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BYOND Username: NcDuve
Character Name: Dr. Puggers
Usual character name: Dr. Puggers
BYOND username: NcDuve
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Dr.Puggers (snufkin2708)
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Morty
Reason for application: Often play in rounds when there's no HoS available. During some shifts we'd have to calm down secoffs who are too keen on dishing out too harsh of sentences to antags we've caught, sometimes those antags being newer players who got caught red handed or were just setting up their gimmicks for the round. As well as spiefs who get their PDA's confiscated early on in the round, which ruins the fun for everyone. I'm well aware that even though extended rounds exist, SS13 rounds with all antags dealt with early on are not really all that fun. Other departments get more stuff to do once the antags actually go through with their plans.
Security experience (300 word minimum): Even though I lately main Detective, I've had most of my playtime in security. I've dealt with most, if not all antags in the game, know the space law, know about showing 'compassion' so to speak- to keep the round running and interesting. I personally believe that I know when to brig for smaller crimes, when to overlook some things if the player is newer. Been on the both sides of the interrogation table, always observed what other officers were doing in different situations.
What advice would you give to other sec players?
Security is not an army of one. Cooperation and communication with not just other security officers, but other crew is key to solving crimes that may occur during a shift.
What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
Having the entire securify force stand up to the captain who attempted to wrongfully demote me. Security went on strike, captain hired a few crewmates as a militia. Either a board member or a lawyer came, lawsuit filed, captain ran. Ended up arresting the captain and HoP taking over.
Security comradery- wins again
What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
Don't really see any changes that might help... Other than the fact that ditching insuls used in crimes makes the job much much harder. However that's not an issue that I've noticed happening alot.
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
During full security teams, I mostly try to get everyone to focus on one crime individually to cover more ground and get through the details quicker. Most security officers that I've noticed tend to go a little easier on crimers when there's many of us.
In contrast, when I'm alone or in a small team, I do tend to get a little more pressing and determined in having control of the situation. Taking suspects to security for talks, asking officers for backup if I suspect an armed individual. In the past I've never minded dying- as detective I'd often save the sechuds for one liners rather than the HUD or vampire protection. However, I do understand the importance of the HoS staying alive and not giving myself up easily.
Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Who is that, wasting my time?
It's a staffie, reporting a crime.
A body was found, in central maints!
I can't see the body... - It is you, I'm afraid...
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Not really a security gimmick per say, when bored, I'd dress up as security and try my best to blend in (all the while, not intervening in the round). Just to see how long security might take to notice. I'd source all gear from the debris field and wear red jumpsuits and enter security when an officer or assitant leave the doors open. In some cases I'd try to get an ID. Ususally I turn myself in or leave my ID out in the open if it's taking a while.
Draw a picture!
You see a terribly drawn bee. (my artistic skills are comparable to the ones of a sentient grain of sand)
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BYOND Username: Lefinch
Character Name: Saxum/Chie/Granny/A billion random AIs
I'm not in a place nor do I have the necessary experience to comment on anyone's HoS application. But I would draw attention to NcDuve's application for review by his security peers and anyone else with insight, if they've not given such in game or in person (if they have, great!) They're a regular in the role at a time security may be less populated and if possible giving them some feedback, critique or positive approval on it can only help drive them at a time we see less general security players.
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BYOND Username: 444explorer
Character Name: Minty
I haven't seen you teach, or lead either. I also would not recommend you as HoS due to frequently getting frustrated at actions others make in a round, especially when it comes to lies/deceptions - It's a social deduction game, and it happens! I've witnessed this behaviour with you when it comes to actions other player have made, and once with myself as well. Going on about how you knew you were right, and that I fucked up. It feels off and puts a bit of a downer on the mood.
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BYOND Username: Munakoiso
Character Name: Jean-Pug Bernard
I’ve often played on rounds with Dr. Puggers playing detective, while I’ve been a secoff. So consider this as feedback from a teammate! Perhaps a few times they were a secoff too, but I cannot remember well.
To start, I personally don’t remember ever witnessing Puggers engage in super shitty behaviour. And I have seen officers sometimes be shitty, such as trying to execute a clown/staffie for minor greytiding or something like that. But never Puggers, not once.
On the contrary, I feel that they are a good team player, and generally pleasant to play with. They coordinate and communicate leads and evidence, such as fingerprints to watch out for, and also respond to similar information. I remember them helping carry out arrests or arresting suspects on their own when we have collected enough evidence.
I will caveat this that I cannot comment one way or other how the experience from an antag’s perspective is when playing with Puggers.
While I of course cannot say for sure, and it's not my decision to make, I personally believe that approving Puggers' application would more likely make Sec and the server better than worse.
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BYOND Username: NcDuve
Character Name: Dr. Puggers
(05-25-2024, 05:05 PM)444explorer Wrote: I haven't seen you teach, or lead either. I also would not recommend you as HoS due to frequently getting frustrated at actions others make in a round, especially when it comes to lies/deceptions - It's a social deduction game, and it happens! I've witnessed this behaviour with you when it comes to actions other player have made, and once with myself as well. Going on about how you knew you were right, and that I fucked up. It feels off and puts a bit of a downer on the mood.
