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Cyborg QoL - and feedback concerning #15759
not really gonna touch on the getting items out of containers side of things, theres not much more to elaborate on.

a lot of shift click interactions were filler. a way to interact with the environment around you in random ways that just made your experience a bit nicer. petting/patting has been brought up a lot already, but its a perfect example. its a replicable action that borgs can do through means of using an item in place of a pet (like a cardboard tube or flashlight), but the interaction just feels more.. empty. the little green hand appearing on someone you wanted to pat was a cute detail. while none of the things listed are inherently necessary to be able to do, they were something that enhanced the way players could interact with the setting around them. that is the biggest thing i find unfortunate about the bug patch.

ss13 (goon at least, though i think this could apply to some other servers) has been a silly, lighthearted game on a platform notorious for having its jank, but thats what many people love about it. the random little quirks that add more to your experience. is it a bug? yes, and there are quite literally.. over a thousand bugs. a lot of work goes into fixing them. this bug in particular became a staple to the enjoyment of a lot of players, so its patch came at a wave of negative feedback. but, yeah, it mostly feels in part to the fact that having a cut and dry “this shouldnt work because its a bug” takes some of the spark out of things.

and i think this goes without saying, but im not trying to defend the existence of every bug or exploit. its in the same boat as the “is it a bug, or is it a feature?” joke. something that a lot of people love and use may as well Be a feature, when it exists in such a harmless state.
(09-16-2023, 09:48 AM)Paai Wrote: I don't appreciate the insinuation that you think my issue with this is that I have to talk to people I don't know. I do that every round, without needing to be forced into it by an arbitrary game mechanic.

I won't take on the other points because i think that we agree that we will most likely iterate the same points.

I don't wanted to make this insinuation at all, and i'm sorry if you took it that way, i was not intended.

But we got people we tend to interact more often and more in depth because we know them. That's a fact we have to live with. These mechanics just give the chance to interact with a person or character we don't know yet and don't have interacted with. It breaks up the subconscious habits we build up.

It's meant to force you to talk to different people. If you don't need that is nice. But it won't apply to everyone else. Especially with isolated jobs like robotocist. Other departments, like rancher or geneticist, have the problem with isolation because they don't got forced interaction.

I hope i cleared that up. It was not meant to target you in any special way.
If someone's willing to code those things we might add it, but I'm speaking for myself here.
Quote:If someone's willing to code those things we might add it, but I'm speaking for myself here.

the whole thing of this thread is that these things were already coded in, albeit unintentionally, but were removed for being bugs in #15759 whahahwh
(09-17-2023, 11:13 AM)Paai Wrote: the whole thing of this thread is that these things were already coded in, albeit unintentionally, but were removed for being bugs in #15759 whahahwh

The abilities have not been coded for cyborgs. The bug allowed cyborgs to use open-hand interactions that were intended for humans by holding shift. The behavior was not "coded unintentionally."

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