Currently, for one reason or another, whenever you make a plushy speak, it is not shown in the main game window, like when you speak normally. Instead, it is displayed in small grey, unnoticeable text in the text box.
I find this quite weird, since in Halloween ghosts could become plushies and they spoke normally. I find that the addition of popup messages would allow more variety in ways to communicate, although it is quite niche, I will admit that.
Nonetheless, I can understand why this small change is not urgent, but I do want to at least make note of it.
I find this quite weird, since in Halloween ghosts could become plushies and they spoke normally. I find that the addition of popup messages would allow more variety in ways to communicate, although it is quite niche, I will admit that.
Nonetheless, I can understand why this small change is not urgent, but I do want to at least make note of it.