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Banana on a Stick
I spent maybe an hour trying to find a way to use monkeys, mutants, lizard tails, and animals on a hampter wheel to see if there was a sustainable way to generate power with the wheels without players.

The AI for that round made a comment about carrots on a stick and I realized that combining a banana on a fishing rod and putting on a monkey's back to make them run would be funny in general but also good for hamster wheel power.

Combined with the effort of setting up a wheel with rails and getting a monkey with a rod on it for the power generated doesn't seem terribly broken, I feel this would be a very good addition to the game.
This is perfect. Literally having a way to have a monkey NPC auto-walk forward is so niche and funny that it deserves to exist on that merit alone.
Sounds incredibly fun, though it‘d be cool to have a random chance for the banana to fall off the rod, just for balance. Alternatively, monkeys could be coded to run straight to any banana within their FOV, with a chance for them to fall out of the hamsterwheel or something
Funniest classic joke ever. Monkey powered engines!
Sound great! I hope they had it!
I like it!
Sorry, I should mention, I'm like 90% done coding this, I'm just stuck on making monkeys actually run in the treadmill. Just want to throw that in here lest anyone codes it from scratch, feel free to reach out to me (on Discord or otherwise) if you want to help me hit the finish line, otherwise I'll get it done *eventually*.
I lub lub you
Come pare with cost and effort I think it good idea

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