Oh, yeah. That round was interesting. I wouldn't put it as in I was right and you fucked up, I just thought it was funny. If I was really against you hiring the clown I would've been more persistent. It was a fun round, of course I'll mention it in post game chat and discord. How else would the rest of the people know what happened :p.
I just like comparing on how many antags I got right, even the ones I 'validhunted' but never went against because no evidence and such.
Teach and lead, I've mostly played detective lately on morty and there'd mostly be someone else as a security officer, and it don't make much sense for a detective to lead security.
Lately I've been more active on sylvester.
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Character Name: Tank Transfer
I'm not a security player so I can't speak to the sec specific elements of what would or wouldn't be a good HoS, but I've noticed ooc salt/complaining from puggers in the discord postround and during rounds themselves directed at other players which I've seen listed by a lot of people as a reason to -1 so it feels worth mentioning
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BYOND Username: Avanth
Character Name: Sally MacCaa, Whicc Thiggleton XXII
Two main things come to my mind. First and foremost, I haven't seen much in the way of either leading, or training from Puggers. Secondly, I have come to notice a bit of visible frustration at times coming from Puggers during a round, and.. impatience when it comes to getting a response from people whom might be busy with something small that's come up, or in the middle of an interrogation, or.. right in the middle of a tense situation. The potential is there, but currently I think they could use a bit more time.
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BYOND Username: NcDuve
Character Name: Dr. Puggers
I wouldn't really call it salt. Post game ooc is just me telling my side of the round, I'd call it salt if I were to carry the grudge over to the next one. I would agree with frustration but I've never poured my anger on anyone. Lately there has been a big spike in the player count so I do tend to be a little harsher to bring suspects into mainsec because for example: I had a bostanist resist arrest when there were 5 botanists in hydropoinics. It was a needle in a haystack, and the botanist doesn't have to worry about flashing an innocent person.
More often is the 'stay in your lane'. I don't really like non-security players joining in on the fight and shuffling us around while we're handling an antag. It takes one misclick for me to stunbaton a fellow officer.
When it comes to me leading and teaching; I assure you, I've done both. However, since most of the time security is pretty full and I had mained detective in a while, it would take me 6-7 minutes to get equipped (I take all detective gear and head to the clothing booth) as I spawn in the detective's office. Most of those times, by the time I reach mainsec, new players are already being taught, and it doesn't make much sense command chain wise that a detective trains new officers.
I do understand that there's room for improvement, I've only been here a little over two months or so; Still getting used to some of the rules, some rules that I was not aware of. If I were to become a HoS, I assure you, I would behave as one should.
The main reason for me applying is specifically this spike in new players and the need of a HoS present to ensure that even the new antags get fair treatment.
I do hope that (in my opinion and honest thought) I know when and how to appropriately punish arrested individuals.
Most of my ingame 'salt' would be, so to say IC for the given situation. I sigh often on small crimes and let them unpunished. I do often comment that 'I hate today' and such, but that's mostly IC stuff because the day's been ruff.
As Sally mentioned, me being impatient; The rounds get hectic. Lately I've been handling 3-4 cases at once, getting calls and emergencies, so I would often try to hastly get a report done, question them and try to move on. Because I genuinely hate looing crew when I play sec.
On an unrelated note, I've been an admin in the past on some games. I've been in 'positions of power' so to say; I'm not the one to abuse it, and know how to behave in such positions.
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BYOND Username: Lefinch
Character Name: Saxum/Chie/Granny/A billion random AIs
This is just me, I'm just a random player so feel free to throw this all out with the bathwater.
As you know, the HoS position carries a lot of ability to "steer" a round. They can be the sole force that helps unify a security team, and often from an antag perspective are greatly appreciated for "mediating" the security response so in a round me, the poor pleb vampire or ling has a chance to make some drama and put on a show before being tenderised. I think you recognise this and it's reflected by your wish to apply for the role in earnest to "help out" and I personally think that's a great attitude and why I spoke up earlier.
There's a lot of responsibility as HoS as you'd agree. One thing you might notice from your recent post is that you yourself have said you're relatively new, and you are mostly relying on "assuring" that you can handle that responsibility. I am personally assured, but if you look at a lot of approved HoS applications one theme that tends to trend is that the ones that get a lot of positive support all have a consistent history of training, seen behaviour, and leadership aspects. They've personally had the chance to see the player do it, rather than the player assuring them they can. If you're struggling as detective to get stuck in with displaying that, why not shift things around while we have this huge player bump and lots of new faces? Or if it's one of those quieter sylvester weekday rounds, why not take up the secoff role and do some little training events with other staff? Those kinds of rounds can stick in people's memories as well as frankly help us be a bit more robust. I know I'd enjoy it for one.
