Starline's Head of Security/NTSC application !
Usual character name: Starline Serenade
BYOND username: Steiniumeor
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Incoming_Trauma/Star
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Almost exclusively Morty nowadays and Heisenbee rarely

Reason for application:
I always thought there were enough HoSes and security officers around that lil ol me did not really need to apply for HoS, but after playing on lower pop (how is 30-45 even low ?) and even high pop I noticed there are more and more new assistants and officers to the force, some of them are scared to - or just don't wanna - ask for help sad greater domestic space-bee , and on many occasions there is very little to no communication between the members of the team. So after helping some shy new seccies, getting a little too many people out of the brig set with no timer set it's okay, he'll be up again before you know it , rescuing a few officers who somehow got stranded in space after going exploring with no prior notice or radio message and just seeing really stressed out officers going through the shift all angy fat and sassy space-bee or going into cryo, so I thought why not try being that supportive presence ? So here I am applying to bring Starry's silly supportiveness as the Red Hatted Boss (the good red people) trying to keep the team organized and communicating, helping our dear seccies with their troubles and most important in my opinion, making sure everyone is a-okie and alive.... Taking breaks if needed Sleeping bee .

Security experience (300 word minimum):
I've been on station for what ? Almost 3 years ? But only started actively playing as security for a year at most. I tried playing security during my second year on the Heisenbee server but with the lack of communication at that time and thinking security officers was a little too paranoid of a role - we still had pancuronium coated scalpels and sorium then... dark times indeed - did not like it much  sad greater domestic space-bee , but curiousity brought me back some time later. I wanted to see how security interacted with antags, what can be ignored and what can't and generally how our people in red felt and played, so i've been playing more of security since, even more since i switched to the Goon 3.

As a security officer i've always been very communicative, or try to be at least B-33 , and  I ALWAYS try to talk to suspects and known meanies, always keeping "whippin out da baton" as last resort. I don't see the need to beat down or even cuff a cooperating suspect and prefer to let a suspect go than arrest an innocent person - that'd be really awkward -. I like this play style a lot ! Might give a sly meanie a chance to talk their way out or you might end up talking to a syndicate agent who's plan comically backfired, now they just don't feel evil anymore and want to rant about random stuff, you never know, at least i prefer these unknown scenarios or even dying to an antag to finding the person you guys beat up and who's record you just deleted was in fact, innocent. But all that does not mean i will ignore the meanies we have evidence against and let them go free to continue their criming, when it comes to it I can arrest them !

As for my experience with HoSes, thumbs up to all of em queen greater domestic space-bee ! They have the power to instantly boost the team morale and mental fortitude just by joining the shift, I'm sure everyone can relate to breathing a sigh of relief when the " --- has signed up as Head of Security/NTSC" message appears. The HoSes all have their quirks and differences but they are all always ready to help anyone, coordinate the team and punish evil doers . With all that, I still think I may not be the best HoS/NTSC but I will  give it my best and be an example to the everyone in how to not be a stinker.

Answer two or more of the following:
1. What advice would you give to other sec players? Firstly, what everyone says and should keep saying, communicate with your team ! It must not just be about the armory door being blown open or a syndicate stealing the cap's spare ID, it could be about some hacked doors, cut wires, suspicious behaviour and also idle chatter  bee , laughing about something with people on the radio does not only keep the channel active but also tells your team you are ok. It is easier to notice something is wrong when your fellow officer has been silent for 10 minutes than when the channel has been silent for 40 minutes. Secondly, don't be a stinker, going around with your baton in your hand hitting people who mildly annoy you or taking the clown's funny pack for slipping you with a banana. Try de-escalating situations with other methods than violence.   

2. What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) There was one round where a clown was set to arrest 'cause of the annoying announcement and an officer tried forcefully detaining them, 15 minutes later, the clown now has 2 tasers, 2 batons and an officer's PDA with ID because an officer slipped on a peel while buying cigs from a machine, all that without using the sec gear once. The chase ended with the clown's victory after i took them off arrest and politely asked for them to return the gear - minus a now deepfried baton -, which they agreed to for a donut, learning the officer just shot the clown for being set to arrest without warning at the beginning. Also had to keep an eye on the robust clown for the rest of the shift, you know, make sure no salty person tried anything funny. Where was i during all that ? At the bar with a syndicate agent watching it all happen, we called a truce to laugh at security, good times  Boogiebot

Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer. The only thing i really do differently is keeping 2 ampoules on myself, smelling salt one when being a solo officer. I still communicate a lot with the AI and captain in those cases. 

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
1.Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
   I had a really good one in mind
     But just like piss it suddenly vanished
     Why does farting have a cooldown 
     None of it rhymes and i am now sad
     There were also 14 more smilies in this post

2.What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? If i was given control of it i would run all clumsy - yes, all with the trait - clowns sec, just silly guys stopping crime (mostly messing up probably) with peels, attempts at humor, more slips and heroic jumps into the singulo to save.... something.

3. Draw a picture!
     Behold ! My artistic prowess !
[Image: Star.png]
     Much art, very drawing

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None ! But i've been warned a couple of times for my lack of filter when speaking at times, sorry !
I have seen them off and on but almost never have I seen them when I was security. BUT, I have seen them chatting to others and they seem to be super motivated to help instead of just runnin about. I personally have had little security experience with them but having said that, they are from my point of view as just an Antag or Non-antag a really capable leader and a fun person. +1
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to insufficient community response. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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