Usual character name: Rupert Hanson
BYOND username: Rukert
Discord username (if you are on our discord): caszmonez
Recommended by (if applicable): Zhail
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 3
Reason for application: To be able to a clear and reliable source of information for secasses, and secoffs on how security works. It's easier as a Head Of Security to be a clear leader in a round and help keep everyone engaged while also having fun.
I also would love to see how antagonists can react to certain restrictions put onto them and seeing how creative they can get on RP, an HOS is always a clear challenge for them and always have loved to see them creatively work around it.
Security experience (300 word minimum) started playing on Goonstation around September 2022 and really enjoyed it. I realized then when I was playing antagonist my biggest opponent in the round was usually Security so I wanted to do some rounds as Sec to understand them but then I fell in love with the job. At first, I didn't really understand what to do and didn't take security as seriously as I should have at first until I realized that you have to work together as a team to fully understand what's going on. Over time as a Secoff I realized that I could be more lenient towards antagonists with a fun gimmick vs a mass murderer. One of the things I didn't understand though before I took my break was that your actions can be a detriment to your team and sometimes you have to get serious, take the mantle and help your team. I took a break for a little bit and when I got back I decided I'd try being more serious in general and that worked wonders for me! Through being active more on comms, taking the initiative to help lead your team and teach others who aren't as experienced it helped my security rounds being a lot more fun for me. I also started to how to use all the equipment security has to offer so I could help people understand it more! I feel way more confident now in leading and taking the initiative in rounds to help out my team.
Answer two or more of the following:
What I said here on my last application still is relevant so I'll rephrase it here
Communication Is Key!
The radio headset on your head which always seems to keep buzzing, is one of the most important tools in your gear, especially for evil people who want to listen in on you.
Always communicate if you find something of note on the radio. For example, where a wanted suspect is or if some crazed scientist is stealing Stir Stir in the brig with a teleporter. Don’t give out headsets willingly to people who ask, they are one of your only ways to keep a strong security team, and if your comms are compromised remember to use your PDAS instead. PDAs are slower to use but can help immensely from a threat staying a step ahead of you, and more secure since harder to come by.
Make Rulings and Punishments Fair and Quick
This piece of advice is very important, common sense is a good way to determine what punishments are fit for certain people, for quick punishments which let the crimers who learned their lesson… or not go back to their plans. One important thing I want to touch on is interrogating people, don’t interrogate for longer than 5 minutes usually unless the interrogatee ask specifically for a longer session because If you can’t get an answer within that time, it’s usually not going to come to light until later. I’ve seen some people getting interrogated for sometimes longer than 40 minutes which can ruin the interrogatee’s round taking it up by talking in a musky room.
Adding on, leniency is important for punishments. Creative Antagonists really can make a round memorable if you let them get some steam. If you caught an antagonist really early in the round before they had chance to pick up some steam, consider releasing them earlier than what the punishment recommended so. (If they weren't completely destructive)
Executions shouldn’t be handed out usually at all, but if they are required, they should be reasonably justified, extreme cases. Execution puts an end to an antagonist's round usually for good and when you think about execution try to use some empathy when deciding if executions are right to do. If you are planning out an execution, remember to do these things first: Ask the highest in command for permission to execute, justify the execution, and if possible, make it interesting and fun for the antagonist.
Respect Fellow Officers and Crew
It’s important to keep civil, especially when rounds can get stressful, and people can make mistakes it is important to stay civil. Keeping respect with the crew can keep you from being toolboxed in the maintenance tunnels, or somebody stopping to save you when you need help the most. Mostly staying civil and kind with the crew instead of being jerks is just a commonly respectful thing to do on the job. More so, try to be kind to other officers too, there are your only trustworthy co-workers on the ship, and are the main way security is able to keep from stop falling apart, and is just respectful since they're real people too.
Keeping gear organized can help in pretty much any situation, especially life or death. Like keeping your pinpointer and data disk labeled and together, which always helps when your dead body is completely destroyed, or checking your baton charge to see if you are able to go out on arrests. Keep track always because if you are caught with your pants down accidentally, you are probably screwed. Oh yeah and also, DON’T HOLD SECURITY GEAR IN YOUR HANDS UNTIL YOU NEED IT, DOOFUS! This is essential, especially when It comes to clowns lubing, bananas, and other things of the sort if not, your baton will be stolen and used against you without remorse.
