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Borgs gain extra secure radio channels based on upgrades

Would allow borgs to better help departments that are diffrent from their module
e.g. Medborg with telesci, Engi/chemborg with medical

AI already has all these channels, so i don't see this being very gamebreaking

What upgrades would grant what channels?
  • Meson Upgrade/Construction Visualizer - Engineering
  • Spectroscopic Scanner Upgrade/Teleporter Upgrade (maybe both shield upgrades too)- Science
  • ProDoc Healthgoggles - Medical
  • Security HUD Upgrade - Security (Almost definitely a bad idea, but would allow sec to have their own medborg on high pop)
  • Speed Upgrade? - Civilian
Whike i like the thought of adding extra channels to borgs via modules, i disagree with just attaching it to already existing and rather powerfull modules.

Instead, how about adding a module a human can set the channel on (by using it in hand, the same way headsets work), which borgs then can use to access the additional channels?

That way, borgs that want to use the moduke need human action and we avoid buffing borgs capabilities in general (borgs seriously don't need blanket buffs.)
If anything we need to rework the module system abit. That you can do preset ones or custom ones but certain tools and radio channels have higher costs in power.

This way cyborg and robocists can work together and more borg shennigans can be done.

Imagine a civilian borg with some brobocop module stuff... you get what I mean with this right?

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