About the PR
1. Updates the drone HUD to not be terrible
2. Gives drones watered-down babyproofed versions of modules
3. Added more in-depth functionality for drones to cyborg docking stations
4. Gives drones an access panel similar to cyborgs for replacing interface/module/cells
5. Resprites eyebots.
# **To put it all much, much less quickly:**
Replaces the janky old hivebot mob with a fancy new drone mob.
drones have the same base functionality as the old hivebots, however:
# 1. They have a HUD that isn’t old, clunky, or missing vital information, following in line with the existing cyborg HUD
![[Image: c41dfc81-a7e1-44c3-84b0-32f08b6184b2]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/c41dfc81-a7e1-44c3-84b0-32f08b6184b2)
This includes:
a) Actually displaying the health of the drone in some way so you aren’t shocked when it explodes into bits due to a terminal case of having a max HP of 25,
b) An indicator for if the drone is pulling an object, so that you don’t need to ctrlclick on the item again to stop pulling it,
c) A targeter so that drones can actually target head/limbs/whatnot,
d) A radio menu– you know, I could list all of these separately but I’ll just- O2 display, temp display, intent switch option, battery display that shows percentage– you get the point.
# 2. They have actual modules so they can do stuff that isn't just moving objects from point A to B for the AI.
![[Image: 4c2f2e88-0e99-4555-99ee-0081f9278676]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/4c2f2e88-0e99-4555-99ee-0081f9278676)
**_PLEASE NOTE--_ AI drones at roundstart get a default module with only the tools existing eyebots get. This default module cannot be swapped at docking stations or manually. The drone modules are only usable with drones assembled during the round.**
These modules are SUBSTANTIALLY watered down versions of existing cyborg modules.
Here's a full list for you to scrutinize:
It’s worth mentioning before someone gets clever about it that, no, you can’t put regular cyborg modules into the drones. It doesn’t accept them. Nor do cyborgs accept the drone modules.
The UI for the module rewriter has been updated to account for the new variant of module:
![[Image: c3de73d1-6f97-4bc0-af59-6195b628ecc5]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/c3de73d1-6f97-4bc0-af59-6195b628ecc5)
*(They also only get two module slots, as opposed to three. This is because they don't have arms, and as such them having the same amount of module slots as normal cyborgs without any way to lose those slots seems silly.)*
# 3. – Drones have an access panel for maintenance, similar to cyborgs.
![[Image: fd736933-06a8-48a6-af48-d2e19e15a3bd]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/fd736933-06a8-48a6-af48-d2e19e15a3bd)
*fig. 1 - An eyebot drone with its noggin opened and ripe for the picking.*
This panel can be opened by swiping an ID with robotics access, then prying it open with a crowbar. Similar to cyborgs, as I said.
This panel allows you to swap out the drones cell, module, and AI interface board.
# 5. – Docking stations actually work with drones. They didn’t with eyebots.
![[Image: 6a1c06e3-0ec4-4286-9525-4b5658008074]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/6a1c06e3-0ec4-4286-9525-4b5658008074)
This includes:
a) The ability to repair damages in a docking station
b) The ability to swap power cells and modules in the docking station,
c) And most importantly, the ability to equip a stupid little cosmetic.
![[Image: f04f09f9-22dc-4490-a38a-8d9d6a5dffdb]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/f04f09f9-22dc-4490-a38a-8d9d6a5dffdb)
*Pictured above: Stupid little cosmetic.*
*(Just two for now, but functionality is in place for more to be trivial to add.)*
# 6. – Construction is slightly different than the old eyebots.
![[Image: 2443d374-141c-4fed-b9c4-31dc3cdc0490]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/2443d374-141c-4fed-b9c4-31dc3cdc0490)
*Fig. 2 - A gpcs drone at various stages of assembly.*
To construct an eyebot it was:
1. add plating
2. add wires
3. add cell
4. add interface
5. add radio
7. wrench
To construct a drone:
1. add plating
2. add wires
3. add radio
4. add cell and interface (both of which are removable from frame with a wrench, and will inherit their type to the resultant drone)
5. wrench
![[Image: 21245de6-8b28-4d9b-8f86-182d43f3386c]](https://github.com/goonstation/goonstation/assets/124699693/21245de6-8b28-4d9b-8f86-182d43f3386c)
So, basically, makes it work more like cyborg frames. Who would have guessed.
Why's this needed?
