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Gonna hit your funny bone! (Clown Application)
Usual Clown name: Calcium Clown, Boney The Clown, McBones Clownface

BYOND username: Kotlol
Recommended by (if applicable): YOUR RATTLED BONES!
Goon servers you play: 3

Clowning Experience:
Answer one or more of the following:
 ? What advice would you give to other Clowns?
MORE CALCIUM! They help rattle bones.

 ? What was one of your favorite Clown moments? (Either playing as a Clown or interacting with one)
Having my skull getting flushed down a toilet and ending up somewhere unknown.

 ? Suggest a new clowning tool or gadget (i.e. bike horn, canned laughter)
Calcium Squirt Gun! Can shoot milk at people without it being a flamethrower.
Not sure if funny, but that is a clown that makes ya think. +m

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