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Ideas of questionable quality
Getting damaged while wearing a space suit will poke holes in it, space suits with holes dont act like a space suit.
HOP has a remote access id computer that can change the access of any non-agent id card as long as the card is on the station. Would give the hop more meaning than just an aa guy but this would probably be too easy to grief with.
Removing all the limbs from a corpse should make the torso able to be picked up, even if its only so i can flush entire bodies down the toilet
If one player says "Guess what?"
And another replies, "what?"
And Player 1 can get out a fast "Chicken butt."
Player 2 gets their head slot dropped on the ground
Replaced with a butt called "chicken butt" and farted on.
If a mime use a chameleon projector, they will act and has the same function as the item they are disguised as...

Because mimes mimic stuff...
(07-21-2023, 04:37 AM)Emimiyu Wrote: If a mime use a chameleon projector, they will act and has the same function as the item they are disguised as...

Because mimes mimic stuff...

I could see this being a great mime exclusive traitor item maybe call it the advanced chameleon projector
use wirecutters on a chemical barrel to cut the ends off, add wire to make a barrel with suspenders you can wear
equip a wheat stalk in your mask slot to hold it in your mouth

force surplus crates to contain a minimum number of items to prevent the boring "three high value things" crates
let us fish in robustris machines

the rare catch could be the dopefish

swim swim hungry
How about the master rod can be used to fish on players but the only thing you would catch is insults and compliments?

Haha, fishing for compliments.
Give people the ability to retrieve items that they accidentally dropped in the toilet by fishing them out.
If we remove all limbs from soneone, we should be able to plant them in a hydroponic tray.

At least there this miserable potato can grow as a person.
Atheist chaplain can only bible heal and holy water heal atheists. There should be a text saying, "Through placebo you are healed...?" "Somehow the water acts like a placebo to clear your head.." if it is used on atheist. Theist who get healed by atheist chaplain got the "There is not enough faith to heal you," message instead.
Fish Jenga
if you have a synthbrain the leaf should pop out of the top of your head like a pikmin

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