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[idea] anomaly make station more hot/cold
Idea for atmosphere/Anomaly
Description : The anomaly that make station pass to heat wave/cold wave and moderate change temperature of station to hotter or colder for 10-15 minute. 
This anomaly directly involve body temperature of player and can cause abit minor dangerous to some player. However this anomaly can lead to many department to creative their idea to deal with it.
For example in cold anomaly chef / bartender can make warm food/drink 
Engineer can get more Heater.Scientist can use toxin lab to make warm gas and spread it.Doctor has medicine to fix body temperature already. Rancher can sell wool/scarf to get more cold resis.genetic can sell the gene.
In hot situation chef,bartender can make iceream , cool drink , doctor/science test can use chem to fix your body temp, engine-sci try to use atmospheric to make. It cooler.
Actually... this doesn't sound like a bad idea. The event should come with an announcement saying something about the temperature control systems malfunctioning.
(05-28-2024, 05:23 AM)Chasu Wrote: Actually... this doesn't sound like a bad idea. The event should come with an announcement saying something about the temperature control systems malfunctioning.

You know the solar flare event?

Make it a comet flying by. A heat comet and a frost comet.
sold "Boiler on the fritz" theme hospital vibes.
(05-28-2024, 05:23 AM)Chasu Wrote: Actually... this doesn't sound like a bad idea. The event should come with an announcement saying something about the temperature control systems malfunctioning.

Yeah it might nothing much but i think it good for RP and some fun game mechanic.that lead do bring some stuff that rarely use like menthol, wool , warm/cold food buff,Heater,HIVAC which normally nobody use it in normally and I think most people never want it but this anomaly make people to want it.

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