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Computer fun things
ThoseDernSquirrels Wrote:There really needs to be an online black market so Gannon can sell off his pipebombs, IDs, and Mellow Rellos for some pocket cash.

BilkRoad. Because ss13 is the only media I can think of where bilk is an actual thing.
Black market deliveries should arrive via toilets: flush item you're selling and set price, buyer uses PDA linked to bank to directly transfer funds, gets sent delivery info

Mmm, internet-delivered toilet fried fried cyalume saber cream pie!
Wydamn Wrote:
ThoseDernSquirrels Wrote:There really needs to be an online black market so Gannon can sell off his pipebombs, IDs, and Mellow Rellos for some pocket cash.

BilkRoad. Because ss13 is the only media I can think of where bilk is an actual thing.

It'll give me a place to spend all the money I get from the slot machines.
Toilet smuggling things into brig could be pretty funny if not dangerous.
BilkRoad should also give you a free lockbox and key with your first order to hide shit in. You know, for those epic moments when your contraband ring has been discovered and you frantically unlock your hidden lockbox to retrieve your 20k and pistol.
This would be so amazing.

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