Little Timmy's Head of Security Application
Usual character name: Little Timmy
BYOND username: Little Timothy
Discord username (if you are on our discord): N/A
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Goon 1 Classic: Heisenbee  bee

  • Reason for application:

For the longest time, I’ve seen the Head of Security as some high, untouchable role, and felt like I could never be good at it. After playing security consistently for a while now, I see that a HoS isn’t supposed to be some crazy, robust commando, but a teacher and leader for the team. With a constant influx of new sec players, I confidently believe that I can guide these players, as well as make rounds more interesting.

  • Security experience (300 word minimum):

I first started playing sec roles about a year and a half ago. Instead of starting as a Security Assistant, I played as a detective first. I found the detective role most appealing, wanting to be a cool gunslinger/investigator. After a while, I realized I was playing detective like a Security Officer, and decided I should just play secoff instead. Since then, I've been a secoff main. When I first started, I made the mistake of not asking for much help or guidance from more experienced security players. As a result, I committed my fair share of blunders, such as searching criminals outside of security, taking traitor items for my use, not setting prison timers, and so forth. I was usually more concerned with trying to win, to the detriment of the round. However, after watching some of the experienced members of security (and taking a good read of security guides on the wiki), I started trying not to win, but to keep the round interesting and most importantly, fun for everyone.

I’ve been a Security Officer main for a good while now, and my favorite part about it is interacting with other people, whether it be security, or criminals. I try not to take things too seriously, and make sure everyone is having a good time. For example, when a horde of greytiders invade sec, a common occurrence, I could probably just stun them all and kick them out right away. But why do that when I can yellow hand one, fart/burp on them for a while, then throw them into the ejection chute out of security. Even secoffs need time to goof off too! But of course, when the time calls for it, a good baton stun can’t hurt if things get out of control. And when it comes to any serious threats, it's time to go guns blazing.

I’m not a perfect secoff, and I can be too lenient at times, but I think it's important to strike a balance between the game being fun and maintaining order. If I ever make mistakes (and I do), I will try my best to apologize and make things right.
  • Answer two or more of the following:
  • 1.  What advice would you give to other sec players?:

To get the obvious one out of the way, communication! So many secoffs have died (including me) because they didn’t communicate to the rest of security that they were chasing a criminal or in trouble. Ditch the lone wolf mentality, teamwork is the way to go! Even if you are the only member of security for the round, shout for help on the general radio! Never underestimate the power of a staff assistant with a toolbox coming to your rescue.

Contraband goes into the contraband lockers or the crusher, not your pockets. Now don’t get me wrong, I think having an energy sword in your pocket is cool and all, but it's unfair to the antagonists, who now have to fight a security officer who is using powerful syndicate gear and taser weaponry, which makes the round less interesting. Even if it's contraband that seems relatively minor, such as a pickpocket gun, what happens if a criminal beats you in a fight, and gets not just your security gear, but additional antagonist gear as well? This can be avoided by just disposing of contraband properly.

This one is a little bit more out there, but I don’t see enough people using the RecordTrak Scanner. It helps cut down time at the security computer setting people’s criminal statuses and can be used to easily set roles that spawn with contraband like the bartender, medical director, or chaplain to be set off arrest and get Officer Beepsky off their back. Especially with the addition of the relatively new “suspect” flag, you can easily mark anyone who seems suspicious extremely quickly. The best part, you don’t need to spend a utility credit on it most of the time, as 1-2 usually spawns in sec on every map!

Always try to be somewhat lenient. Give criminals the benefit of the doubt, and don’t go looking for reasons to execute people. You don’t always need to take all of someone’s contraband, and it's generally a good idea to use common sense and decide what to do with it on a case-by-case basis. After all, taking all of a criminal’s contraband by the 10-minute mark doesn’t make for a fun round, for either the antagonist or security.

Finally, ask for help. I made the mistake of trying to learn how to be security myself, and it wasn’t a great experience. So don’t be like me, if you aren’t sure about something, ask around; someone will be glad to help! Boogiebot

  • 2.  What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one):

I rolled detective, and the round was quiet for about the first 20 minutes or so. Suddenly we get an announcement from the Syndicate Battle Cruiser Cairngorm. Instead of announcing a plan to nuke the station, they challenged the Head of Security to a chess match, with the winning side getting their nuke. They invited everyone to the Cairngorm, and someone brought a camera to the cruiser so those who remained on the station could watch it. However, in the middle of the chess match, a few of the nukies slipped away with the bomb and planted it on the station while most of the security team was trapped on the Cairngorm. I looked back to the camera feed of the match, and all I saw was chaos as security and the remaining nukies fought it out. The station then promptly exploded.
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?:

I’ve always wanted to do a good cop/bad cop gimmick. I would take criminals to the interrogation room, and yell at them about being criminal scum, before walking out, changing into another outfit and id, and walking back in and being friendly. Eventually, they would catch on that it's the same guy, and probably get confused, and then I’d let them go.  space bear

[b]Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I've gotten warnings from admins in the past, but no bans I know of.[/b]
Timmy has been secoff in a fair handful of the rounds I've played as secass learning in the past few weeks, and I always feel relieved to see him on the team. I've always been impressed with how he sets a good pace for the round in terms of leniency, and he is always very active on the radio. I think he'd make a great HoS. +10
I have been playing for a long time, Everytime i see Little Timmy as a Security officer. I know the round will have at least one competent sec who tries to make sure everyone is having fun even the Antags. This is the man you want leading Your Security Team. +10
Timmy is always reliable and can be trusted with all duties and responsibilities that are expected from a Secoff/HoS

Ya after observing Timmy a little more closely I have to agree they do know their stuff and and lenient in the right way when dealing with antags. +1 for me
Have seen a lot in radio chat quite actively communicate with people.
from my experience, timmy isnt very Fun when hes playing sec, he kinda just does the job and nothing else. granted he tends to be solo sec against like 20 antags whenever i see him so i guess hes gods strongest warrior. he also tends to execute more often and earlier than most sec does? not by a lot but its something ive noticed a few times and ive seen a few people complain about it. also when hes antag he rarely does any funnies or gimmicks, mostly just kills. one time i thralled him when i was just goofin off and he was tryin to convince me to be more evil and kill more, which kinda gave me a bad feel. we did have a fun adventure tho

hes not like awful or anything, hes definitely an overall benefit to goon 1, but idk if id like to see him as hos as he is now
As a player in classic I have see Little Timmy quite often in Commad - Security role.Even I not play with him often but I still have see the result of having him in round is very active and interacting. And pretty sure skill ful enough to be good security team so HoS role is worth for him.
Timmy is a great officer, however I am not sure they would be a great HoS at this time. Like Snoid said I believe Timmy can be quick to execute sometimes and I don't personally believe they follow their own advice of "don’t go looking for reasons to execute people". I haven't personally seen Timmy lead the team or teach new security but this could be down to most of my interactions with Timmy as sec being when I am HoS.
I've played with Timmy a few times and also observed them a couple weeks ago. In general they're a solid officer; competent, helpful, and also funny. Though I do have some reservations about their ability to not let stressful situations get to their head. In particular, I recall a round on Nadir where they were a traitor trying to do a gimmick and someone kept trying to pick a fight with them. They then started complaining a bunch about validhunters and how this is why whenever they're antag they just murder everyone. Although they weren't sec in this instance, I still wouldn't really want HoS players setting this sort of example.

Overall I'm cautiously supportive of this app.

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