Salevran Marendan- HOS application
Like I have said on other posts. I don't do names super well but Salveran has made an implant in my mind for showing a top notch leader and good team player. I hope one day they will be HoS and show us just what they're made of. +1
I've worked with Salevran a lot, and I've also been up against them a lot. On both sides of the coin, I've had fun. On the security side of things, I want to share a story about a recent round I had with them that I think illustrates some good qualities.

We had a shift where the Captain was rather new, and the only other head of staff - the HoP - was a vampire. They'd caused some trouble and attacked some folks, but when we went to apprehend them, the Captain used their authority to pardon them, despite security's protest. Sal, myself, and another security officer were obviously quite upset about this, as we couldn't go up against the Captain's authority on matters like this despite the very obvious problems the HoP was causing. In situations like this it can be hard to know what to do, but Sal showed conviction in doing their job and kept the team's focus concentrated, and it's morale together by keeping a close tab on the vampire's activities until the captain cryo'd and we could handle the vampire undisturbed. How the captain acted is a different discussion entirely, but I know that in situations like this, it takes confidence and experience with reading the "vibes" of a round in order to take charge and do what you can within your "Lane" - so to speak - until an adequate opportunity for further escalation presents itself. Patience is a virtue that is essential for a HoS to have, and I think situations like this are where that quality is shown. The vampire died in it's struggle to escape detainment - which was unfortunate, since we just wanted them detained for a while for previous crimes - but I walked away from that encounter feeling like the team as a whole benefit from Sal's conviction, and it made an interesting story out of what would otherwise be a rather frustrating circumstance.

The only differences of opinion I can think of when it comes to Salevran's conduct is that on occasion they do tend to opt for execution a little earlier than I typically expect, but that's not something that I feel negatively impacts the round as they've never suggested it when it's not a suitable option. It's merely a difference in our ways to handle people, and every HoS / security officer will have their own approach on this sort of thing.

I'm confident in giving Sal a +1 since they show that they have strong conviction in their decisions, and have displayed a good grasp of gauging morale and "vibes" of the team and round itself.
Salevran's good. Fun to chat with OOC on the discord. If robustness was the only metric for being a HoS, Salevran would pass easily. On the other end of important stuff, Salevran's good at communication and is fun to interact with, whether or not you're on his side.

We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application and the positive response from the community, but the admins have decided to deny it due to some concerns about your behavior on our servers. While you have contributed to many fun rounds and had lots of good interactions as a sec officer, you've been spoken to multiple times about excessively rude/hostile behavior toward other players, and we have some concerns about your escalation to violence on the RP servers. We hope you continue to participate in teaching and leading as a security officer, but we're not comfortable with making you HoS at this time. Please feel free to reapply in the future.

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