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Make HoP area more secure
We all know the feeling of playing HoP that at any moment, someone could shoot you while in your office, a monkey or two people collaborating to hop over the table and tide their way into your office, only for security to never even appear. 

Of course, there are some solutions that are already available, which someone taught to build a couple of weeks ago, like building fortifications with teleporters. For new players who have selected HoP for the first time though, it can become very overwhelming at the start of the round.

I propose to add those glass sliding windows to all HoP offices as I don't understand why some maps have cargo be more secure than the place where you can get access to go anywhere on the station. Even though it would be a good addition, the windows are incredibly fragile and can break very easily with just a couple of fire extinguisher hits. 

That's why I propose a second solution: the bank teller slot. It would require a bit of coding to make it work, but it would work something like this:
- Player places ID or any other small item that can fit in the slot.
- Whenever someone clicks on the slot, a menu pops up that shows what is currently in it. A maximum of 2 items can be inside at the same time. 
- Both parties can take anything that is inside at all times.

This, paired with the fortified windows, can make a great defense which all HoP's will appreciate.
I smell a similair post from a while ago.

They suggested however that HoPs get wrestler powers to fuck up anyone who comes into their office unnannounced or more ways to protect themselves then a MEASLY FLASH! I mean the captain gets a gun.

Then a suggestion popped up for a console where the player who wants an ID change, can put their ID in, put in the request and the HoP can approve it with their PDA.
Some were for it, others against it.

And in both what you suggest with sliding windows came up. Infact in the 1st one I stated this: "Why do not all maps have the sliding windows anyway? It makes most sense!"

Now I do think HoPs could use some more defenses in their office against bad folk.

AND THUS... you requested "The bank teller slot"
And I gotta say... it's briliant. I do recommend the bankteller window to be a "Door" or "mechanical door" of some sort then something that will be tooled out easily.
The reason the sliding windows have to be broken DOWN insted of being pried out si because prying them out is complex.

Now this won't stop your doorhacking greytider. They will still get in. The sliding windows are enough to stop the grey tiders from tossing eachother over. And the bank teller thing while briliant, will just stop the fire extinguisher bashing the glass open type of guy. Wich isn't much either.
In my opinion? Have the HoPs office also have security shutters like some maps have. Press button... area goes into lock down, press again.. area is unlocked. A lot of bridges have this infact, extending it to the HoPs office won't be the worst idea.

But if not.. you still need defenses against the DOOR HACKERS.

We keep throwing fixes at it to keep them OUT, but not enough to GET THEM OUT without the help of security.
For that I just recommend a remote to shut off the HoP's equipment switch on the APC.
Emergency Shut down... while it won't get the greytider to leave. It will make their endevours a lot harder and if it's an antagonist...they will kill the HoP to open access sure. But if it's just your average "I WANT ALL ACCESS STAFF ASSISTANT" They can't without "Divine retribution"

Also if someone is greytiding too much.. Ahelp it. Especially on RP where staff assistants SHOULDNT do that crap.
If you aren't ready to get ganked at any moment for your ID then you probably shouldn't play Captain or HoP.
It's just part of being a high value target.
(03-27-2023, 09:23 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: If you aren't ready to get ganked at any moment for your ID then you probably shouldn't play Captain or HoP.
It's just part of being a high value target.

I tebd to agee here. That is a life risk of being a hop or captain.
(03-27-2023, 08:03 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote:
(03-27-2023, 09:23 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: If you aren't ready to get ganked at any moment for your ID then you probably shouldn't play Captain or HoP.
It's just part of being a high value target.

I tebd to agee here. That is a life risk of being a hop or captain.

I agree that HoPs shouldn't be handed guns and power, but... not make the HoP area the easiest to attack while its a critical zone and have inconsistent defenses from station to station.

Kondaru for example just has table wich two people can easily move over. Let alone the doors to the section are security level, so security tends to go through em every time and that causes other annoyances when they leave a door open.

TO ME.. It's the number 1 WORST HoP station due to these factors. While security is "around the corner" ...they leave the door open more often.
Cogmap 1 is also a problem as players can attempt an entry from both sides. but atleast hitting the fire alarm can stop em in their tracks.

So to me asking for "extra" security and "standards" is nice to have.

A lot of jobs tend to have QoL stuff in 1 station, but isn't there in another and while some of these take some time away.. others are more a hinder to your job and force you to get engineers involved to fix it. And if you think it's acceptable that the HoP orders engineers to install glass panes that can move up and down on each station that doesnt have it... I'd like to remind you of the early shift access change traffic.  It would just become a NUISANCE!

So this suggestion to make the HoP's work place abit safer is not bad and adding consitentcy across stations so in station the HoP doesn't have to deal with Security going through their back door and staffies yeeting eachother over the table and in the other one the staffy has to violently beat the glass open to get to the HoP.

This is why I only recommended improving the HoP's work space, but not buffing the HoP itself. If the HoP is outside and gets attacked/robbed? That's fair game. But just like the Captain being safer on the bridge.. I think the HoP should have that same security while doing their job as it's vital to the station.
I do get where you are coming from when it comes to each HoP area having different security measures on each station but to me that just makes sense. Instead of having everything be the same on each station some stations are lacking in some ways or better in others. Don't need to make every station be safe for the HoP.
(03-28-2023, 09:24 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: I do get where you are coming from when it comes to each HoP area having different security measures on each station but to me that just makes sense. Instead of having everything be the same on each station some stations are lacking in some ways or better in others. Don't need to make every station be safe for the HoP.

Okay let's apply that to other departments then so that two staffies can lift eachother over a table to sneak in and steal stuff.
I would love to see staff assistants running around with riot launchers or uploading funny laws into the AI but just yeeting eachother over tables.

Or just have them become monkeys so they can do it. Seems funny to me and as security or AI, you are suppose to "accept" the fact people will mess with your laws or take your stuff by simply jumping over tables...

Heck the bartender has the same problem but has a frigging shotgun to deal with it.

Why can't the HoP just have shutter windows on all stations at the very least? Why have the HoP on some stations be less safe then the bar?
Different security weaknesses is fine... Heck security armory on some maps is just one back door breach away from being stolen from.
But atleast have it be HARDER then "Turn Monkey, jump over table, Profit since HoP cannot defend themselves from ranged attacks or deal with a monkey constantl jumping the table."
To be fair, it does seem a little weird that the bartender gets a shotgun to deal with unruly people, and the HoP only gets a flash. Botany comes with sliding window panels on nearly all maps, and that's hardly a department that warrants having more security than the HoP.

I dunno. I know that saying "git gud" is a common response to a lot of feature requests in this codebase, but there might be some merit to giving the HoP more protection if the resulting feature makes the round more enjoyable for everyone. Clearly, giving the HoP an e-gun didn't work, since that just encouraged the HoP to be more of an absentee than usual, so something that might benefit them if they stayed in their office would be better.
Most other parts of the station are fairly difficult to break into, when compared to the hop area. Places like botany and even mining on maps sometimes having two doors before you can even get into their main room. Why does the hop just get a table? I agree that hop shouldn't be getting weapons or anything, but it's a bit ridiculous that one of the most sensitive areas on the station is also one of the most trivial to get into.

I think having blast doors like bridge lockdown for hop would be fine honestly, could open up some opportunities for traitors to box themselves in as well. Just always seemed odd that the only thing blocking the local greytider (or me, one too many times) from access to the entire station is a reinforced table and a player's momentary lapse in attention.

Shouldn't be harder to break into botany on nearly any map than it is to 'break' into the hop area.

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