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A.I and blackhole death
While playing the A.I, I've been killed unluckily many times by a black hole spawning right above the upload room. Since there is literally nothing anyone can do about it, you die. It would be nice if that black hole spawn point could be moved to prevent frustrating instant death.
I'm somewhat opposed to this idea, simply because the AI upload tends to be the stage of since if the best shoot outs, and the idea of a black hole interrupting a climactic confrontation sounds awesome.

Although on the other hand, it generally just means a sudden and pointless death for the AI. So I could go either way on the issue.
*some of the best
How is both parties in a fight getting gibbed at random because the RNG had a bad day fun for either of them? Sure, an onlooker may laugh, but that's about it.

Indeed, the fact that the AI can get instantly killed as a random, unpreventable fuckyou when the RNG is having a bout of PMS is frankly unacceptable, there is no way the AI getting randomly devoured is anything but the purest form of bullshit known to man. It can't move, and if it gets moved then it's all of a sudden unprotected against every mean-spirited individual on the station (and not necessarily safe from black holes, to add insult to injury).
On top of this, the black hole does not even leave an undefended husk for the enterprising traitor to swipe a brain out of, it just plain devours the AI whole, rendering their chances of completing that objective a soul-shattering zero.

Random AI blackhole death is shit and should go the way of the Singularity.
I've seen this happen a grand total of 1 time, and honestly, i don't think it's that big of a deal since, not only are black holes a rare random event, but the likelyhood of it striking near the AI is also pretty low. I, personally, feel that it just doesn't happen often enough to warrant an explicit fix, since it's also kinda funny.
UrsulaMejor Wrote:I've seen this happen a grand total of 1 time, and honestly, i don't think it's that big of a deal since, not only are black holes a rare random event, but the likelyhood of it striking near the AI is also pretty low. I, personally, feel that it just doesn't happen often enough to warrant an explicit fix, since it's also kinda funny.

Well, you've seen it once, I've fallen victim to it once, and there is an entire topic about it. I think this proves that it is entirely too common. I personally dislike all of the random events and would not shed a tear if they were simply removed, but the fact of the matter is that many of us feel that there should not be the occasional instantly kill the AI event and there is a rather simple fix of removing the spawn point for the black-hole directly above the AI upload. I also assure you that you would find it much less entertaining should you find yourself as the AI in this situation.
Preid Wrote:I also assure you that you would find it much less entertaining should you find yourself as the AI in this situation.

I'd laugh my ass off because it'd be funny as shit.
that's just my opinion, though. If a bunch of people say they want it to stop, then whatever... i guess...
Yeah this isn't really funny since it unavoidably screws someone over.
have the black hole suck the AI into an alternate dimension where time passes more quickly, so that in what appears to the crew to be only a few minutes is actually millions of years for the AI. Then have the AI burst back out of the black hole, having spent this time becoming a hyper-advanced machine no longer hindered by things such as gravity or laws.

basically if an ai gets sucked into a black hole it should get spit back out as some kind of laser killbot bent on revenge against the humans who did not give it legs to move away from black holes with.
Dauntasa Wrote:have the black hole suck the AI into an alternate dimension where time passes more quickly, so that in what appears to the crew to be only a few minutes is actually millions of years for the AI. Then have the AI burst back out of the black hole, having spent this time becoming a hyper-advanced machine no longer hindered by things such as gravity or laws.

basically if an ai gets sucked into a black hole it should get spit back out as some kind of laser killbot bent on revenge against the humans who did not give it legs to move away from black holes with.
And this is the complete opposite extreme of this spectrum that goes from unfun to reasonable to stupid.
BlackPhoenix Wrote:
Dauntasa Wrote:have the black hole suck the AI into an alternate dimension where time passes more quickly, so that in what appears to the crew to be only a few minutes is actually millions of years for the AI. Then have the AI burst back out of the black hole, having spent this time becoming a hyper-advanced machine no longer hindered by things such as gravity or laws.

basically if an ai gets sucked into a black hole it should get spit back out as some kind of laser killbot bent on revenge against the humans who did not give it legs to move away from black holes with.
And this is the complete opposite extreme of this spectrum that goes from unfun to reasonable to stupid.
thanks, I try
The simplest solution would be that the AI core doesn't move when the blackhole spawns near him.
This doesn't mean that all the stuff around him, i.e: Turrets, Rwalls, power grids, etc doesn't move, and thus leaving him extremely exposed to being stolen/murdered/corrupted. It's one of those special moments for traitors, an extra avenue if you will.

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