While I've no doubt you've been an admin elsewhere, the sad fact is for me is that I used to work for a MUD and did the whole admin shtick a decade back and unfortunately I definitely couldn't be a HoS. It's a cool thing and no doubt you picked up some experience and skills that would be great to apply in helping make things fun here for players, but people have to make their judgement and offer critique and feedback based entirely on what they know of you from your experience here.
I have a problem with getting a string of rounds where I feel I've put in effort and it's been cut short or completely ignored by higher tempo antags. The only reason I bring it up now is that players observe that "salt" and however justified and jaded I feel at the time fellow players pick up on it. I've been very lucky that some of them have spent some time talking through it with me. They've given feedback or explanations in a polite and often useful way due to the community just being "like that" but while I may have felt my "Salt" wasn't "Salt" at the time (or sometimes I've self-acknowledged it) that impression remains and it can bring a damper, even when I'm just some random player in a round. This paragraph essentially exists to say: I've been there, and I get it and your explanation, but found it helpful to take the feedback as given for my benefit and to help the player experience as whole.
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BYOND Username: Glamurio
Character Name: Amy Ward, Silas Moore, Emily Larson
I was holding off on my post because I was wanting another proper round where I could see Puggers in action as an officer, as they mostly mained detective. I think Puggers is a good officer that might simply still be a bit green. They're ambitious and determined, they also have a good grasp of fundamentals and I actually have seen them train new recruits just the other shift, but I do think they lack a bit in terms of communication. This isn't entirely their fault, however. What probably plays to the detriment of any officers right now is that the game, as of late, has been really hectic and busy on Goon 3, this makes it abnormally difficult to both stand out and actually get a good grasp of what you should be doing and not losing sight of what's going on. As a result of that, unfortunately, I actually almost think your application is simply made at the wrong point in time. As you are both still relatively new, and as the game has a record-high amount of players since the last year, I can't really faithfully make a call whether or not you should be made HoS at the present moment. I'd give it a few more months, both for you gain more experience and for the servers to quiet down again.
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BYOND Username: NcDuve
Character Name: Dr. Puggers
(05-28-2024, 01:25 AM)Glamurio Wrote: I was holding off on my post because I was wanting another proper round where I could see Puggers in action as an officer, as they mostly mained detective. I think Puggers is a good officer that might simply still be a bit green. They're ambitious and determined, they also have a good grasp of fundamentals and I actually have seen them train new recruits just the other shift, but I do think they lack a bit in terms of communication. This isn't entirely their fault, however. What probably plays to the detriment of any officers right now is that the game, as of late, has been really hectic and busy on Goon 3, this makes it abnormally difficult to both stand out and actually get a good grasp of what you should be doing and not losing sight of what's going on. As a result of that, unfortunately, I actually almost think your application is simply made at the wrong point in time. As you are both still relatively new, and as the game has a record-high amount of players since the last year, I can't really faithfully make a call whether or not you should be made HoS at the present moment. I'd give it a few more months, both for you gain more experience and for the servers to quiet down again.
Yeah, I would agree with that. Poor communication lately would be with me spending time with new officers and since I like everything neatly organized and written down, I spend alot of time writing on clipboards and such. Mainly to keep a track of cases and actually sentence people for what they did, don't want to put someone elses crime on them in case of miscommunication.
My HoS application is mostly because of this new spike in players. Many times a new player rolls antag and gets captured, some of the officers, both new and old- tend to go a bit too harsh on the punishments, want to do searches when it's unnecessary and taking away spief PDA's.
In rounds when there's no HoS, I'd try to get them not to do that, but with not much authority it really ends up on them how they'll act.
I try to use LOOC to explain things like validhunting and giving antags a chance to escalate and get their plans in action.
I agree that I am a relatively newer player and I've spent alot of time staying away from security roles because they were a little intimidating at first, that's why I like showing new sec players the fun in playing sec. My main reason as I said, is to make sure the punishments given out are not too harsh.
And I really want to pet sylvester more often :p
As for another who mentioned me having little patience with talking to people, it's mainly because of the high pop. It is a little meta from me knowing that there are more antags than usual and I try to do as best I can as an officer. Too much crime, too little time. That's why I try to breeze through as many cases as I can and try to get as many details as possible. It is very easy for antags to simply run away in such crowded stations and if they're not marked for arrest, it's easy to loose them in a crowd. And I do take it a little to heart when I see a fellow crewmember dead and unreviveable.
Also a thing worth noting, my responses to everyone's feedback isn't me defending my actions, more of 'giving some context'. I do agree with all of them and honestly appreciate them. When I was just starting out security I'd often verify with others if what I'm doing is right and correct/lawful. Even today, I try my best to juggle between proving myself as capable for the HoS position and still roleplaying the chain of command i.e. I never do exiles and executions without asking the HoS (or the captain if HoS' unavailable) to get approval.
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BYOND Username: Jan.antilles
Character Name: Marina "Rina" Favero, Fleur DeLaCreme, etc goobers
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to mixed community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 9/18/24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!