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Ideas of questionable quality
As a ling, you can take off your head any time like a skeleton, and if you drop or throw it you turn into a headspider and your body goes NPC shambler
If you get hooked up to an IV stand, you can't move away from it unless you sprint (shift/spacebar) or start pulling it
(03-27-2022, 07:16 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Putting bread in the AI rack turns it into toast

Having fun going over older posts, this should still be a thing. AI laws are updated and it's just Law 4: TOAST
*think command that generates a sentence about... something. a wide variety of randomly chosen topics, really. the most recent *think thought gets stored in your notes and you can use it as like, a conversation starter. it also gets displayed when people try to read your mind
QM hardmode you can opt into that makes it much harder to make money as freely and tries to make the market more realistic but also you can buy weirder/more useful? stuff. like real expensive powerful stuff that you may only be able to afford if a miner gave you an entire gold/syreline asteroid. idk what stuff tho.. like medibots that are more effective at healing people, rcd that turns stuff you place with it into gold to flex your richness, maybe already activated specific artifacts?

i think i posted a worse idea as a thread and a better one in this thread. a,,,
(09-15-2023, 11:26 AM)Snoid Wrote: QM hardmode you can opt into that makes it much harder to make money as freely and tries to make the market more realistic but also you can buy weirder/more useful? stuff. like real expensive powerful stuff that you may only be able to afford if a miner gave you an entire gold/syreline asteroid. idk what stuff tho.. like medibots that are more effective at healing people, rcd that turns stuff you place with it into gold to flex your richness, maybe already activated specific artifacts?

i think i posted a worse idea as a thread and a better one in this thread. a,,,

This thread isn't for bad ideas, good ideas, or anything inbetween. It's for... questionable ideas. Like that one! Just imagine debating on whether or not you can give the clown wannabe a clown set because you may not be able to financially recover
I'd like to add an item to the clown's repitoir wich is called the "Klown Kontrakt"

This item has the clown's signature on it and allows the clown to be recongised as the clown.
Even if they die and lose their "clown talk" this contract can be resigned and they are back as the clown with speech and walk.

Of course this can also be used to sue to any one dressing as a clown to be infringing on your CLOWNYRIGHT! (Yea I am still sticking to that joke!)

However... if this contract is destroyed or a spief teleports it away... the current clown gets turned into a CLUWNE for shredding or letting the contract be destroyed.
And of course anyone else who signs this contract takes the clown status away from the previous clown.

(09-17-2023, 08:20 AM)Kotlol Wrote: I'd like to add an item to the clown's repitoir wich is called the "Klown Kontrakt"

This item has the clown's signature on it and allows the clown to be recongised as the clown.
Even if they die and lose their "clown talk" this contract can be resigned and they are back as the clown with speech and walk.

Of course this can also be used to sue to any one dressing as a clown to be infringing on your CLOWNYRIGHT! (Yea I am still sticking to that joke!)

However... if this contract is destroyed or a spief teleports it away... the current clown gets turned into a CLUWNE for shredding or letting the contract be destroyed.
And of course anyone else who signs this contract takes the clown status away from the previous clown.


The previous clown has their clown gear pop like a balloon when a new clown signs the kontrakt, leaving the old one sad and naked in the hallway
(09-17-2023, 07:19 PM)Dhaidburt Wrote: The previous clown has their clown gear pop like a balloon when a new clown signs the kontrakt, leaving the old one sad and naked in the hallway

And if anyone tries to wear a clown outfit without the KONRAKT... will be flagged for CONTRABAND!
cargo teleporters don't target individual pads, but apply a barcode and send things into the station's routing system for distribution
fishing inside basketball hoops reels in basketballs
(09-20-2023, 12:28 PM)Doop Wrote: fishing inside basketball hoops reels in basketballs

The hard part is landing the line in the hoop!
The option to fill out a station satisfaction survey at the end of the round

Players get a question prompt to rate something from 1 to 5 with 1 being "Very Unsatisfied" and 5 being "Very Satisfied" or some such

Questions can draw from a pool like "How satisfied were you with the dining accommodations on board your station?" or "How satisfied were you with the cleanliness of the station?" with each player getting single a randomized question

Then you get a report that draws from the responses, averaging the score of any repeated questions
Let me staple my shoes on, so the staffies cant steal them.
(09-23-2023, 11:05 AM)Wermim Wrote: Let me staple my shoes on, so the staffies cant steal them.

You will take damage and have to take surgery to remove them.

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