Try taking leadership once and awhile!
You might ask what I mean by leadership? Isn’t the Captain or the Head of Security the “Leaders” of the department? Yes and no, while it is necessary to ask both of them for permissions for certain actions, you yourself can lead the team in the right direction ALWAYS. EVERY security team works better with some leader of some kind, as a security assistant, Security officer, and even the Head of Security themselves. Sometimes when threats pile up everyone in security can be overwhelmed with things to do and forget what was heard over radio. Take charge and communicate to your team what needs to be solved! Write threats down on a piece of paper to keep track, assign other teammates to certain issues need handling including yourself. The Head of Security is not necessarily needed for leadership at all, just imagine them as a super experienced Security Officer who is somebody who you can always rely on for info. Also, another thing to add: If your other teammates are taking charge of situations, you can always ask them if you want to step up for a little bit and polish your leadership! The Head of Security’s will always appreciate somebody asking so always be free to ask them! One last on, if you know enough about security feel to ask security assistants if they need help being shown the basics! It always helps the team when somebody steps up to show them the ropes!
[*]Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
One of the main differences in playstyle between being a single police officer over a whole team is what you have to listen over the radio for, usually on a team you listen for callouts from your teammates and make callouts on what you're doing to keep your team up to date. While being a single security officer though you have to more or less pay attention to your surroundings and what the crew is saying, sleuthing around and tackling what you can to keep up. Crisis calls are always a priority even if you're by yourself or not but you have to especially be aware while by yourself as you're the only person in security people can rely on at the moment.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Everyone runs around like their tripping out on lean
Syndicate Operatives Run around in Katanas in hand
Slicing peoples asses in half
Open the armory and cry in distraught
As the Nuclear charge has been Ramsacked
![[Image: Rupert-Crime-Hanson.png]](
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
Previously Banned due to bombing the shuttle.
This is a video me, Zhail, And PHLiao made for fun:
BYOND username: Rukert
Discord username (if you are on our discord): caszmonez
Recommended by (if applicable): Zhail
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 3
Reason for application: To be able to a clear and reliable source of information for secasses, and secoffs on how security works. It's easier as a Head Of Security to be a clear leader in a round and help keep everyone engaged while also having fun.
I also would love to see how antagonists can react to certain restrictions put onto them and seeing how creative they can get on RP, an HOS is always a clear challenge for them and always have loved to see them creatively work around it.
Security experience (300 word minimum) started playing on Goonstation around September 2022 and really enjoyed it. I realized then when I was playing antagonist my biggest opponent in the round was usually Security so I wanted to do some rounds as Sec to understand them but then I fell in love with the job. At first, I didn't really understand what to do and didn't take security as seriously as I should have at first until I realized that you have to work together as a team to fully understand what's going on. Over time as a Secoff I realized that I could be more lenient towards antagonists with a fun gimmick vs a mass murderer. One of the things I didn't understand though before I took my break was that your actions can be a detriment to your team and sometimes you have to get serious, take the mantle and help your team. I took a break for a little bit and when I got back I decided I'd try being more serious in general and that worked wonders for me! Through being active more on comms, taking the initiative to help lead your team and teach others who aren't as experienced it helped my security rounds being a lot more fun for me. I also started to how to use all the equipment security has to offer so I could help people understand it more! I feel way more confident now in leading and taking the initiative in rounds to help out my team.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
What I said here on my last application still is relevant so I'll rephrase it here
Communication Is Key!
The radio headset on your head which always seems to keep buzzing, is one of the most important tools in your gear, especially for evil people who want to listen in on you.
Always communicate if you find something of note on the radio. For example, where a wanted suspect is or if some crazed scientist is stealing Stir Stir in the brig with a teleporter. Don’t give out headsets willingly to people who ask, they are one of your only ways to keep a strong security team, and if your comms are compromised remember to use your PDAS instead. PDAs are slower to use but can help immensely from a threat staying a step ahead of you, and more secure since harder to come by.
