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Filling cabinet can save paper like ABCU
Idea : Make Filling cabinet can save paper from round to round like ABCU
type : Writing / Furniture 
Brief descripe : Filling cabinet is general furniture that can found in every station in custom and HoP office the goal of it is for stored paperwork.this is very suitable for make it save paper like ABCU for gimmick / RP.
Some people might mention we already have notice board but it quite different.
Notice board is we use for tell people and freely share our document for example in goon1 we have notice board teaching people about how to make Nuclear reactor set up.which is good but not enough because notice board any people can remove/edit it from notice board.which is not we filling cabinet will help in this situation.
you can create many document and save it for many thing.for example chef make a menu of food / HoP make a document form for access request / Scientist/Engineer make a script for dwaine nerd without mess with notice board.
it would be really nice not to need to get the paperwork browser tab out to be honest! I find the forums great RP and this might help new players be able to do some of the fun paper stuff easier! maybe preinstalled with a couple like access and department change

edit: also im sure 99% of you know, but there's a ton of paperwork out there you can use; here's a list of a list here

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