Rolled scientist traitor and decided that there was only one thing to do with my god-given powers to crime!
Eyes glowing bright with purpose and malice I instantly set about preparing my weapon of choice, travelling the wreckage field from east to west. Finally I stand huddled in my lab, the evil concoction nearly completed. I let a fiendish, searing heat wash over it as I lay the finishing touches and...
Quote:A sweet and sugary scent drifts from the unpleasant milky substance.
Today I have decided I shall be... Leif Badstrand - professional heartbreaker!
Of course, a heartbreaker may very well settle for destroying someone from the shadows, waiting patiently until the opportunity arises. However as said before I am a
professional, as such, my victims and soon-to-be victims (commonly referred to as "bystanders") must know what happened to them, and who did it. Anything short of an emagged hypospray is clearly out of the question!
The problem with this approach in a crowded area is that everyone, their dog and their dog's parents are carrying some form of stun weaponry, and with a weapon such as mine, even the tiniest push can be fatal. Emag and stimulants it is, then!
Of course, stimulants do not last forever, so I decided to use yet another trick in order to empower myself for the upcoming battle:
Quote:The solution shows signs of life, forming shapes!
This mysterious reagent will no doubt provide me with quite a boost to the longevity of my stimulants. Armed with these chemical weapons of unheard potential I set course for the station, where the shuttle is already en route thanks to a patch of
unusually fat air. My first objective is to obtain a hypospray, which is an easy task, given my all access cryptographic sequencer. A couple of blasted doors later and I find myself with my prize, not one, but two hyposprays.
This is it. It's go-time, the result of a very long time of meticulous research. It is almost with a touch of trepidation I prepare the hyposprays and load them with my poison.
Quote:Hypospray safeties disabled.
Hypospray safeties disabled.
You transfer 10 units of the solution to Hypospray (initropidril).
You transfer 10 units of the solution to Hypospray (initropidril).
You transfer 10 units of the solution to Hypospray (initropidril).
You transfer 10 units of the solution to Hypospray (initropidril).
You transfer 10 units of the solution to Hypospray (initropidril).
You transfer 10 units of the solution to Hypospray (initropidril).
The shuttle is now only a meagre two minutes away from the station, and I quickly inject my stimulants, followed by swallowing my enhancement pill and set upon the medbay lobby looking for my first target.
He appears in a robuddy costume; the RD himself greeting me casually, but I am in a ferocious amount of hurry, I will not have the shuttle depart without the fools aboard knowing true fear and agony as their own bodies betray them, the very thing keeping them alive stopping mid-stride, knowing nothing but a burning pain and awe.
I shove past him, holding the hypo out and dosing him up without so much as breaking pace. The scene falls silent for a second as the hypospray's built-in speaker announces what transpired...
Quote:Leif Badstrand injects Bertil Benrangel with 5 units of initropidril.
Silence falls for a moment. He stares at me in disbelief. I pause a few paces behind him and turn around, looking to see his reaction. He stumbles a bit and stares at me.
"No." he says, "You fucker".
He takes off towards research, going as fast as he can. He does not make it past the airbridge dock before collapsing in a heap, dead.
At this point a combination of urgency and adrenaline overtakes me, and I do not recall much between the RD collapsing and my eventual arrival at the shuttle. I do remember the firelocks being down and I lacked a crowbar to bypass them, so I took a detour through genetics, injecting an engineer seeking medical assistance and a moonlighting quartermaster questing for superpowers. I do not know their reactions, I did not stay, but I do know their fates and they were grim indeed.
I used my emag to blast open the doors through genetics maintenance to the escape wing, injecting yet another hapless crewmember on my way. During the brief reprieve before I open the final doors into the escape wing I pause to reload my hypospray. 20 units. Four lives.
The opening fanfare of my rampage is swift, dramatic and merciless. I find myself standing in the middle of several people all hoping to board the shuttle, leaving the hellhole we call our workplace. In what can best be described as a murderous pirouette I spin around in the middle of them all, hypospray held out, coming into contact with each of them in turn, before anyone understands what is going on.
Quote:The Emergency Shuttle has docked with the station! You have 3 minutes to board the Emergency Shuttle.
Leif Badstrand injects Isaac Kirkhope with 5 units of initropidril.
You inject 5 units of initropidril. The hypospray now contains 25 units.
Leif Badstrand injects Declan Seed with 5 units of initropidril.
You inject 5 units of initropidril. The hypospray now contains 20 units.
Leif Badstrand injects Richard Grabber with 5 units of initropidril.
You inject 5 units of initropidril. The hypospray now contains 15 units.
Richard Grabber shivers.
Leif Badstrand injects James Johnson with 5 units of initropidril.
You inject 5 units of initropidril. The hypospray now contains 10 units.
James Johnson gasps.
Leif Badstrand injects Mauricio Buzzard with 5 units of initropidril.
You inject 5 units of initropidril. The hypospray now contains 5 units.
James Johnson gasps.
Declan Seed screams!
Captain Sensible says, "wow"
Captain Sensible says, "bad"
Declan Seed collapses!
James Johnson gasps.
Richard Grabber gasps.
James Johnson gasps.
Richard Grabber gasps.
Richard Grabber shudders.
I step onto the shuttle, hopped up on stimulants, hypospray in hand to come face to face with a stunned crew. I let them know by injecting the last 5u into the nearest staff assistant.
At this point Captain Sensible who previously made a declaration of badness decides to be contrary to his name and he charges me, successfully knocking the empty hypospray out of my hand. At this point something unexpected, but not unwelcome, happens. An explosion goes off in the shuttle, knocking everyone except me off their feet and taking my arm clean off.
I didn't even feel a thing. Those stimulants are strong stuff.
Somehow, this did not discourage Captain Sensible or Oddball Owen, who return into hypospray range, just as I fish out the secondary hypo from my pocket and give Owen a dose, just before he starts hitting me with a police baton, the fool. Captain Sensible disarms me again, however Oddball places himself firmly on top of it, preventing our good Captain from acquiring the one weapon that could have ended this. Shrugging off the savage blows from the baton, I retrieve the hypo from under Owen and manage to at last inject Captain Sensible, and inject Owen again for good measure.
A bright light washes over the shuttle as Captain Sensible suffers immediate cardiac arrest and is consumed by his fancy, dark headwear. For a split second I look at the scene I'm in. My clothes are bloodied from the beating I received earlier at the hands of Oddball Owen, now a gasping soon-to-be corpse, rest his soul, the entire shuttle is a mess from the explosion and littered with the corpses of the members of crew I managed to inject.
Alas no rest for the wicked, and I hear Chef Buttes' familiar voice echo outside: "CRIME DOESN'T PAY!"
He's clearly never worked for the syndicate.
With him is his trusty companion and friend, the Riot Shotgun, always at his side, this time pointed at me. He couldn't have known he was dealing with a man whose arm got blown off without him even flinching. I don't bother with fancy ducking and weaving. I take the only two shots he managed to get off with just the knockback to show for it. Before he can fire again I inject him with a dose of liquid death and back away, letting him aboard the shuttle that would be his final resting place.
The Head of Security would be the last person injected before we departed for centcom in our shuttle of ghosts, the dead and the dying.
Quote:Leif Badstrand (played by Herr_Spy_Guy) was a traitor!
Objective #1: Assassinate Slugs Mckenzie, the Chef. Success
Objective #2: Escape on the shuttle alive. Success
The traitor was successful!
In short. Initropidril fucking owns, holy shit.