with the former option, the main problem would become mercury's accessibility-to-debilitation ratio. Easy access for infinite good poision.

Option 3: Forced dabbing.

Mercury is already one of the better brain damage giver.

Also yes, get a dabbing license and dab 3 times and you're completely stupid.
Why not like, have people take brain damage when they are damaged in the head? If someone bonks you with a chair and targets the head, it should just roll for a chance to do brain damage each time. It makes sense, encourages actual combat and circumvents having to balance chems.
There is almost no reason not to hit someone in the head though
(10-12-2024, 07:03 AM)Cal Wrote: There is almost no reason not to hit someone in the head though

Two birds with one stone, let's refactor limb damage. Broken legs slow you down, broken arms make you unable to hold stuff for very long without dropping it. And you take damage when you punch someone with a broken arm. As for the chest... maybe more overall damage without any side effects. Safe for adding a hit chance a lá V.A.T.S that's the extend of what I can imagine.
(10-12-2024, 07:03 AM)Cal Wrote: There is almost no reason not to hit someone in the head though

buff helmet armor
(10-12-2024, 09:54 AM)Glamurio Wrote:
(10-12-2024, 07:03 AM)Cal Wrote: There is almost no reason not to hit someone in the head though

Two birds with one stone, let's refactor limb damage. Broken legs slow you down, broken arms make you unable to hold stuff for very long without dropping it. And you take damage when you punch someone with a broken arm. As for the chest... maybe more overall damage without any side effects. Safe for adding a hit chance a lá V.A.T.S that's the extend of what I can imagine.

Maybe torso hits can act towards setting up the targeted hits? Wind them with a gut punch, then go for the head and limbs while they're recovering
I wouldn't mind if the chest also does some lil stamina damage cause you blowing the wind out of your oppenent. But with a downside that it increases your targets stamina regen. So if you go down.. you get up faster due to the chest beating.

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