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[CLOSED PR] Replaces burst fire on tasers with detain.
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About the PR
Replaces the burst fire mode on default tasers with the AOE detain mode from the lawbringer. This will remove the most go-to instant stun in security's arsenal while giving more utility to the default taser.

Why's this needed?
Taser burst currently serves as a one shot down with very little downside besides a higher cost. Which is actually more energy efficient than firing 3 taser shots. People tend to burst fire in order to instantly knock down a target with very little counterplay. This leads to the taser overshadowing things like the taser shotgun for high stamina damage in a single click, as well as the taser SMG for firing lots of shots out.


(*)Replaced burst mode on tasers with an AOE mode

In my opinion Lawbringer detain is too strong to be handed out to the entire sec team its really strong in chases where you dont have to really aim much, could be good if it was really tuned down though
Sure that sounds reasonable, what values do you reccomend for stamina damage/slowdown?
I like this, it makes tasers much more unique then just the boring gun
The point of burst mode is that its high-risk high-reward - if you miss you are punished.

Taser and Wavegun feel good and reliable.
Shotgun and SMG need buffs.
Nerfing taser won't make the shotgun any more attractive.
Also against making the lawbringer less unique.

Taser shouldn't even have an AoE purpose/function - it is for single targets.
not sure I feel great about detain but I just dont like it in general, but I appreciate the need to diversify the taser options right now
honestly, good idea but i'm not really a fan of it...It just kinda buffs tasers instead of trying to fix the issue with the burst insta stun. Taser's triple burst needs a good aim and if you miss both shots you don't have much to use. The detain mode would slow anyone down by just shooting to the target's area or shooting the wall, running away from an officer would be even harder. I don't think taser needs the detain mode.
Having suggested it, I like it. It provides sec with an AOE option, as well as changes the meta of running up to someone and unloading the taser burst into them
shotguns is technically meta passable due to its ability to hard stun someone on point blank, i dont think shotguns really need a buff
taser SMGs probably needs a bit more range and capacity but otherwise, its a disorient weapon than stun really

i think taser burst becoming an AOE seems too counterproductive, at that point id rather have pretty much just a lawbringer
otherwise, having the taser burst using up more energy would be better than an AOE
Yeah not a fan of giving the taser a strong AOE disorient. We already have two very strong disorient causing tasers in the shotgun and SMG. Burst fire on the standard taser is a very risk/reward mode. If you miss, congrats you just dumped half your cell's charge. If you hit, you get a stun.

If a change were actually needed (IMO it's not), could probably make the burst fire more in line with the SMG's two round burst.
Yeah I don't think a change is really needed
If you need AOE disorientation use flashba-- ooh... right they are rare now.
Then buy tear gas grenades or use the riot launcher.
(07-11-2022, 02:27 PM)Kotlol Wrote: If you need AOE disorientation use flashba-- ooh... right they are rare now.
Then buy tear gas grenades or use the riot launcher.

While much more limited in range  a standard flash can be used as an aoe flash by clicking on it in your active hand for a 5x5 disorient.

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