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The Booze-O-Mat in the Bar should serve Curacao
Currently If I want a blue lagoon, the bartender has to go to QM and order a whole Resupply Crate just to get one bottle of Curacao.

I propose for the Curacao to just be sold in the Booze-O-Mat like the other drinks it has like White Wine (Another drink that can't be found in the dispenser, but can be found in the Booze-O-Mat).
I'd definitely be up for this. Walking to cargo to grab an extra crate of liquor, of which you're only going to use one bottle, doesn't really add anything interaction wise beyond one more order for cargo. Plus you have donut 2 and donut 3 which just kinda start you out with a bottle.
Sounds like a good idea to me, don't see any reason not to have a few bottles there.
PR up.
Good idea
And PR merged. The Booze-O-Mat now has 4 bottles of curacao in it at roundstart.
Good Change

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