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[PR] Nadir breach hull auxiliary compartments

About the PR

Adds four "auxiliary compartments" to Nadir's breach hull, located near the northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest bends in the hull.

[Image: 205764414-e1725cbb-06e4-42ce-bb91-efb13ef7cccf.png]

Each such compartment is filled by a 5x3 random room, and accessed through a single shielded maintenance airlock into the breach hull. These compartments have windows to the outside, but no windows to the breach hull and no camera coverage, making them a suitable spot for hiding away from prying eyes.

Lorewise, these were originally intended to house monitoring and repair stations for breach hull integrity, but as the Site's conditions were less assertively hostile than anticipated in the initial design phase, that original purpose fell out of favor, leading to personnel building out their contents as they liked.

Why's this needed?

Gives Nadir more random room presence, and additional places to seclude oneself.


(+)Nadir's breach hull now includes four auxiliary compartments.

This breaks up NADIRs distinct outline, and I feel like nadir has enough maint/random rooms as is.
The outline isn't too badly broken up by this, IMO; it's a fairly small element of the overall profile, and almost looks like corner "rivets" on the hexagon from an overarching perspective.

In terms of maintenance, while Nadir does have a decent amount of it, almost none of it is secluded; these rooms would be substantially more insulated from the main body of the station, allowing slightly noisier activities to be carried out without immediately drawing attention.
More crime rooms good
(12-05-2022, 04:39 PM)Kubius Wrote: The outline isn't too badly broken up by this, IMO; it's a fairly small element of the overall profile, and almost looks like corner "rivets" on the hexagon from an overarching perspective.

In terms of maintenance, while Nadir does have a decent amount of it, almost none of it is secluded; these rooms would be substantially more insulated from the main body of the station, allowing slightly noisier activities to be carried out without immediately drawing attention.

Agree to disagree for the first bit, for me it doesnt feel like an organic part of the station but instead something bolted on which just doesnt really fit with the rest of the clean outline.

While I do agree there arent many secluded areas, Id prefer to convert areas in maint/nearby it to secluded areas instead. For example the wardens area has complete cams coverage and is visible from maint outside of it, I feel like removing the windows outside and the cams would go a long way into making it a sketchy crime area. A crews quarter room would be fitting to make into a secluded area as well as those rooms are pretty useless and its in a nice already dead spot for one. Owlery can be eaten into to give room for a crime area as well as owlery is a pretty eh area.
I'd rather not eat into the Owlery, since it's a traditional station element and it's one of the few spots I've seen antagonists be able to achieve some seclusion. I like the idea of the Warrens window cut (and was considering some general window cuts), but with regards to the camera coverage, it's important for the AI to be able to see doors and APCs for systems management.
Owlery just tends to be too crowded to do crime to where more traditional maint esc areas tend to be better in my opinion, but I get not wanting to cut into it. While cameras nearby apcs when theyre involved is fair, for wardens I think being able to be locked in for a bit until you either break the door or someone comes and gets you out is fair, its a sketchy area as a whole. The maints have a lot of entrances in general as well, and I feel like a few of them could have the entrances cut to make it purposeful dead space.

A design change that may help is that unlike the east and west sides, the corners dont go with the angle change of the overall structure, making it jut out. Maybe try moving the Catylitic up a few tiles and adding 3x5 verticals around it, that way it blends into the angle change for the north/south face.
More or less every station lacks rooms to turn into all kind of commodities and in nadir it's especially bad since you cannot easily build more rooms. So i'm all for it.
The whole SEA DINER is under the station then a remote location..

This station has so much places to do murder and crime as it is.. more rooms are always welcome though since I feel like the outer rim is kinda pointless anyway.. no one goes there cept engineering.
A small supplementary thought on the matter: Two of Nadir's potential crime spots (Underdiner and Jazz Lounge) are inaccessible to antagonists unable to use ladders (or whose objectives would need to be brought to that secluded location and can't travel down ladders), and these should be quite accessible to them.
gud change, more maint is always great
More maint is needed especially since Nadir is kinda compact and doesn't have a lot of areas for crime. At least without being heard by others.

To be honest slightly unrelated but I kinda hope Nadir gets even more structures like the broken ship at the southeast. Little crime stations out in the acid. It was one of my favorite parts about Horizon too.
I have a couple ideas cooking for other stuff on the Z-level, but they'll be part of subsequent PRs if/when introduced.

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