HoS Application - Auzia Charlatan
Usual character name: Auzia Charlatan , Lynn Fujiwara
BYOND username: SenterNoir
Goon servers you play: Goon1+Goon2

Reason for application: 

I Felt like trying something new, playing sec was a unique experience compared to many of the other jobs, and I really like the team oriented gameplay. but always there is a lack of leadership and someone who is dedicated to lead this team. I'm sure as hell that captain isn't the one that got the time for it, or other head of commands. so I think maybe just one extra HOS on the list could turn a situation around one round and make the experience better for the newer sec members who might have felt the same about the lack of leadership in the sec team.

Security experience (300 word minimum):

Personally I'm a Team player when it comes to sec, I think it's more risky and dangerous for a sec to deal with 2 or more greytiders. also I tend to care for my team and know never to go in to dangerous situation solo. because I know that I'm not robust enough to deal with antags with way better and more lethal weapons than me. I'm very thankful that almost always when I'm out numbered or overwhelmed there is always other sec officers that will assist me in those situations. but the part I enjoy the most about is the brigging process, i usually let a lot of people off easy, for example, if a traitor was arrested I tend to just lock away their traitor items and then give them a 2 min brig time, that is if they haven't committed any serious crime. I tried to be nice most of the time when dealing with people in brig, telling them what I'm going to do and the reason for it. to avoid both confusion and give them some dignity in some way. because of my play style I find all the tools given to sec to be extremely useful is the RecordTrak, the ability to change prisoner's status on the fly is great for both jailbird players and people who were about to be released. I would say it's one of the best tool sec has. when not patrolling, being at the front desk of the department tend to be chaotic as well, that is why I think it's also important to treat people who show up with respect and answer their questions, but also try to go along with clown's gimmick if possible and doesn't cause harm for others. such as one time when a Assistance Union Rep show up, I would give them a task to get signature of people on the sec team and the head of command, which is great for both of us since that gives them a role and task to do and creates a interesting situation for the whole station. I think that is the most important "side quest" for security, aside from the law enforcing and arresting the baddies, It's to create situation t hat would be entertaining for both the crew and other security officers, instead of being seen as the enemy of the station. 

Answer two or more of the following:

[*]What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

 one of the most interesting moment I had was defending the HOP office from being breached by greytiders that is out for blood, we had bunch of sec with barriers trying to block the space that the door was before it was busted down by angry staffies that couldn't get a ID change because the HOP was missing, It taught me that using lethals is easy honestly, but dealing with bunch of mobs and have laws to follow can make the task way more difficult than you think it would be. which is why the favorite weapon of mine was the Riot launcher, being able to launch a smoke shell in to the angry crowd or a angry and armed Antag is both effective and harmless to people passing by. 

[*]What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
I think it would be Really nice if every map's brig comes with a automatic locker for the prisoner's belonging, the lack of equipment in some maps can make the process of releasing someone out of the brig take much longer and chaotic if the person refuse the comply. also I think that more ammo type should be given to the riot launcher such as pepper shells or something similar that would be great for 1-2 targets and not harmful for people passing by. 

[*]Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
[*]when I'm part of the team, I tend to have more supply equipment on me such as meds and tools to assist other Sec Officers, because I'm sure that I simply cannot do some task just on my own. But when there is only me who is Security Officer, I tend to be even more careful and more cautious when dealing with even just one angry staffie or crewmate, because I know the fact that if an antag gets hands on the taser and baton it's gonna be nightmare for other department to deal with. 

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

[*]Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

Father Of lies, Clown in disguise 
Your clown won't last
There is a bomb in my pack
the bee father secret stash
sec stomp me flat
I'm going to bomb your dad
getting high, into the morning sky
smoke white weed until I die
watching camera with a bomb in my ribcage
clowning hard , eating donuts masterclass
sacred Cyalume blade
a Changeling crusade
Fatal bee theft
give me bee or give me death
Beelon Musk
Beesus Christ
stealing donation from the Chaplin's box
a Monkey smoothie
chug smoothly
(I forgot the rest)

[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?

I really wanted to try make every sec officer wear some silly outfit and patrolling around the station with it, like the discount mummy outfit or the hotdog or monkey outfit. 

