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Spacebux Store to buy event stuff?
I love one thing of the halloween events and that is the altar in the chapel that allows you to use space bux to get stuff to preform rituals.

But... overall you only use it for this... or pre-round purcases.
Outside you just use it to trade things with other players for that round.

But what if... you can use spacebux for other things too?

What if we can use spacebux to activate things like the halloween altar or other event stuff?
I once suggested "Spacebux to increase antag spawning"
But.. this time I suggest the "Spacebux festivities store"

Where you can buy "certain event things" with spacebux there.
Just an idea if that's possible.

Now we can enjoy our rituals outside of halloween too.

Personally i would put it in the Debris field with a random spawn chance or a "spacebux" merchant ship.
Eitherway... just a small suggestion.
Of course some things will be never on sale there if it's too powerfull.. I am still thinking of balancing it out.
And another of course.. if you buy the "event item" (let's say a chocolate egg from easter during the summer) , it will be "expired" giving some negative effect to it.

What do you guys think?
Personally I am a bit worried about moving towards a direction where older players are empowered in a round mechanical due to their playtime and meta resources.

I think there are already some spacebux items that toe the line of being less flavor and more

"ohh here is a flavor but also a useful item"

Does it matter a lot in a roleplaying game where we just have fun? Not really, I just like the idea of people being on equalish footing though. Job rewards are also there though in that middling area so i don't know maybe it's not a concern at all as long as it isn't egregious.

I think antag roll chance changing is probably bad though? We got rid of antag weighting based off mot rolling antag in a while. I can't recall why though. I think people just used it to meta a decent bit of stuff because they knew they were highly likely to get it on the next character. If they haven't played antag in a while.

If I am being completely honest I would just like money to be valued more by the crew. Maybe people would actually accept money more if they could work towards some cool expensive things (the spacebux things) that are fun to play with and could be bought somewhere for credits.
personally i'd rather see some FOMO event stuff added (earn x medal during y event to obtain z cosmetic reward)
(10-12-2022, 01:43 AM)Scaltra Wrote: If I am being completely honest I would just like money to be valued more by the crew. Maybe people would actually accept money more if they could work towards some cool expensive things (the spacebux things) that are fun to play with and could be bought somewhere for credits.

One of the reasons I want to put in things to incentive doing your job on the servers or trying to do objectives to get extra spacebux.

Sure we would get grinders.. but that's not the worst problem... atleast they aren't abbadoning their stations and yes they might ignore their job to do their objectives.. but at the same time, you can take away their job and objective... so they better behave.

Quote:personally i'd rather see some FOMO event stuff added (earn x medal during y event to obtain z cosmetic reward)

I have been having alot of trouble managing my time to play SS13 for events. (barely 3 shifts a week)
So one thing I have is's one of the reasons I came up with it.

The other reason is the fact PEOPLE LOVE THAT DAMN SPACEBUX ALTAR! (including myself)
It takes alot of space bux to experiment with it or to get fun results....
But since it's only this month.. insted of let's say... during a time I have alot of free time. I would like to see it more.
ERGO this store as an idea.

You could get the spacebux altar from this store or merchant and use it during your non halloween shifts.
And since it costs spacebux to use.. I don't see any problem with adding this as a place to sometimes get.

Basicly this merchant would just be a merchant selling old fesitivities stuff, but store will NOT SELL current event stuff to avoid duplicates.

So yea... that's the idea cause it would be funny during this halloween to buy some easter eggs and toss em around going: "EASTER IS BETTER THEN HALLOWEEN!!" Causing a ruckus. It feels very goon.

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