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Give AI vox control by default
Something I am very nostalgic of and miss from the past was the excessive use of Vox by admins, it's still used today but not nearly as much.

Adding the ability for the AI to use vox (on a cooldown akin to announcements) would be just pure fun. If someone spams or abuses it in a shitty way somehow it's pretty easy to debrain an AI or just write a law telling it not to use vox. And anything past that an admin could just job ban them or gib them etc...

There should be an ability to switch between Black Mesa vox (Ass day, woo woo) and the Scary British Robot vox (EGGS)

Never actually used Vox myself because I probably have like 10 AI rounds in my 10+ years of playing this game, but it would be cool if it work like the station namer - put one or more pre-defined phrases together and give it a 200-300 or so second cooldown.

Again, this is just a pure fun addition to AI and I think it would just add so much more flavor to the role

Supplementary video:
I think it'd be better off as a Spacebuxs purchase
Fun, but could be abused easily, sadly
As a reward for an achievement or monthly contest, then sure. Otherwise, god no this is gonna get abused. As fun as it would be with people who have a good sense of humor, there are absolutely people that'll just drive the ability to make custom station-wide audio announcements into the ground.

Like, I love VOX, but IMO there is a *good* reason as to why it's only available via admin interference.
(03-01-2021, 02:08 PM)Carbadox Wrote: I think it'd be better off as a Spacebuxs purchase

This seems like the best compromise then. Make it 60-80k. That'll take a quite a few rounds.
bump for consideration
I remember hearing this idea a while ago but including it under the mentor whitelist (and the HoS whitelist that would be cool I'm not biased)
(04-07-2023, 12:31 PM)MoonJesus Wrote: bump for consideration

There is a difference between bumping a 2 week old post and necroing a 2 year old thread. You did the latter.
Maybe as a hard to get upgrade hidden deep into debris field/adventure zone? Or maybe sold by some merchant for a large sum of money.
Could be a job reward?
There is a semi implimentation in it of it by admeme.

And I think right now I think it's fine as an admeme.
The whole thing is gonna get annoying in the wrong hands even job rewards.. so if "WE GET THIS" it should be whitelist only.
next april 1st... proximity voice chat

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