Head of Security application for Laylith Blackwing
Usual character name: Laylith Blackwing
BYOND username: SuperBongoTime
Discord username (if you are on our discord): SuperBongoTime
Recommended by (if applicable): Ranni Stella (Telareti)
Goon servers you play: Roleplay 3 Morty

Reason for application:

 I personally believe that after a many security shifts, and a firm grasp on antagonists and how they roleplay, and after seeing how other Heads of Security roleplay I think that I am able to push rounds ahead in a fun and engaging way for both the security team and the antagonists! Not to mention I am always more than willing and able to assist new members of security in how to perform their jobs in a fun way for both themselves and the antagonists! 

Security experience (300 word minimum): 

Starting security as a wee fledgling assistant that had no idea how to use their hands was a spooky experience and one I won't soon forget. After a lovely officer and HoS (it might have been otto, my memory is very fuzzy I'm so sorry!) gave me a run down + a tour of the security office, showing me how my equipment works, and giving me a detailed briefing on how Secmate works and how to punish appropriately for certain crimes I was set about my day, only to then be eaten in maintenance by a changeling!  Security has always been a wonderous experience if you're looking to engage with the antagonists of the round and it opens up alot of roleplay opportunity's too! 

After a good few shifts as an assistant, and getting the required amount of shifts under my belt I was eventually able to join the Ranks of officer, this role in my opinion holds alot more weight than the assistant! You are one of the primary driving forces of the round in this role, and you have the ability to either ruin, or make someone's round and your equipment must be used carefully to ensure you enable  both parties to have fun! As a security officer my usual routine is, I'll grab my outfit and clone scanned while my co-workers nab their equipment. I'll return to the offices with a cup of coffee in hand and let anyone know if they've forgotten to display their pin pointers and discs upon a table and letting folks know if they've forgotten about any credits. Sometimes I'll even ask engineering for an extra sheet of metal or two so I can build a new table JUST for our discs somewhere! If there's anything I love, it's an organised work space!

After all my morning stuff is done, and I'm happy with my outfit for the shift I'll often nab a Secmate Scanner and go on a little walk about around the station and say hello to folks! Pop around different departments and say hello, ask people how they're doing. Have a bit of a joke around, have a joke around with the clown and generally raise up some good spirits so people know that if there's trouble, I can in fact be approached and asked for help and they're guaranteed to be met with a friendly and helpful response! I also often check in with the boys over the radio with things like "Is everyone doing well? Anyone need help with anything?" And encourage the team to constantly communicate and let each other know what they're doing or investigating! I have also been mindful of fellow officers conduct, including reminding them to not be so harsh on people (eg, blasting the clown with tasers and whacking them to the ground for the [!!] from the silly announcement, or walking about constantly wearing insulated gloves). 

I am always happy to allow antagonists the opportunity to roleplay with me. I'm not the type of person to "See red mask > Shoot guy" and am always looking for ways to engage in unique and interesting ways!  I am a fan of the relaxing shifts with petty crimes, I am a fan of the intrigue shifts with changelings and spies and I'm even a fan of the more "Full Force Forward" shifts with salvagers, gangs and nuclear opps too! 
I'm also consistently looking for ways to sprinkle a bit of humour into the shift too! As Laylith has built up a reputation for being a rather "hot headed" and quick to anger character, I like to retract these mannerisms as much as possible while running a security shift and maintain a level head. That being said, if I am insulted by a villain, I will insult back to build up tension! 

One thing I am also very mindful of is "punishment severity" too. Examples being, if someone has been in security too long for a search and or interrogation, their brig time will be reduced accordingly. I want people back out there, playing the game and having fun! Not stuck in a box after spending 3 or 4 minutes already being told off and lectured about "crime bad". I typically do not take a huge liking to executions unless they have committed something so HORRIFIC that it cannot be forgiven, example being a confirmed mutagenic creature that has amassed a sizable pool of bodies, or a traitor that has indiscriminately bombed multiple departments with little to no build up, resulting in multiple casualties. 

One thing I have enjoyed recently, is joining as the Mime and asking to be transferred into security as an assistant! Playing a security assistant without the ability to speak makes you think on your toes, and you have to be very expressive and emotive to de escalate situations. And I thoroughly believe this should be attempted at least one time by everyone who frequently plays security! It's a very interesting challenge! 

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Remember remember: We're playing a video game, and we're here to have fun! As the driving force of the rounds progression we must ensure that not only are we having fun but so are the villains too! This is very much an ask questions first, shoot later role! And also do not be discouraged by people you arrest insulting you or saying "Power abuse" or what ever! Security can be stressful sometimes so please do take a break! 
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) Alot of very interesting moments honestly! Potentially one of my favourite moments as an officer was finding out a postman was a vampire! This happened when they asked for "DNA verification" and they had a small nibble after asking politely which I let them do. I decided to keep an eye on them and as the shift progressed they fell deeper and deeper into a madness before going on a full blown rampage which I had to put a stop too. We both had a fantastic RP shift and a good laugh about it in ooc after the shift!
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players? I would love to see some sort of "Security status" alert system that officers, HoS or the Captain to change! Instead of the generic bridge "there's a bad guy on the station" button, I'd love to allow officers to set the alert status of the station.. sorta like a startrek style? Yellow / Red alert sorta thing! I think it'd be super cool to have, and really set the atmosphere and tone of the station! 
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I'd love to run a security "Fitness day" on a slow shift! Where everyone gets dressed up in like, sweat pants and a vest and I go over proper health and stamina management for food and drinks! And how to manage stamina properly! I'd have botonny produce some nice fruit and I'd go over a healthy diet sorta thing and how to keep on top of stamina usage! 
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I have indeed received (if memory serves) a single ban for 12 hours in regards to language. This behaviour has since been corrected! 

