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Yet another tree mutation
Trees are an incredibly interesting crop to grow in botany, with the power of mutagenic formula: rubber, paper, money, and more can all grow on trees in SS13. However, I'd like to propose a new mutation that is not entirely random: glowstick trees! Get it? Glow-sticks? Alright, it's not that funny. 
Anyways, infusing a tree seed with radium could produce these silly trees, allowing botany to supply everyone with copious amounts of obnoxious lighting in all the colours that normally come from the QM's assorted emergency glowstick crates. Raves? Power outages? AI busting all the lights? No match for glowstick trees!
Ooh and maybe the tree looks like a weeping willow but like with glowing bits? that would actually be very fun
It would be super convenient if the glowsticks were already lit when they get harvested. And if the size or light scales with plant stats? Oh BAAAAAABY
On a related note why can’t we grow shrubs and bushes?
I'll code this after the freeze if someone makes sprites for it. Not sure light size scaling with plant stats is possible with the way that lighting system works, but might be with some overlay abuse.
Trees have already a lot of mutations and a high chance of mutating on planting. This make getting the mutation you want and keeping it a bit annoying sometimes.

Also a lot of theses tree mutations are incredibly niche and rarely used. The one you see the most are money trees.

-Rubbers trees are only used for obscure secret chems, since the latex is no longer insulating enough for matsci insuls.
-Paper trees rarely see use when there are papers bins everywhere around the station.
-Sassafras has niche use for sarsaparilla drinks and space drugs splice.
-Dogwood barks and is very pretty. Nice decorative tree. No other purpose.

Also light lotuses exist and already produce light. They currently have no mutations. A mutation to make their fruits glow brighter with potency would fit rather well.
Call it bright lotus and have it contain phosphorus in addition to the regular luminol. That would open new splices for botany and and give incentive to go out of botany to find the strange seed.
I do want more funny mutations.
Everyone knows more is better.

But I'm kind of with Decarcassor on really disliking it when plants have too many mutations.

Though I suppose it could probably be solved by it requiring infusion instead of random mutation. Infuse a tree seed with radium to get glow-stick tree, for example.

Fun pun aside, though, I'd like to see the Light Lotus get more love too. It's a neat plant, that really stopped being planted, when it lost its value when it was de-omnizined. But either way is fine, really!
(08-08-2022, 10:47 PM)LeahTheTech Wrote: I'll code this after the freeze if someone makes sprites for it. Not sure light size scaling with plant stats is possible with the way that lighting system works, but might be with some overlay abuse.
I will gladly make tree sprites! I’ll put them in the sprite forum when they’re done.
Sprites are finished!
I really like the fully matured sprite.
Much more than I would have expected!
[Image: 8AHveI6.png]
Coded, the sprites look great and I managed to get the glowsticks brightness to scale with potency. Will PR after the freeze, remind me if I forget.
So glad you guys like my sprites, thanks so much for implementing them Leah!
I would like if it was infusion based. Trees got the problem of old synthmeat where it is really luck based what you get.

The sprite is just lovely!
(08-11-2022, 09:12 AM)LeahTheTech Wrote: Coded, the sprites look great and I managed to get the glowsticks brightness to scale with potency. Will PR after the freeze, remind me if I forget.

Yessss. Even better than expected.
I want super-bright 300 potency glowsticks.

I want to be a beacon of light, with glowsticks in every slot, in the darkness of maintenance.

Bonus points if you get extra sparkles when you *dance with high potency glowsticks.
Glowstick dancing is best dancing.
(08-11-2022, 09:12 AM)LeahTheTech Wrote: [Image: 8AHveI6.png]
Coded, the sprites look great and I managed to get the glowsticks brightness to scale with potency. Will PR after the freeze, remind me if I forget.

Great work! Have you PR'd it yet?

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