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BYOND Username: LeahTheTech
Character Name: Leah Polaris, B.E.E
Some stuff I noticed:
- QM doors are engineering airlocks, don't think they usually are?
- the QM west maint door isn't QM access locked
- the bathroom below the chapel has dangerous freezer floors
- there's a floating intercom on the stage (possibly elsewhere too)
- an artifact bomb ejected out of the chute seemed to end up on the research outpost, not sure if that's intentional
- glitch grenades are dangerous
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BYOND Username: Oremir
Character Name: Slizzard Hish
The map felt GIGANTIC, good for 60-80 size crew i imagine.
I'd say that with the size perhaps it could use a second (smaller) public podbay, Cog2 doesn't feel half as large and has the smaller public podbay near Arrivals, on the other side of the the station of the regular Public Pod Bay. Perhaps the same could be done here on the opposite side of the station of the current podbay.
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BYOND Username: SupahSnowy
Character Name: Snowy Ironhart, Old Man Boney, Steven Slick, & Charlotte Willows
Certainly a great-looking map. I haven’t noticed too any issues while playing. Medbay was a bit difficult to find and I’m not sure if there’s a mining/diner shuttle but that’s about it.
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Floor tile above the door to the barbershop couldn't be walked on and an intercom in the floor of the stage, both probably things not anchoring to the walls quite right
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I mentioned it mid-round and let walp know, but just in case again, the leftmost solitary brig cell didn't have access set.
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BYOND Username: DisturbHerb
Character Name: Rupert Wilde, ADVISOR
it'd be very nice if the big ol' hall had a grand piano in it 🥺
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BYOND Username: Meowgician
Character Name: Slushy/Yu, Pursuit, Seckendorff, etc.!
I took a little time to think about Decarabia with Roddy and kind of got us to the same ideas so .. it’s kind of a mish-mash of our thoughts.
We love it, of course. If it gets in it’d be great and it’s very much an RP centered map.
After a minute it kind of dawned that. As funny as it is. It’s almost too pretty. It doesn’t feel quite lived in, and in some respects is almost sanitized. That’s where we get the confusion as to what exactly /is/ the station. It feels mall-like, or even like a dollhouse but were unsure how intentional that is. At some points during the test, Rod mentions that it doesn’t quite feel like a Nanotrasen ship. There’s beauty but no mess and no signs of life almost.
We just can’t tell what the significant departure from current maps is. There’s water in oshan, acid in nadir, donut shaped maps, maps that are multiple ships… so what exactly Is Decarabia?
We kind of hope there’s a lot of more testing since there are some odd map issues here and there that likely would’ve benefitted from more player testing earlier on. I mentioned security previously, but upon second reflection, i realize the feeling for it is that security is almost lopsided. A lot of it’s vital needs are west, there’s an an empty and spacious lobby with no clear use, and pods to the right. It feels almost constricted.
Slight oversights in medical is fine and fixable and the most issue Rod ever said in medical.
I hope this doesn’t sound like it’s a bad map. It’s not! I love it already. I just had some thoughts that we hope are helpful.
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BYOND Username: Walpvrgis
Character Name: Cygnus Gwyllion/Chant du Cygne, BAPHOMET, Yarrow Thornapple
02-19-2023, 11:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-20-2023, 04:40 AM by walpvrgis. Edited 1 time in total.)
(02-19-2023, 07:34 PM)Meowgical Wrote: I took a little time to think about Decarabia with Roddy and kind of got us to the same ideas so .. it’s kind of a mish-mash of our thoughts.
We love it, of course. If it gets in it’d be great and it’s very much an RP centered map.
After a minute it kind of dawned that. As funny as it is. It’s almost too pretty. It doesn’t feel quite lived in, and in some respects is almost sanitized. That’s where we get the confusion as to what exactly /is/ the station. It feels mall-like, or even like a dollhouse but were unsure how intentional that is. At some points during the test, Rod mentions that it doesn’t quite feel like a Nanotrasen ship. There’s beauty but no mess and no signs of life almost.
We just can’t tell what the significant departure from current maps is. There’s water in oshan, acid in nadir, donut shaped maps, maps that are multiple ships… so what exactly Is Decarabia?
We kind of hope there’s a lot of more testing since there are some odd map issues here and there that likely would’ve benefitted from more player testing earlier on. I mentioned security previously, but upon second reflection, i realize the feeling for it is that security is almost lopsided. A lot of it’s vital needs are west, there’s an an empty and spacious lobby with no clear use, and pods to the right. It feels almost constricted.
Slight oversights in medical is fine and fixable and the most issue Rod ever said in medical.
I hope this doesn’t sound like it’s a bad map. It’s not! I love it already. I just had some thoughts that we hope are helpful.
I haven't replied to any posts here yet because I'm dealing with some health issues and busy with work around working on the playtest and implementing feedback etc, but this was an interesting post so I wanted to reply real quick!
So, yep you're right, Decarabia feels WEIRD. However... Decarabia IS meant to feel like a mall and it IS meant to feel uncannily clean and new. It is not meant to feel like a standard Nanotrasen station. It should be offputtingly different to the scungey stations that players are used to. There will be Lore about it, but because it's a WIP, I haven't finished all of the visual assets that push this, and I also haven't finished writing out any solid lore! What I can say is that it intentionally has hyper-commercialised, cyberpunk vibes. Navigation around the map is tricky because I have not finished assets that help with wayfinding and ease of travel, nor have I finished assets that tell the story I'm trying to tell.
