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Ideas of questionable quality
Medal: SICC semper tyrannis
As a latejoin borg, kill the captain/HoS
From the makers of donk pockets comes Donk Packets! Psychically get nearby packets like you were sniffing, as long as the Donk Packet is properly warmed up.

Warning: Do not attach Donk Packets to electronics. Donk Pocket LLC is not responsible for fried wiring, incorrect packets being sent, or for any messaging sent by Donk Packets through PDAs. Consult your doctor if you experience Packet Nose for over 24 hours.
using a fishing rod on a voting machine should have a chance of removing other peoples votes from the map vote
Remove faustian kit from chaplain traitor item list, but make it a lawyer only traitor item. So it becomes rare and a Thursday only thing (if the lawyer is lucky)
Clowns accessing Secmate have the option to mark someone as Jerk. Jerks are yelled at by security scanners, and securitrons yell at passing jerks but don't attempt to arrest.
Bee honey blobs should be able to be turned into a honey condiment (That doesn't make you throw up when you eat it)
Mid-round AIs should boot up via a data disk with clone data instead of slapping a wet meat brain inside.
The latte machine should be overhauled - Remove the little cups it uses and allow it to take mugs and new-sprited teacups.

Allow some way (icing tube? Cream from the food processor?) to put 'foam' on coffee mugs and teacups. Maybe even candy canes, chocolate shavings, stick of cinnamon etc...
(01-04-2024, 05:31 PM)Cal Wrote: The latte machine should be overhauled - Remove the little cups it uses and allow it to take mugs and new-sprited teacups.

Allow some way (icing tube? Cream from the food processor?) to put 'foam' on coffee mugs and teacups. Maybe even candy canes, chocolate shavings, stick of cinnamon etc...

Cal please... keep the good ideas away from questionable.

That said... give the bar a classic coffee machine too!
Catching an item while having mater-eater ready has you catch it in your mouth instead, eating it instantly
(01-04-2024, 05:31 PM)Cal Wrote: The latte machine should be overhauled - Remove the little cups it uses and allow it to take mugs and new-sprited teacups.

Allow some way (icing tube? Cream from the food processor?) to put 'foam' on coffee mugs and teacups. Maybe even candy canes, chocolate shavings, stick of cinnamon etc...

I say keep the cups, but the rest is good
Gimmick job idea; The First Responder / Firefighter / EMT

Acts as a mix between a doctor and an engineer, has access to both departments and, importantly, receives both of their alerts. Focused on getting to an area quick, helping the people affected, and providing quick-but-temporary solutions.
Has a firefighters or EMT type outfit
Has an automender with brute and burn and medical scanner for healing people at the scene
Body bags for quick transport of both living and dead crewmates
Metal Foam Grenades for quick hole patches

And I know this would be hard to implement, but it'd be cool to have a little fire extinguisher bot that could follow you around or be sent places.
(01-06-2024, 11:33 AM)pillbug4sale Wrote: And I know this would be hard to implement, but it'd be cool to have a little fire extinguisher bot that could follow you around or be sent places.

Well theres already firebots, which is a mobile fire extinguisher

Just give it guardbuddy AI maybe
Clicking yourself with help intent lowering the levels of histamine in your body, as you scratch yourself. Good for taking care of minor reactions, but not able to control a stronger allergic reaction
New emote:

It just makes you point at someone or something like your hand is a gun and fire at it.
It looks totally silly.

Unless the mime does it as somehow it makes bullet holes appear on a person or object or wall.

New item:
Large Foam finger.

It just looks goofy, but fingergunning with it looks scary.

If the mime does the fingergun emote with it on. Explosion effects apply. Knocking things over.

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