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[MERGED PR] Makes vampire bite actionbars private
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About the PR
Makes the giant action bar over your head while drinking blood as a vampire a private action bar visible only to the vampire and the victim. To somewhat compensate the vampire will now drip a small amount of their victim's blood onto the floor at their feet.

Why's this needed?
The vamp bite actionbar is extremely noticeable, and can sometimes be seen through walls or in AI camera static. The ability already requires you to be adjacent, makes a lot of noise, has a chat message and a little slurp animation. Ling absorb actionbar is private, even the vampire ranged blood steal actionbar is private.
Also Cheffie complained until I made this.

(+)Vampire bite action bars are now only visible to the vampire, and biting a victim will now cause a little of their blood to drip to the floor at your feet.

Might as well. I just wish the blood sucking noise wasnt so loud.
tbh I think the ling absorb bar should be made to be public instead of the other way around. It being visible makes sense, you tend to notice when someone has there mouth around another persons neck.
But lings use some weird appendge to suck out dna, they also have chat messages and its really obvious when a ling is eating/has ate someone. not needed at all.
I want it mostly as a flavor thing, it seems odd that you wouldnt notice it happening.
Action bars dont really add flavor in my opinion. Its just a game mechanic. The flavor for lings eating someone is the screaming and blood and limbs possibly popping off. Those very obvious things
I prefer action bars being added since it helps highlight actions you would notice in real life that get missed because the chat box gets spammed with everything. If someone is chewing on someones neck in a room you will notice. If someone is stabbing a body with random appendages erupting form their body and draining the person they have pinned, you would notice. The game really needs visual indicators since chat box stuff gets over-looked so easily/ spammed.

The sound for vampires should be made quieter, though. They are so loud.
I am for anything that makes being a vampire less of an audiovisual feast for everyone's senses.

Nothing says monster stealthily hunting prey in the night like bright icons and loud slurping noises you can hear through four heavily reinforced walls.

And a vampire necking with someone should probably be a rather less overt thing than obliterating a seemingly-dead person's face with a flesh straw and feasting on their delicious vital juices, leaving them a crumpled paper-bag of a person.

Even without the icon, you'd still get slurping and the characters drink-twitching and damage-twitching. And now blood-dripping.
Easy to notice if you pay any real attention, but possible to pass by if you're, like, otherwise busy.
I like this, being hidden in some maint corner and having some assistant notice your murder due to the bright bar above your head(and also that very loud noise) is not what i expect from a vampire...
I am all for the change. It's far too obvious in all situations to the vampires disadvantage.

Sucking blood is already a very lengthy process, pftem requiring skill usage to be even able to do it, and don't really need negatives on top of it.
(08-10-2022, 02:26 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: I am all for the change. It's far too obvious in all situations to the vampires disadvantage.

Sucking blood is already a very lengthy process, pftem requiring skill usage to be even able to do it, and don't really need negatives on top of it.

It also kinda renders the "shadow power" (being invisble in darkness) pointless... Since BRIGHT BAR ABOVE YOU!!
Sure your victim is visible but you ain't. Thus you can drop the body and run out of the darkness... making someone say: "WE GOT A VAMPIRE ON THE LOOSE"
But now no one saw you do it.

Also might I suggest a "Vamp beast form"
No it won't be as strong as let's say... changeling abomination form.
But a form to hide their idenity so they can aggresively take blood, would be fun.
Could be a beast or just an illusion depending wich vamp route we're going.
(08-11-2022, 06:14 AM)Kotlol Wrote:
(08-10-2022, 02:26 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: I am all for the change. It's far too obvious in all situations to the vampires disadvantage.

Sucking blood is already a very lengthy process, pftem requiring skill usage to be even able to do it, and don't really need negatives on top of it.

It also kinda renders the "shadow power" (being invisble in darkness) pointless... Since BRIGHT BAR ABOVE YOU!!
Sure your victim is visible but you ain't. Thus you can drop the body and run out of the darkness... making someone say: "WE GOT A VAMPIRE ON THE LOOSE"
But now no one saw you do it.

Also might I suggest a "Vamp beast form"
No it won't be as strong as let's say... changeling abomination form.
But a form to hide their idenity so they can aggresively take blood, would be fun.
Could be a beast or just an illusion depending wich vamp route we're going.

See, now personally I always thought the vampire could use some kind of identity obscuring power. Like a mental cloak where you're victim can't recognize your face or voice, or even what you looked like. Make the vampire feeding a hit and run, where you can take a few good pints out of them before the disguise goes away, leaving them alive to spread fear and suspicion
(08-11-2022, 08:10 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: See, now personally I always thought the vampire could use some kind of identity obscuring power. Like a mental cloak where you're victim can't recognize your face or voice, or even what you looked like. Make the vampire feeding a hit and run, where you can take a few good pints out of them before the disguise goes away, leaving them alive to spread fear and suspicion

Glad we agree on this.
Sure the vampire can also not wear their ID, be fully robed and have a mask hiding their idenity then drink and run, gloves to avoid finger prints.
But if they can just cast an illusion so they can't be recongised and look like "standard vampire" it would mean they only need to wear gloves.

And unlike the changeling who wastes DNA points for their powerfull abillities. Vampires do not waste blood for most of their best abillities, but they gotta work to earn it.
So an early illussion costing a lil bit of blood wouldn't be farfetch'd, a risk reward system.
Disguise yourself for 2 minutes... then drink blood of a victim... then run and change back like nothing happened.
Due to limited time they probably won't kill their victim and you get what you want frank.

Let's make this a new suggestions to discuss futher.
when playing ai the action bar makes it painfully easy to notice and it is REALLY loud, like as a secoff i can just patrol halls and hear a vamp draining from miles away in maints

i didnt even notice it was merged god i need sleep

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