Lefinch mentor application
Usual character name: Saxum for the majority of my playtime, Chie as second most common. I random name as AI a lot, if there's an AI with a one-word name you don't recognize that's told you to take a break at some point at the bar/cafe there's a non zero chance that's me. Far too many ghostdrones.
BYOND username: Lefinch
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Lefinch
Recommended by (if applicable): None, this is my own foolish endeavor.
Goon servers you play: 3 & 4, primarily 3, 4 on weekends.

Why am I applying to be a mentor?

In ten words: I would like to help a little by answering questions.

I like making use of the questions section of discord but often you may have to re-direct questions there to mentorhelp because it's a current round. The same often applies during a round but I'm often playing roles that limit direct support for new players. AI Can be great for example but if you get rogued or called away by an order that can interrupt the learning process (though sometimes it leads to a fun -new- lesson!)

My spriting ability is self-evidently non existent. I don't have the coordination due to a physical condition and I certainly don't have the taste or aesthetic. The last time I touched code was for a MUD back in the 2010s. But I can help new players (or older ones, everyone has questions) and this is a more direct method to do that in a specific capacity as someone here to help.

This is partially a selfish application too: I suspect working in and with mentors will be useful in refining how I might help new players. There's obviously a considerable knowledgebase within in areas I also lack and while providing help about what I know I will certainly be seeing examples of other mentors helping that will improve my own approach and knowledge.

Lastly: I am applying because I am hoping for feedback, even if that feedback is a lack of community feedback. It'll be useful to take advice I'm given here and apply it going forward or alternatively as a "watermark" point to compare a future application towards. I have been debating applying for about two months now but someone made a very good point that an application cannot harm your chances even if unsuccessful if you can demonstrate in your next application what's changed to make you more viable for the role. So here we are!

From "most" to "least", I'll try and keep this brief but if anyone has any specific questions about my experience please ask!

Mining: There's not much I've been surprised by in mining for some time. The basic mechanics to the virtues of magnet operation over or against asteroid mining, what are nanites? How -do- (did) you get the best modifications? I've got an excel sheet of respective alloy blends up on a wall somewhere and their qualities. It goes on.

AI/Borgs: Familiar enough to explain what they can and can't do. Regular member of the Law Interpretation Robot Talk Gossip Club. While I absolutely can explain how to do things as an AI unit, I think my advice here more than anything to anyone wanting to try it is: Don't panic! You're allowed to not be perfect at your job. The AI is not supposed to be omnipotent nor omnipresent either IC or OOC and like every other role it's there to ultimately be enjoyed not a stressor.

Quartermasters: As above- as below: from cargo cart oddities to requisitions to the humble pen trade. I'm on first-name basis with Vurdulak.

Engineering: Full operation of all our respective engine types (yes, even the rods on nadir) including some fun stuff to get those numbers up. I am sad enough to use local to work on prototype nuclear engine layouts with Scaltra (and see if infusing the TEG blowers with cryostylane matters, it doesn't but you get a nice bubbly effect!) station repair in full, even the basic pipe reconstruction layouts. ABCU operation, so on. I can do basic mechanics operation since we changed it a while back but the more complicated stuff is beyond me.

Ranching: I know how the chickens work even if I'm terrible at it. I don't know about the jumpers yet but I'll be making some today (thanks Jan).

Other civilian branches: I can mix drinks that aren't too dipped in secrecy. I'm aware of the chaplain's Mysteries. I can and do encourage mimes to write a thousand words (and hold them up to the camera) to make up for saying none. I'm awful at it but I understand the basic nature of infusing seeds and nutrient-augmented growth for botany.

Security: understanding of the tools of the trade, basic security flow. It is a reasonable observation that I am not nor do I play robust characters, and as such certainly could not provide beyond basic advice here. However, sometimes all you need help with is "How do I talk on the security channel?" or "How do I check these fingerprints?"

Science: Artifact science (using official and unofficial tools, what to look out for, where the ejector is. How do sell them etc) Basic chemistry (how, basic chemicals with limited stages, use of distillation and other science tools) no toxins (beyond the very basic theory and use of toxins to supercool)

Medbay: Surgery, basic treatment and very basic genetics. The basic assembly of borgs. However, I'm rarely in medbay so the knowledge here is rudimentary and I wouldn't be comfortable providing more than basic medbay knowledge.

Other stuff: Excepting flock which I've only done dry tests on local servers I'm familiar with the mechanisms of each antagonist type. One area of weakness: I have limited Azone knowledge, which I've been saving for myself for a very rainy day. I'm relatively active on discord and here so I can probably at least point someone in the right direction on both.

In summary: With exception of the detective, I have been most roles by now, but there are clear gaps to fill. I could at the very least provide basic role support in most areas.

Prior bans: 1, on my first day too. I don't remember how long but I don't think it was more than an hour? Around that? It was a rule 4 violation in the lobby chat which set the tone going forward. Nothing since except a warning I still feel bad about for getting someone using a pod murdered by a ghostdrone construction barring their flight path.

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read this. My personal request is if you do have any questions or feedback positive, neutral, or negative at all please be willing and feel free to provide it here.
While I have never knowingly seen Lefinch in-game, probably because of the random AI names, Lefinch is very active on the Discord and always friendly. I've seen him answer questions at several occasions and I think their knowledge and attitude is apt for the mentor position. Very much recommended.
Lefinch is a very skilled player on both crew and antagonist and has been nothing but a delight to play with. They are consistently kind to new players and I see them frequently include everyone who wants to engage with them. especially lately I've seen them frequently in the questions channel of the discord and seem to be a very helpful presence.

I think they'd be a lovely addition to the mentor roster.
I've seen Lefinch quite a few times in-game as Saxum, Chie, or any numerous amounts of AI (that I somehow never realise until after the round that it's them), and they're always a delight. Friendly, welcoming to new and old players alike, happy to show people the ropes (I've mostly seen this in engineering/mining) and all around a very positive player. Further, their interactions on the discord are always very much the same, happy to answer questions and help others where they can, in a kind and respectful manner.
I would love to see them be a part of the team.
Regardless of how things go on: I am beyond surprised and appreciative of the feedback so far. Thanks guys, it's been a bit of a mental boost I wasn't expecting. However, if anyone does want to come back with some critique as well that's fine it's an application! But I did want to say what's been said has meant a lot.
My interactions with Lefinch on the RP servers have consistently been positive. They're pleasant, helpful, and will proactively engage and roleplay with people even when they don't know you. I've also seen them be very nice to people in the Discord.
Lefinch is very pleasant and kind. Its been do long of this behavior I cannot remember a negative interaction

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