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Implanter Action Bar+Time
Title. I think that with something like a 3 second obvious action display to those around you when using an implanter could definitely solve this whole debacle of giving anyone with an ounce of power a mindshield. It always seemed weird to me that implanters were immediate anyway.
You know, I wasn't entirely for the captain getting a mindshield in the first place, honestly. Granted, it's really easy to just gun for the captain with an implant and have instant AA and AI rogueing. Implants being instant has been a major blessing in my antag rounds and may be a big "nerf" to the items. Maybe the 30 minute mindhacks could remain instant?
Firstly, i don't think anyone outside of security need a mindshield. There is little to no reason anyone outside of security should be trusted and you could just point-blank someone instead of mindhacking them. A deringer cost less and has an almost compareable time-to-get-loot.

A mindhack, in this sense, is simply an overcosted convenience-buy.

Secondly, This makes the method of just getting an ally far harder for little to no reason. The loot is not the power of the mindhack. The power is simply having someone else you are working with. Forsaking that because some jobs have better loot just makes no sense.

So, differently speaking, an action bar would be tenfold worse than just giving out more mindshields. And giving out mindshields beyond security doesn't make much sense in the first place if you can kill them quickly for less TC.
I think mindhack implanters should remain instant, they'd lose a lot of their versatility otherwise. I'd be fine with all the other implanters having actionbars though. Maybe we should add a special red-black syndie implanter?

Edit: As a RP main I forgot about the Rev gamemode and how fast people have to be given loyalty implants. Considering that, I'd be against this idea.
Eh, no.

We have revolution game mode on classic. Making implanting people slower means implanting loyalty implant slower. You have to fight a horde of people as sec/commands in rev round, there are like a limited ammount of implanter gun. Making implants slower means nerfing the loyalty implants and loyalty implants change the outcome of rev round.

I think there should be another solution to make "mindhack harder" but not this.

Or, maybe like loyalty implant, it should take a bit more time for the implant to set?
(03-28-2024, 12:21 PM)Chasu Wrote: I think mindhack implanters should remain instant, they'd lose a lot of their versatility otherwise. I'd be fine with all the other implanters having actionbars though. Maybe we should add a special red-black syndie implanter?

honestly, i think the opposite is true. mindhacks are an incredibly powerful item at a comparatively cheap price, so i wouldn't mind an action bar on them. at the least, it'd prevent someone from getting a random jump on you without warning. since people use implanters to give people health implants, that gives a pretty good opening for it. also, IMPLANT GUN !!! it needs more use. perfect for bypassing an implanter action bar, at the risk of just missing them completely
(03-28-2024, 12:21 PM)Chasu Wrote: I think mindhack implanters should remain instant, they'd lose a lot of their versatility otherwise. I'd be fine with all the other implanters having actionbars though. Maybe we should add a special red-black syndie implanter?

Edit: As a RP main I forgot about the Rev gamemode and how fast people have to be given loyalty implants. Considering that, I'd be against this idea.

Yeah, as an RP main I kinda forgot about those too. Considering the faster pace of classic, I'd rather just see things stay the same. Otherwise you'd basically have to be ready to rampage before you can start implanting people, as you'd need stuns or something else to keep someone in place long enough for the implant.
(03-28-2024, 05:25 PM)Retrino Wrote: at the least, it'd prevent someone from getting a random jump on you without warning.

That's the problem. I can talk in lenghts about how many stories simply would not have happened if the mindhack would be preventable.

It does not take you out of the game, thus it does not need counterplay. It does not stop someone else from playing, quite the contrary. It's very often the start of a great time.
(03-28-2024, 05:25 PM)Retrino Wrote:
(03-28-2024, 12:21 PM)Chasu Wrote: I think mindhack implanters should remain instant, they'd lose a lot of their versatility otherwise. I'd be fine with all the other implanters having actionbars though. Maybe we should add a special red-black syndie implanter?

honestly, i think the opposite is true. mindhacks are an incredibly powerful item at a comparatively cheap price, so i wouldn't mind an action bar on them. at the least, it'd prevent someone from getting a random jump on you without warning. since people use implanters to give people health implants, that gives a pretty good opening for it. also, IMPLANT GUN !!! it needs more use. perfect for bypassing an implanter action bar, at the risk of just missing them completely

Fair point, but what's the difference between instantly implanting someone with the implanter and shooting them point-blank, which is also instant? Implant guns are just buffed, ranged versions of the normal thing.

Also, I fully agree with Earthfire here. While, yes, mindhacks can disrupt a player's round, it's almost always a way to involve more people in the antagging
It’s great and bad in the same time since the implant is easy to use than implant gun now nobody use implant gun that MD have
(03-29-2024, 10:11 AM)Chasu Wrote:
(03-28-2024, 05:25 PM)Retrino Wrote:
(03-28-2024, 12:21 PM)Chasu Wrote: I think mindhack implanters should remain instant, they'd lose a lot of their versatility otherwise. I'd be fine with all the other implanters having actionbars though. Maybe we should add a special red-black syndie implanter?

honestly, i think the opposite is true. mindhacks are an incredibly powerful item at a comparatively cheap price, so i wouldn't mind an action bar on them. at the least, it'd prevent someone from getting a random jump on you without warning. since people use implanters to give people health implants, that gives a pretty good opening for it. also, IMPLANT GUN !!! it needs more use. perfect for bypassing an implanter action bar, at the risk of just missing them completely

Fair point, but what's the difference between instantly implanting someone with the implanter and shooting them point-blank, which is also instant? Implant guns are just buffed, ranged versions of the normal thing.

Also, I fully agree with Earthfire here. While, yes, mindhacks can disrupt a player's round, it's almost always a way to involve more people in the antagging

the main thing is the accessibility. the implant gun is something youd have to put some effort into getting, unless youre already a doctor/md. secondly, its already considered contraband. not many eyebrows are raised when someone has it, but its at least more conspicuous to find laying around later than the easily mass produced implanters
if you make mindhacks non instant youll just have people using meta knowledge to know they're getting an antag round anyway. which means youll prioritise mindhacking the people who dont care about said action bar (who are usually antag regulars anyway)

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