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I don't exactly remember the date. it was around a year ago almost, but I do remember I was banned for a week I think for calling the nukies (in general)  the R Slur because they ended the round early and I wasn't really happy that that round we had really good arti Beakers and chems in it. 
Amazing Sec Officer who knows how to handle most situations well and not in a way that makes people hate Sec more.
(06-07-2022, 07:40 PM)RealFakeSoof Wrote: Amazing Sec Officer who knows how to handle most situations well and not in a way that makes people hate Sec more.

thanks for the reply, any improvements or things I should work on to improve?
-1, this is entirely an opinion thing but I've seen you prepping capulettium as sec every round and just straight up grinding antag gear when it's captured. To me this just isn't a fun way to play security, it makes it harder for antags to do anything and leads to the same "Antags dead, call shuttle" at minute 30 that everyone complains about.
(06-17-2022, 03:06 PM)Drewmajor11 Wrote: -1, this is entirely an opinion thing but I've seen you prepping capulettium as sec every round and just straight up grinding antag gear when it's captured. To me this just isn't a fun way to play security, it makes it harder for antags to do anything and leads to the same "Antags dead, call shuttle" at minute 30 that everyone complains about.

fair point, but first I think grinding contraband is necessary way of disposing it, it also buys time for people who actually planned an strategized attack or gimmick instead of "2 rampage c saber nerd, call shuttle". it's like a filter that stops the antags can do a lot of damage to the station without much effort and strategy and still leaves the ones that puts effort in to their personals objectives and goals. second without access to armory and tranquillizer rifle, it would be difficult for sec offs to contain and suppress angry and unstable individuals even if they aren't on drugs. plus when they are knocked out, the process of checking their belongings and switching to brig outfit can be much faster and without much resistance that could result in them escaping because of one small error.  think about it, in these situation, dealing with someone who is consistently resisting and probably no other sec offs to help you process him in to brig, would you rather make one small mistake and get beaten to death or simply knock them out and cause minimal harm to both parties.
(06-17-2022, 05:11 PM)Senter Wrote:
(06-17-2022, 03:06 PM)Drewmajor11 Wrote: -1, this is entirely an opinion thing but I've seen you prepping capulettium as sec every round and just straight up grinding antag gear when it's captured. To me this just isn't a fun way to play security, it makes it harder for antags to do anything and leads to the same "Antags dead, call shuttle" at minute 30 that everyone complains about.

fair point, but first I think grinding contraband is necessary way of disposing it, it also buys time for people who actually planned an strategized attack or gimmick instead of "2 rampage c saber nerd, call shuttle". it's like a filter that stops the antags can do a lot of damage to the station without much effort and strategy and still leaves the ones that puts effort in to their personals objectives and goals. second without access to armory and tranquillizer rifle, it would be difficult for sec offs to contain and suppress angry and unstable individuals even if they aren't on drugs. plus when they are knocked out, the process of checking their belongings and switching to brig outfit can be much faster and without much resistance that could result in them escaping because of one small error.  think about it, in these situation, dealing with someone who is consistently resisting and probably no other sec offs to help you process him in to brig, would you rather make one small mistake and get beaten to death or simply knock them out and cause minimal harm to both parties.

You don't need to play sec to win. Play it to let others have fun, grinding contra that's high risk such as a csaber or predator sure(Even though I still tend to throw it in contra, it's fair to grind that) but I've seen you grind like..... Literally anything, no matter the contra.
(06-20-2022, 03:52 PM)Drewmajor11 Wrote:
(06-17-2022, 05:11 PM)Senter Wrote:
(06-17-2022, 03:06 PM)Drewmajor11 Wrote: -1, this is entirely an opinion thing but I've seen you prepping capulettium as sec every round and just straight up grinding antag gear when it's captured. To me this just isn't a fun way to play security, it makes it harder for antags to do anything and leads to the same "Antags dead, call shuttle" at minute 30 that everyone complains about.

fair point, but first I think grinding contraband is necessary way of disposing it, it also buys time for people who actually planned an strategized attack or gimmick instead of "2 rampage c saber nerd, call shuttle". it's like a filter that stops the antags can do a lot of damage to the station without much effort and strategy and still leaves the ones that puts effort in to their personals objectives and goals. second without access to armory and tranquillizer rifle, it would be difficult for sec offs to contain and suppress angry and unstable individuals even if they aren't on drugs. plus when they are knocked out, the process of checking their belongings and switching to brig outfit can be much faster and without much resistance that could result in them escaping because of one small error.  think about it, in these situation, dealing with someone who is consistently resisting and probably no other sec offs to help you process him in to brig, would you rather make one small mistake and get beaten to death or simply knock them out and cause minimal harm to both parties.

