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BYOND Username: Angelx3
Character Name: Norah Snow
Currently, security assistants only gets the regular health implant security had before mindshields were implemented, they do not get the mindshield. I personally think that's a bit odd and they should also have mindshields like officers and the HoS, to keep it in parity with the rest of the security personnel.
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BYOND Username: emmettbrown
Character Name: Anthony Rahl/W.I.T.N.E.S.S./Random
I feel like it's fine that they don't have it, even if it's news to me. Like they're MOSTLY doing reception and record keeping, which frankly would be fun to mess with as a traitor with a mindhack. Additionally, like we have the detective who can be an antag from the start, which yes there's only one of them, but their position is pretty strong already. My views may change if I encounter a detective who mindhacked all station's security assistants and linked every murder on the station to his assasination targets (me).
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BYOND Username: Snoid
Character Name: The Snoid, Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game
what are they gonna do, give the captain a ticket?
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BYOND Username: Lord_Earthfire
Character Name: Heron Asimov
They dont have batons or tasers, no need for them to have mindshields.
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BYOND Username: LadyGeartheart
Character Name: Paladin
They're good sleeper hacks. But they're not all powerful. The mindshields where sorta made to stop meta hacking since 90 percent of the time it was always captain or sec.
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BYOND Username: Jan.antilles
Character Name: Marina "Rina" Favero, Fleur DeLaCreme, etc goobers
I think they should still be hackable, because let's be honest, a mindhacked secass is hilarious.
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BYOND Username: meaow589
Character Name: Tanuki Singuloose
Strongly disagree sec assistant itself has only few gear and not even head mind shield for only reason because is they are In security department. And there is many person that when mindhacked the result equal or even better like HoP. So I disagree sorry buddy!
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
I personally don't like mindhack shields in general so Id say no to adding more.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
The reason security and the captain got mindhack shields is because 9/10 , the antagonist took their stuff and went on a rampage.
Or made the captain or security officer go on a rampage.
It became rather dull that every round with a mindhack that antag mctraitorpants go: "I saw someone do this, so let's repeat."
As someone who once mindhacked the HoS back when it could.. all I did was to have him clear the name of a fellow traitor so they can do more crime.
Was more fun that way. We never involved the HoS in any crime. Was a good round.
That said... security assistants do not have the capacity of rampage capabilities as security officers.
They have cuffs, security access and a flash, maybe a shield at best.
All things antagonists can get their hands on without much hassle.
Seriously you are better off mindhacking the detective if anything then the Security Assistants. As now you got Security Access, a gun and some tools like spy stickers and the det-hat as well as the OP Det-net glasses.
So no.. security assistants do NOT need mind shielding. If anything... it makes a fun way of inflitrating security and having a "man on the inside"
Get busted? Ask your security assistant buddy to let you out sneakily or sneak in a knife so you can shank an officer.