Usual character name: Miniscule Danee
BYOND username: Bomb_Sirens
Discord username (if you are on our discord): mmmmmmbacon
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: 1
Reason for application:
Security's always been a on and off job for me. As my job preferences are always on medium, its something I run into occasionally some days and constantly others. HoSes have become a rarer occurance on classic as of late, and sometimes I've seen newer sec alone, I'd like to do what I can to remedy that. I feel as well that having a cripple pug as HoS may reduce antagonist's fear of those in the role.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
Over my 2 years in this game, my sec experience didn't start to shortly after first joining. I added secass to my preferences when I was eligible to get a better understanding of that part of the station. I had secass experience from this and then added officer when I reached the round limit. Sec is something I've never really avoided as such. Security is a very influential role which you see in both as sec and as general crew is something that needs to be used carefully and is a bad experience for everyone if misused, getting too caught up with the bigger picture of the station and ignoring the guy asking about something at the lobby booth is something that in my time should never be underestimated. Security is best when its interacting with all the crew, not just whoever's wanted.
I find that the best thing as sec is to treat antags that aren't rampaging is to simply toy with them, your department is intended as a obstacle to antagonists, not be a insurmountable mountain. Just talking accusatory, ticketing and keeping a eye on them is usually all you need to do to maintain order until they start getting bold anyway. I haven't played too much larger team sec particularly recently due to the average pop levels in my timezone but if things are coordinated and antags get room to breathe when they haven't caused trouble is the best policy. I, in the case I do put someone behind bar must stress the importance of giving antags a chance to recover. Its good for them to have a comeback, and the looming threat means that you can't entirely slack and keep your guard down.
If you want to take anything from my security experience, just go with the flow of the round. Security's usually seen as the stopper of shit, as it sometimes needs to be. It being more of a guiding force can sometimes make things better for antags to experiment with new and entertaining things for both sides of the war to enjoy.
What advice would you give to other sec players?
The top advice is communicate radio often etc., but you've seen that in every HoS app.
My more unique ones, are to use the tag feature of SecMate, and use tickets and fines. (I'd like HoS so I could encourage fines by actually getting them approved, another part of my reasoning now that I think about it).
The tagging feature is something that steamlines comms, simply due to the fact that the note relays the information of a POI without requiring waiting on external confirmation, saves time for the investigator and the investigatee (not a real word ik).
Sometimes the best case of a encounter as sec shouldn't be someone rotting in a cell, sometimes tickets and fines are suitable and a quite underrated method of descalation on classic. You also don't have to tire yourself running after them and can get back to eating donuts sooner.
Another more miscellaneous thing which I suppose fits here. If your going to validhunt, just play secass.
Secass is just sec with a improvised kit when in the hands of more experienced players, very similar to validhunting. Its a good way to do that but actually be organically integrated into the round.
What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
I'd like to see what non-combat sec roles would do in regards to security's overall reputation, I a long time back made a concept for a Weaponsmith in this regard to modify sec weapons, although it wasn't received too well due to the potential balance complexity. I would like to see how non-combatant sec roles would go in sec culture.
A readd secondary attack to the standard taser would be good, not the old one for obvious reasons but it could use the extra utility.
(this ones a VERY rough idea) A single-use "taunting machine" that sec/or just the HoS could use to summon a midround could be good for defibrillating quieter rounds when roundstarts die during prep or god know's what. Could be funny to have the quieter roundstart antags and this midround make sec regret their taunt as well. The rough idea would revolve around a 3 setting system with low being antag critters, medium being humanoid antags and high being station threats. This would go towards station score and each third for the intensity that the device was used on.
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Running corrupt sec with bribes and "protection fees" is always a nice classic. Gives antags a funny way to get themselves out of trouble... for a price.
If I somehow ever get the need to have a good amount of inmates, a rehab program could be fun to run.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
None (been told of about a few things every blue moon or two though)
BYOND username: Bomb_Sirens
Discord username (if you are on our discord): mmmmmmbacon
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: 1
Reason for application:
Security's always been a on and off job for me. As my job preferences are always on medium, its something I run into occasionally some days and constantly others. HoSes have become a rarer occurance on classic as of late, and sometimes I've seen newer sec alone, I'd like to do what I can to remedy that. I feel as well that having a cripple pug as HoS may reduce antagonist's fear of those in the role.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
Over my 2 years in this game, my sec experience didn't start to shortly after first joining. I added secass to my preferences when I was eligible to get a better understanding of that part of the station. I had secass experience from this and then added officer when I reached the round limit. Sec is something I've never really avoided as such. Security is a very influential role which you see in both as sec and as general crew is something that needs to be used carefully and is a bad experience for everyone if misused, getting too caught up with the bigger picture of the station and ignoring the guy asking about something at the lobby booth is something that in my time should never be underestimated. Security is best when its interacting with all the crew, not just whoever's wanted.
I find that the best thing as sec is to treat antags that aren't rampaging is to simply toy with them, your department is intended as a obstacle to antagonists, not be a insurmountable mountain. Just talking accusatory, ticketing and keeping a eye on them is usually all you need to do to maintain order until they start getting bold anyway. I haven't played too much larger team sec particularly recently due to the average pop levels in my timezone but if things are coordinated and antags get room to breathe when they haven't caused trouble is the best policy. I, in the case I do put someone behind bar must stress the importance of giving antags a chance to recover. Its good for them to have a comeback, and the looming threat means that you can't entirely slack and keep your guard down.
If you want to take anything from my security experience, just go with the flow of the round. Security's usually seen as the stopper of shit, as it sometimes needs to be. It being more of a guiding force can sometimes make things better for antags to experiment with new and entertaining things for both sides of the war to enjoy.
What advice would you give to other sec players?
The top advice is communicate radio often etc., but you've seen that in every HoS app.
My more unique ones, are to use the tag feature of SecMate, and use tickets and fines. (I'd like HoS so I could encourage fines by actually getting them approved, another part of my reasoning now that I think about it).
The tagging feature is something that steamlines comms, simply due to the fact that the note relays the information of a POI without requiring waiting on external confirmation, saves time for the investigator and the investigatee (not a real word ik).
Sometimes the best case of a encounter as sec shouldn't be someone rotting in a cell, sometimes tickets and fines are suitable and a quite underrated method of descalation on classic. You also don't have to tire yourself running after them and can get back to eating donuts sooner.
Another more miscellaneous thing which I suppose fits here. If your going to validhunt, just play secass.
Secass is just sec with a improvised kit when in the hands of more experienced players, very similar to validhunting. Its a good way to do that but actually be organically integrated into the round.
What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
I'd like to see what non-combat sec roles would do in regards to security's overall reputation, I a long time back made a concept for a Weaponsmith in this regard to modify sec weapons, although it wasn't received too well due to the potential balance complexity. I would like to see how non-combatant sec roles would go in sec culture.
A readd secondary attack to the standard taser would be good, not the old one for obvious reasons but it could use the extra utility.
(this ones a VERY rough idea) A single-use "taunting machine" that sec/or just the HoS could use to summon a midround could be good for defibrillating quieter rounds when roundstarts die during prep or god know's what. Could be funny to have the quieter roundstart antags and this midround make sec regret their taunt as well. The rough idea would revolve around a 3 setting system with low being antag critters, medium being humanoid antags and high being station threats. This would go towards station score and each third for the intensity that the device was used on.
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Running corrupt sec with bribes and "protection fees" is always a nice classic. Gives antags a funny way to get themselves out of trouble... for a price.
If I somehow ever get the need to have a good amount of inmates, a rehab program could be fun to run.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
None (been told of about a few things every blue moon or two though)