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Manual slot reopening
Make it so the HoP (or anyone with ID desk access) must manually reopen slots for permanently dead / cryoed people instead of it being automatic.
It would give the HoP and Captain more useful work to do.
could you open slots that are already filled

could a clown who stole the captain's spare open a bunch of clown slots
That seems a bit like unnecessary busy work, especially if it prevents players from joining as a role. A spiteful or antagonist HoP can just... not open security slots.
letting a player have that much control over what goes on in the round isnt unheard of in the slightest (because shuttle) but i do feel like if that mechanic was gonna be a thing itd be nicer to be more fleshed out. like this is entirely me shitting out ideas and not thinking about reprocussions BUT what if hop could like, flag someone as fired or perma deceased and that freed up a slot? flagging them as fired would automatically send a message on their pda that said like "youre fired from your position! your id will be disabled in x minutes. turn in your outfit and items to the hop and get assigned a new job.". u could balance it via needing extra confirmation from the head of their respective department in order to fire em. additionally the fact that theres a very obvious warning you can scream about on the radio makes it clear that if youre fired for no reason, someones obviously antaggin at the id computers so the seccies have something to go off of.

not knowing coding at all is awesome because i can just say anything and not have to think about how hard it would be to implement! whee
(03-23-2024, 05:24 PM)Snoid Wrote: letting a player have that much control over what goes on in the round isnt unheard of in the slightest (because shuttle) but i do feel like if that mechanic was gonna be a thing itd be nicer to be more fleshed out. like this is entirely me shitting out ideas and not thinking about reprocussions BUT what if hop could like, flag someone as fired or perma deceased and that freed up a slot? flagging them as fired would automatically send a message on their pda that said like "youre fired from your position! your id will be disabled in x minutes. turn in your outfit and items to the hop and get assigned a new job.". u could balance it via needing extra confirmation from the head of their respective department in order to fire em. additionally the fact that theres a very obvious warning you can scream about on the radio makes it clear that if youre fired for no reason, someones obviously antaggin at the id computers so the seccies have something to go off of.

not knowing coding at all is awesome because i can just say anything and not have to think about how hard it would be to implement! whee

OOH! This I like! HoP's already handle demotions, why not give them the power to also remove them from that slot? The new CE comes in, but everyone treats em like a villain at first because medbay was plasmaflooded by the old one!
If there's one thing I'd like in this regard its that event on other stations that gives infinite slots like staffie to another role, and maybe a respawn of that job for a initial dose to the chaos
This is a decent idea, but Cal's concern is a valid one. I do like the idea of opening up more slots for clowns. That's a funny gimmick. but i think there needs to be some hard limitations to avoid encouraging griefing. Perhaps roles like the heads and security are off-limits and can't be changed in this way. (I think this would actually make sense, given Sec and the other head roles are far beyond the jurisdiction of the HoP.) Additionally, you wouldn't be able to reduce the amount of open slots past the amount of crew currently in that role, or the default for the given map.

Hell, I think it's a little less "problematic" overall to just give the HoP the ability to increase the amount of role slots for non-head/sec roles rather than an ability to decrease. We've already got the automatic free-up of non-head roles when someone ghosts in cryo, so regardless of the intention, I don't really think that kind of busywork would actually come into play often.
I think only "Opening" slots should be allowed.

Not closing them.

And only heads of their departments can do this.
Captain can do on whatever.
HoP can only do it on civilian/botany/clowns/misc.
CE only on engineers.
MD only on doctors, robotcists and genecists (even though it's science technically but hey)
RD only for science.
HoS only for security. (captain cannot touch this one unless he declares an emergency)

Note: Slots open normaly either way, this is just the department opening slots for "more then is needed"
This will help a lot if the department for some reason gets filled with newbies. Or training new members takes too much time and you need atleast 1 guy to take the job serious.
I have had a lot of times where engineers seem to be too busy training others or doing whatever to fix or do a simple job.

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