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Mob critters should be immune to miasma
Mob critters, which usually have less health than a normal human, and often can't wear a mask, should be immune to miasma.

As it is right now, exposing the weaker ones to it will usually result in their demise, the worst offenders being changeling critters, especially eyespiders.

On top of that, some of them can't even heal themselves from the TOX damage, which means any miasma breathed in will deal permanent damage.
Couldnt agree more. The fact that especially changeling critters die to miasma makes no sense. They Quite literally come from a creature who themself doesnt breath. How do they ingest the Miasma? Also on a gameplay POV yeah, its dumb the fact that the miasma can kill them extremely quickly with them being unable to do anything against it makes it annoying to deal with. Would love to see this be a change thats made.

For other Creatures like spiders and rats etc, They also dont need to breath?? so like why do they breath in miasma? Space spiders for example can die quite quickly to miasma as well. so Again would be nice to see it changed.
Wow.. this suggestion AGAIN?! This has been suggested before...
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with suggesting something that's been suggested before. Folks certainly don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of what's been suggested, and there's no harm in a new topic for something that hasn't had recent discussion, really. (A quick forum search shows that the last time it had a topic was three months ago and got just a few replies, none of them admin/dev, before dying out. Also would like to note that while searching "miasma critters" did pull up the prior thread, "miasma critter" didn't. Just a small observation on how easy it can be for a prior posting to escape the notice of even someone who takes the initiative to make such a search.)

Regarding the idea itself, sounds good. Just seems like a case of different systems being non-synergistic, what with miasma not being intended to be a killer unless you do some really hardcore ignoring of corpses and staying in the miasma, and critters having a less forgiving health system.
(06-04-2023, 06:53 AM)saccharineChampion Wrote: (its rgith above)

Yep true true, I am more sad it had to be suggested again!

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