[Admin Edit: slight correction regarding ban history. There have been two bans for language, one for 30 minutes and one for 24 hours.]
I've had many security rounds with Lay on the team, and I've personally witness many of the behaviour spoken about in the App, Lay is very approachable, often i've seen Lay interacting with many people in a round and checking on how everyone is doing, seeing if they need any help, and teaching people who do, Lay is a reliable security member who can adapt to the flow of the round, whether it's keeping up people's spirits and chatting with everyone, or communicating and working together with the rest of the team to deal with major threats, I feel Lay has a good grasp on keeping the round fun and enjoyable for people while also keeping it fair, not being to harsh on those who have yet to truly cause any issues or play their hand, but giving those who have level headed punishments to match their crimes.

Overall i feel Lay would make a good HoS and be a positive impact on the round! +1
Laylith Blackwing's extensive game knowledge, compassion, and all around team-player attitude make her a terrific candidate for HoS. I am personally surprised to find she is not one already. Laylith is always the person to rise to the occasion and never falter in their morality. She is an excellent team member no matter the role and having her as an HoS would certainly put me at ease. Laylith is someone I would undoubtedly trust to safeguard the station and it's interests.
+1 for being an all-around great person and space game coworker.
I've seen good rp, and calm officer work from Blackwing. I 100% approve.
As someone who had the pleasure of playing with Laylith on multiple occasions, i can only recommend them as well for the HoS position, they're always a blast to be around and they're serious about their Security roles and all other roles they play.
I have played with Laylith a ton, both as a civilian and as an antag, this has given me the experience of seeing how they handle and act as a secoff. For example during a round where i was a captain and got AdMemed to be a traitor, they held true and stuck to being a fair officer and maintained space law despite my absurd demands as a captain. In Short I believe Laylith would make an exceptional HoS. +1
Laylith has great potential, and I think that they would be able to do the job well. They routinely put in great work while playing security, and I'm able to count on them when I need to. I would like to see a little more leadership, however, I have seen a bit more lately, indicating a desire to progress and improve. Either way, there is still time in the cycle left to see leadership. Overall, this is a +1 from me.
Laylith has had been on the team with me multiple times and every time I remember their name due to their extreme dedication to helping. I just recently have seen them and through that short time period they have made it clear they are a good leader and great teacher. +1
Leaylith is cool and levelheaded often in situations where other officers might not be. She takes the role seriously but is also willing to have some fun and play into the bit!
I think she would make a great HOS
Blackwing has been such a fun, knowledgeable, and kind person to be around. +1 from me if that counts!
I have been a security officer several times together with Laylith, and they seems to me both competent at the job and an overall pleasant to person be around. They give out fair punishments taking into account time spent detained overall and they treat antagonists in a way that still lets them have fun if possible. Furthermore I think they communicate well with their fellow security members as well as offering to train new security recruits in case there are any. In my opinion they seem fit for the role of Head of Security, +1.
I read back over these kind comments almost daily. Thank you so much everyone <3
I wanted to give you feedback on your security gameplay, but you never seem to be on officer when I'm around. Usually when I catch you, you're playing one of your borgs. Granted, you may be playing security earlier in the day when I'm busy, but I unfortunately cannot say anything for now.

However, I have noticed a pattern of behavior on Discord that I find extremely concerning. Multiple times, I have seen you call people out after rounds, often in a passive-aggressive, condescending manner. As Head of Security, tearing other people down when they don't do what you want sets a bad precedent, both for your officers and for everyone else in the round. It's also just not a very effective means of convincing people.
A while ago while I was playing a random named character, I took a jumpsuit off a dead body in Medical. This person turned out to be your friend, and you immediately, in front of other people and security watching, started beating me to death and glass tabling me while I was like "Hey, you're actually killing me now." instead of asking, or getting help from the nearby security officers. You did not stop until I was nearly dead, because I had been pulled away by Security.

I'm not really sure I can trust you in a HoS position when you went from 0 to 100 like that in a second.
(10-07-2024, 05:14 PM)Cal Wrote: A while ago while I was playing a random named character, I took a jumpsuit off a dead body in Medical. This person turned out to be your friend, and you immediately, in front of other people and security watching, started beating me to death and glass tabling me while I was like "Hey, you're actually killing me now." instead of asking, or getting help from the nearby security officers. You did not stop until I was nearly dead, because I had been pulled away by Security.

I'm not really sure I can trust you in a HoS position when you went from 0 to 100 like that in a second.

Aye a did fly off the handle a wee bit. Spent the whole shift teaching a newbee the controls and we both where constantly harassed by antags during. I wasny able to keep up wae all the chaos and it led tae that. You have my apologies!

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