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please have biblefarting blow you up again
being vaporized by lightning and dropping all your stuff just isn't nearly as funny
Can just exchange the elecgib for a regular gib, since the bolt striking you is a pretty neat effect

(it's kinda weird when you're inside something though, like biblefarting while inside a disposal pipe)
The bolt striking is neat, yeah.
Yes please
Bring back the old gib for the bloody effect but also keep the lighting, would be neat.
why was it even removed in the first place
(07-11-2022, 10:20 AM)Nihisohel Wrote: why was it even removed in the first place

Cause smiting always involves something unexpected like lighting strikes.. but we can just combine the two.
Lighting strike then EXPLOSION!
Better idea the smite now takes completely random forms. Iron Mike Jabs uppercut, spontaneous combustion, lightning strike, classic gib, melting into a puddle, statuefication aka pillar of salt. Skies the limit oooo yeah!
Bible gib was always funny. Just combine the lightning strike with the bible gib.
I would usually say yes to the ha ha lightning gib explosion
But one of the funniest things I remember is teaching new players stuff, and then capping it off with "Wanna see something cool" and then laughing my ass off when they clearly can't figure out why the helpful guy just exploded into a bunch of bits.

I'm actually kind of distraught that I can't do this right now.
why not combine it by having people getting gibbed by a bolt of lightning

otherwise it's pretty flat compared to how you could just gib yourself
I'm in favour of combining it, i wanna see a person explode when they do the funny fart.

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