- Existing eyebots are kind of bad - and not in an intended way, like they’re meant to be bad, but bad as in they’re lacking essential QoL stuff (health indicator, essential UI elements, docker functionality)
- Adding lite versions of modules for drones will hopefully wean AI players off of cyborg shells enough for me to be able to pitch removing the AIs ability to have cyborg shells
`(Why do they have those. The fact that the AI can also at will take control of a fully-functional cyborg essentially makes the AI into cyborg++ with no literally downsides, and discourages cooperation between the AI and cyborg players because the AI can just. do anything a cyborg could and doesn’t need to talk to the cyborgs. It’s dumb. It’s also besides the point. so MOVING ON)`
- um
- it’s my birthday tomorrow and i think that legally means you have to merge it (/j)
- Oh yeah also more customization more good
About the PR
1. Updates the drone HUD to not be terrible
2. Gives drones watered-down babyproofed versions of modules
3. Added more in-depth functionality for drones to cyborg docking stations
4. Gives drones an access panel similar to cyborgs for replacing interface/module/cells
5. Resprites eyebots.
# **To put it all much, much less quickly:**
Replaces the janky old hivebot mob with a fancy new drone mob.
drones have the same base functionality as the old hivebots, however:
# 1. They have a HUD that isn’t old, clunky, or missing vital information, following in line with the existing cyborg HUD
This includes:
a) Actually displaying the health of the drone in some way so you aren’t shocked when it explodes into bits due to a terminal case of having a max HP of 25,
b) An indicator for if the drone is pulling an object, so that you don’t need to ctrlclick on the item again to stop pulling it,
c) A targeter so that drones can actually target head/limbs/whatnot,
d) A radio menu– you know, I could list all of these separately but I’ll just- O2 display, temp display, intent switch option, battery display that shows percentage– you get the point.
# 2. They have actual modules so they can do stuff that isn't just moving objects from point A to B for the AI.
**_PLEASE NOTE--_ AI drones at roundstart get a default module with only the tools existing eyebots get. This default module cannot be swapped at docking stations or manually. The drone modules are only usable with drones assembled during the round.**
These modules are SUBSTANTIALLY watered down versions of existing cyborg modules.
Here's a full list for you to scrutinize:
Civilian (pulls from civilian, brocop):
- Extinguisher
- Spray bottle
- Sponge
- Pitcher
- Pen
- Cardboard tube
Engineering (pulls from engineering, mining):
- Extinguisher
- Welding tool
- Device analyzer
- Soldering iron
- Empty steel sheet stack
- Cargo transporter
Medsci (pulls from medical, science):
- Drone robospray (gets ephedrine, atropine, salbutamol, and saline)
- Suture
- Syringe
- Beaker (small)
- Hand labeler
It’s worth mentioning before someone gets clever about it that, no, you can’t put regular cyborg modules into the drones. It doesn’t accept them. Nor do cyborgs accept the drone modules.
The UI for the module rewriter has been updated to account for the new variant of module:
*(They also only get two module slots, as opposed to three. This is because they don't have arms, and as such them having the same amount of module slots as normal cyborgs without any way to lose those slots seems silly.)*
# 3. – Drones have an access panel for maintenance, similar to cyborgs.
*fig. 1 - An eyebot drone with its noggin opened and ripe for the picking.*
This panel can be opened by swiping an ID with robotics access, then prying it open with a crowbar. Similar to cyborgs, as I said.
This panel allows you to swap out the drones cell, module, and AI interface board.
# 5. – Docking stations actually work with drones. They didn’t with eyebots.
This includes:
a) The ability to repair damages in a docking station
b) The ability to swap power cells and modules in the docking station,
c) And most importantly, the ability to equip a stupid little cosmetic.
*Pictured above: Stupid little cosmetic.*
*(Just two for now, but functionality is in place for more to be trivial to add.)*
# 6. – Construction is slightly different than the old eyebots.
*Fig. 2 - A gpcs drone at various stages of assembly.*
To construct an eyebot it was:
1. add plating
2. add wires
3. add cell
4. add interface
5. add radio
7. wrench
To construct a drone:
1. add plating
2. add wires
3. add radio
4. add cell and interface (both of which are removable from frame with a wrench, and will inherit their type to the resultant drone)
5. wrench
So, basically, makes it work more like cyborg frames. Who would have guessed.
Why's this needed?
- Existing eyebots are kind of bad - and not in an intended way, like they’re meant to be bad, but bad as in they’re lacking essential QoL stuff (health indicator, essential UI elements, docker functionality)
- Adding lite versions of modules for drones will hopefully wean AI players off of cyborg shells enough for me to be able to pitch removing the AIs ability to have cyborg shells
`(Why do they have those. The fact that the AI can also at will take control of a fully-functional cyborg essentially makes the AI into cyborg++ with no literally downsides, and discourages cooperation between the AI and cyborg players because the AI can just. do anything a cyborg could and doesn’t need to talk to the cyborgs. It’s dumb. It’s also besides the point. so MOVING ON)`
- um
- it’s my birthday tomorrow and i think that legally means you have to merge it (/j)
- Oh yeah also more customization more good
(*)Overhauled how AI shells work! See the PR for more details.
(+)Drones now can be built to have lite versions of modules.
(+)Drones got a fancy resprite to go with the other changes.
(+)Drone UI updated.
(+)Drones have an access panel which allows the easy replacement of interface, cell, or module.