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Technoallergic trait (also synthblob flesh organs?)
A trait to make you sick in some way if you get a robotic limb attached or organ placed in you.

Would apply to organs, limbs, eyes. Could also apply to implants, but I think that would just be unfun with the cloner injecting you with one and all.

As ideas, it could either slowly dose you with histamine or give you a unique chemical/disease that slowly replaces your blood with oil, or makes you vomit oil/blood painfully (brute/burn damage?) once in a while.

This would add rp reason and in-game reason to harvest organs, reject robotic limbs/organs/eyes, so on.

Could give you one trait point for being troublesome to you.

Additionally, it would be cool if you could put a synthflesh blob in someone's chest and it would form itself into a random missing organ? Would be wild to ship of  thesus yourself with synthetic flesh-organs.
You have my support!
I've wanted a reason to use regular organs for replacements for awhile, and this seems to be a good idea to further that. I guess my only concern is checking someone for the trait when you're under the gun and need to operate ASAP, but then again I'm someone who forgets to have the medtrak scanner ready so this might only apply to me.

as for the synthblob organ, no notes there. sounds perfect.
Sounds cool to me
(01-03-2024, 10:35 AM)UrsulaMejor Wrote: You have my support!

Metal allergies are a real thing.

Make them also get minor histamine for walking on metal floors without shoes on.
(01-03-2024, 10:28 AM)Cal Wrote: A trait to make you sick in some way if you get a robotic limb attached or organ placed in you.

Would apply to organs, limbs, eyes. Could also apply to implants, but I think that would just be unfun with the cloner injecting you with one and all.

As ideas, it could either slowly dose you with histamine or give you a unique chemical/disease that slowly replaces your blood with oil, or makes you vomit oil/blood painfully (brute/burn damage?) once in a while.

This would add rp reason and in-game reason to harvest organs, reject robotic limbs/organs/eyes, so on.

Could give you one trait point for being troublesome to you.

Additionally, it would be cool if you could put a synthflesh blob in someone's chest and it would form itself into a random missing organ? Would be wild to ship of  thesus yourself with synthetic flesh-organs.

I suggested something similiar before. So I support this.
I'm a huge fan of this! Both for RP opportunities and for gameplay reasons, especially on the RP servers when there's a downtime early on in the shift. Harvesting some organs to have them prepped and ready for incoming patients in need is something I try to do anyways (especially on lowpop as a roboticist!), but I rarely get real use out of them in favor of the cybernetic counterparts. I'd love to see this in the future.
(01-05-2024, 10:35 AM)Torchwick Wrote: I'm a huge fan of this! Both for RP opportunities and for gameplay reasons, especially on the RP servers when there's a downtime early on in the shift. Harvesting some organs to have them prepped and ready for incoming patients in need is something I try to do anyways (especially on lowpop as a roboticist!), but I rarely get real use out of them in favor of the cybernetic counterparts. I'd love to see this in the future.

Ya know, I was originally against this because of roboticist getting less patients (just grab a monkey from genetics and take what you need) but the idea that robotics would be the one prepping both types of organs is great! Encourages doctors to swap out some organs too, since there can be plenty o downtime and it'll help em in the long run. More surguries and interactions for robotics!
if there's any maps valuchimps arent accessible by regular doctors on, this might need addressing. some part of my brain is telling me i've had trouble accessing monkey organs before.
I also have concerns about replacement limbs-- I remember somewhere that occasionally mismatching limbs will try to attack you? I might just be misremembering an experience with a gene that does the same thing
(01-06-2024, 10:18 AM)TDHooligan Wrote: if there's any maps valuchimps arent accessible by regular doctors on, this might need addressing. some part of my brain is telling me i've had trouble accessing monkey organs before.

Just bug botany for synth arms and organs, if that fails MDir can eject a clone
I like it! Robotic organs always felt a little strong and their replacement so quick - I'd love it if we had a little thing just like puritan to watch out for, and it'd be a neat option to allow people to get a trait point by introducing a small but meaningful complication into their gameplay. Would make doctoring more interesting too, having organs on hand if we can, etc, or getting us in contact with botany to grow synth ones.
Definite upvote from me.
I just thought of a funny interaction with this

surgery machine gives trait haver a cyborg heart

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