Also as I mentioned at the start of the playtest and multiple times on discord; this map is incredibly unfinished. I wanted to run some playtests to get feedback on the playability of the layout and before getting other devs on board and investing time with helping me to finish the new mechanics. If you're wondering why there is no significant departure from other maps, it is because while planned (and started!), they are not finished enough to be implemented yet. In it's current state, Decarabia does not fully represent what The Dev Team want out of a new map, and I don't want people to get the idea that it does. Another aspect of this is that a lot of the "new" features are things that I slowly release into the general codebase currently, for example picked up the original Nuclear Reactor artwork and resprited it all in a weekend, because I wanted to use the engine for Decarabia. :P
Lastly, keep in mind that Decarabia is VERY self indulgent. Aesthetically and (in the future) mechanically. It's less that I'm trying to perfectly fit it within the setting of Goonstation, and more that I want to make something that is different visually and lore-wise. Because I find that the most fulfilling thing to work on with the time I have available for doing Goon dev work. >:3
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BYOND Username: Meowgician
Character Name: Slushy/Yu, Pursuit, Seckendorff, etc.!
02-19-2023, 11:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-20-2023, 05:02 PM by walpvrgis. Edited 1 time in total.
Edit Reason: I promise I didn't edit your actual post, I just deleted the quote for readability!!
Oho! Gotcha! I hope the post doesn't get too long with the replies.
I was a bit confused at first regarding what the goal or idea behind Decarabia is, but! The idea that it going deep into this uncanny amount of perfection... well that's pretty much getting nailed so far! It really is reaching into that idea of something that's /too/ perfect, and with more tests this unsettlement or idea of immense perfection is going to be better and better--I think that newness of the map made it hard to tell for me at first that that was the goal, but with more test/hopefully rotation(large rp centered map...the dream), it's really going to start feeling more and more almost dreamlike. Sort of how it takes a bit to kind of realize Cog2 (I think) is multiple stacked ships.
The name itself sounds more fitting now that its explained too!
Can't wait to see the future ideas for the map and it's journey as it gets updated and tested more! And thanks for clearing up some questions we had about it! The aesthetics of it so far is gorgeous and there's a lot of excitement to see how it changes and goes!
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BYOND Username: Bigjigs
Character Name: Jason, Jeff, and Otto Powers; Gruff OMalley; HK-51; MULTIVAC
Small nitpick that i mentioned while observing test 2: it would be cool if you could shift the disposals mass driver 2 or 3 tiles to the left so that you can see it from the chapel window. would make dramatic funerals all the more dramatic
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BYOND Username: RelentlessGarbage
Character Name: Natalie Suki, Yurea Markov
I'd say it's a very cool map on the whole! Quite pretty, it'll be fun to learn if it gets added.
As a botanist, though, I'd say that I didn't find any ChemMasters in the botany department. They're pretty standard on other maps, so unless it was a deliberate design thing, I'd say that you should add a couple alongside the other botany machines.
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BYOND Username: yoopgim434
Character Name: Mike Greeg Henry
The Map is absolutely gorgous, however, i feel like maintenence and ai could use a ton of work. both were a bit too garish, especially mainenence considering what it is. i felt like it was more the junkyard clubhouse rather than the back alley of the spacestation, not saying that those areas are not welcome, its just that the *entire* maintenence just shouldnt be that way.
HOWEVER: this is the highest effort map i have ever seen for this game so far. keep it the fuck up!
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Chucking thoughts here from immapper yammering as requested.
- Mechanics lab workshopping room not being hall-facing makes it less practical for public projects like a secondary cloning lab, but makes it much better for criming. Not a bad thing, just a tradeoff to keep in mind in case you want to reorganize things.
- The main public pod bay has slightly awkward pod positioning - it'd be difficult for incoming pods to land there without several existing pods having departed already. Central windows probably contribute to this flow issue.
- The sprites for the glass floors are a little bit too "bright" - it kind of looks like each individual tile is neon-edged. I think they could do with being a bit more even in their translucency.
- Courtroom feels odd for some reason. Also, its prison chute says Not Guilty which I'm assuming is an unintentional thing slipping in from Horizon?
- Rooms with their own zone that don't have cameras (i.e. bathrooms) should have the APC outside of the room or on an outer wall in the interest of AI being able to manage them.
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BYOND Username: Cheffie
Character Name: Capatino/Sergio/Gumbio Unserios
02-25-2023, 07:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2023, 07:36 PM by Cheffie. Edited 1 time in total.
Edit Reason: Typo
Few things I noticed in todays playtest:
Podbay access is inconsistent: the main podbay near escape has no manual open button and the medsci and science outpost podbay have no pod access button. Not sure about others I didn't see them.
Toxins storage is very dark and im not sure if i missed them or not but seems to have no firefighting foam tanks or grenades.
Someone brought up that the bar or jazz lounge has the syndicate version of shotglasses too with pitcherbomb capabilities and 40 unit capacity.
Needing a pod to get to science outpost is kinda bad it should have a shuttle like cog 2 and donut 2 have
Now a few nitpicks
The glass corridor near the bridge that connects up the maints would probably be better as normal reinforced glass not plasmaglass
Wiring colours should adhere to the standard that got PR'd a while ago im pretty sure it was solars are yellow, engine power output is brown and main grid is red
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BYOND Username: Judobum
Character Name: Aves Hibou
From my time in the map I was mostly fine. However Nuke ops is a bit buggy on it. On the classic test we had issues with planting the nuke. Additionally syndicate gunbots are a tad bit buggy with the droppod on the map.