You don't need to play sec to win. Play it to let others have fun, grinding contra that's high risk such as a csaber or predator sure(Even though I still tend to throw it in contra, it's fair to grind that) but I've seen you grind like..... Literally anything, no matter the contra.
I didn't grind anything that is or isn't contra, all I grinded was C saber and Emags and shotguns if needed, usually I just throw them in the contraband safe. And Isn't it letting others have fun if I don't let 2 C saber person just kill everyone and have them throw everyone in the grinder?
The kind of sec player I look up to in my play, a no brainer for me
+0, Had little interaction with Auzia, though in those few interactions they've been highly capable and generally very fair with their handling of antags. Though I'll have to agree with Drew that at times they can be a bit too capable, and end up playing in bit of an
anti-fun manner.
+1. She's a capable sec player and a great team player. She communicates with the team well, and is helpful to other players. One thing she could improve on is that I'd prefer she didn't drug prisoners, although I haven't seen her do that recently. Overall, it's always nice to see her on the security team, and I think she'd make a great HoS.
-1. You definitely seem like a capable sec officer but have to say no from the view of using capulettium to knock out antags for brigging. It's just not really a security thing to do. Also, while not necessarily translating, the view of it is like an HoS using the lawbringer to knock out every antag with sleepshot for brigging, which no one does because it's not a good thing to do and very meta.

Haven't played with you recently, but if you've stopped doing this would be willing to change to a neutral or soft +1
(07-18-2022, 10:02 PM)FlameArrow57 Wrote: -1. You definitely seem like a capable sec officer but have to say no from the view of using capulettium to knock out antags for brigging. It's just not really a security thing to do. Also, while not necessarily translating, the view of it is like an HoS using the lawbringer to knock out every antag with sleepshot for brigging, which no one does because it's not a good thing to do and very meta.

Haven't played with you recently, but if you've stopped doing this would be willing to change to a neutral or soft +1

it really depends on how you see the idea of "Security thing" to do. for me I rather secure both myself and co worker's life by knock out people is worth it and makes the job easier for every sec on the team. consider how squishy and fragile an average sec is, I think the use of Capulettium on wizards and angry antags are a great way to handle them with care. plus you have to consider the fact that sometime you have to deal with a person who is equipped with the most meta equipment alone and without backup at times.
i am sorry but no, the thing about sec is to keep things fair for both antags and sec, is not about winning is about making a fair match betwen sec and antags alike and not go out of your way to make it more easy for you and extremely unfair for said antag by using capulettium instead of your standart sec gear, also the fact that you seem to be extremely defensive about it makes it a red flag for me.

-1 until you see things on grey instead of black and white when being a sec member
-1 From me grinding any sort of contraband is a really big red flag, caputellum for briggings also seems really unnecessary
Played with Auzia quite a bit, as well as Lynn, though we don't say anything to each other.

Active on the radio, interacting with crew and speaking to their team often, Auzia makes their presence known.
They are often looking for ways to help their team, and the crew, as well as being diligent against crime.

They're fair in their brigging, and don't often act upon feelings of anger.
I haven't seen much troubling behavior from them.
Haven't seen them abuse their fellow secoffs, nor crew.

In many ways they are experienced and one of the more reliable secoffs. In other ways, they fall short of the experience I'd like to see from an HoS.

I must attest to them destroying gear, and it is something that I myself frown upon.
That said, I don't feel they're wrong for it.
Quote from HoS guideliens.
>improper contraband handling. Contraband goes in the box (or maybe the crusher)...
As you can see, grinding gear is mentioned as being a proper place for contraband to go.
Therefore, while I also disagree with it, it is their choice.

Moreover, with regard to the capulettium, it is also frowned upon, I would suggest using morphine as an alternative.
Overall, drugging criminals/antagonists is frowned upon as a whole. I myself use tranquilizers pretty liberally as HoS.
Many people are not happy about it.

In doing these things--grinding gear, preparing capulettium--you are guaranteeing victory.
This simply isn't inductive to a fun round. Neither for the crew, nor for the Antagonist.
Please be considerate of Antagonists. Their rounds are rare and they want to have fun.
Not have their gear removed from the round and be paralyzed on the floor.
Moreover, crew often wants something to fight. They want to be the hero that kills the csaber rampager.
Let the antagonists thrive. Let the crew have interactions with antagonists.

While there may be a seemingly long list of things against Auzia's attempts, I would say they are minor and easily corrected.
Beyond that, I believe they are capable of leading as an HoS and see no reason to impede them.
+1. I can support Auzia's ambitions to become a Head of Security.

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