Make Rulings and Punishments Fair and Quick
This piece of advice is very important, common sense is a good way to determine what punishments are fit for certain people, for quick punishments which let the crimers who learned their lesson… or not go back to their plans. One important thing I want to touch on is interrogating people, don’t interrogate for longer than 5 minutes usually unless the interrogatee ask specifically for a longer session because If you can’t get an answer within that time, it’s usually not going to come to light until later. I’ve seen some people getting interrogated for sometimes longer than 40 minutes which can ruin the interrogatee’s round taking it up by talking in a musky room.
Adding on, leniency is important for punishments. Creative Antagonists really can make a round memorable if you let them get some steam. If you caught an antagonist really early in the round before they had chance to pick up some steam, consider releasing them earlier than what the punishment recommended so. (If they weren't completely destructive)
Executions shouldn’t be handed out usually at all, but if they are required, they should be reasonably justified, extreme cases. Execution puts an end to an antagonist's round usually for good and when you think about execution try to use some empathy when deciding if executions are right to do. If you are planning out an execution, remember to do these things first: Ask the highest in command for permission to execute, justify the execution, and if possible, make it interesting and fun for the antagonist.
Respect Fellow Officers and Crew
It’s important to keep civil, especially when rounds can get stressful, and people can make mistakes it is important to stay civil. Keeping respect with the crew can keep you from being toolboxed in the maintenance tunnels, or somebody stopping to save you when you need help the most. Mostly staying civil and kind with the crew instead of being jerks is just a commonly respectful thing to do on the job. More so, try to be kind to other officers too, there are your only trustworthy co-workers on the ship, and are the main way security is able to keep from stop falling apart, and is just respectful since they're real people too.
Keeping gear organized can help in pretty much any situation, especially life or death. Like keeping your pinpointer and data disk labeled and together, which always helps when your dead body is completely destroyed, or checking your baton charge to see if you are able to go out on arrests. Keep track always because if you are caught with your pants down accidentally, you are probably screwed. Oh yeah and also, DON’T HOLD SECURITY GEAR IN YOUR HANDS UNTIL YOU NEED IT, DOOFUS! This is essential, especially when It comes to clowns lubing, bananas, and other things of the sort if not, your baton will be stolen and used against you without remorse.
Try taking leadership once and awhile!
You might ask what I mean by leadership? Isn’t the Captain or the Head of Security the “Leaders” of the department? Yes and no, while it is necessary to ask both of them for permissions for certain actions, you yourself can lead the team in the right direction ALWAYS. EVERY security team works better with some leader of some kind, as a security assistant, Security officer, and even the Head of Security themselves. Sometimes when threats pile up everyone in security can be overwhelmed with things to do and forget what was heard over radio. Take charge and communicate to your team what needs to be solved! Write threats down on a piece of paper to keep track, assign other teammates to certain issues need handling including yourself. The Head of Security is not necessarily needed for leadership at all, just imagine them as a super experienced Security Officer who is somebody who you can always rely on for info. Also, another thing to add: If your other teammates are taking charge of situations, you can always ask them if you want to step up for a little bit and polish your leadership! The Head of Security’s will always appreciate somebody asking so always be free to ask them! One last on, if you know enough about security feel to ask security assistants if they need help being shown the basics! It always helps the team when somebody steps up to show them the ropes!
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
[*]Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
One of the main differences in playstyle between being a single police officer over a whole team is what you have to listen over the radio for, usually on a team you listen for callouts from your teammates and make callouts on what you're doing to keep your team up to date. While being a single security officer though you have to more or less pay attention to your surroundings and what the crew is saying, sleuthing around and tackling what you can to keep up. Crisis calls are always a priority even if you're by yourself or not but you have to especially be aware while by yourself as you're the only person in security people can rely on at the moment.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Everyone runs around like their tripping out on lean
Syndicate Operatives Run around in Katanas in hand
Slicing peoples asses in half
Open the armory and cry in distraught
As the Nuclear charge has been Ramsacked
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
- Draw a picture
![[Image: Rupert-Crime-Hanson.png]](
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
Previously Banned due to bombing the shuttle.
This is a video me, Zhail, And PHLiao made for fun: