As I was lurking the discord earlier today I came across a discussion about mutantraces, which reminded me of my mutantrace ideas, which were mostly terrible, such as the hippo race, where the only ability I was able to think of was that their hunger rate would deplete faster. I believe that this one, however, is slightly more coherent and well thought through.

One of the most obvious reasons skunks would be added is our peculiar obsession with farts, be it the fartnasium, the superfarts that knock everybody off their feet or the biblefarts give us health boosts . It goes without saying that skunks would be a decent way to satiate this obsession.
I've gathered a list of attributes that I think should be part of skunks if such a mutantrace would be added, seperating it into three categories, starting with the most obvious one,
I've gathered a list of attributes that I think should be part of skunks if such a mutantrace would be added, seperating it into three categories, starting with the most obvious one,

Skunks should be able to fart out fart clouds, similar to those that buttbots or those with the high decay digestion mutation, with skunks being immune and desensitized to them. Their farts could also be made flammable for realism purposes, containing a certain amount of plasma, which isn't that unlike regular human farts, as they too, can fart out plasma.
Farting on somebody who is prone should also temporarily stun the fartee for a small period of time, they should also be temporarily blinded for a slightly longer period of time, I'm purposefully leaving most of the durations open ended as I don't exactly know how to properly balance this yet.
Superfarting using the High-pressure Intestines mutation should create a large cloud of toxic farts.
One last fart-related idea: As skunks do in real life, our space skunks should release all their farts upon dying, similar to microbombs.
Farting on somebody who is prone should also temporarily stun the fartee for a small period of time, they should also be temporarily blinded for a slightly longer period of time, I'm purposefully leaving most of the durations open ended as I don't exactly know how to properly balance this yet.
Superfarting using the High-pressure Intestines mutation should create a large cloud of toxic farts.
One last fart-related idea: As skunks do in real life, our space skunks should release all their farts upon dying, similar to microbombs.

As skunks are mammals, and mammals don't like spicy foods, with only two exceptions, humans and tree shrews, skunks should vomit out any spicy food that they eat. Along with this they should also not be able to properly eat chocolate (much like pugs).
Although there is no scientific evidence for it, being drunk as a skunk would be a fairly comedic addition to the race, this won't do much except making them drunk much faster though, atlhough I'm always open to better ideas.
Probably my most controversial suggestion would be the ability to... EAT BEES!!!! (and wasps too).
As this is something that skunks do, it would most certainly still be dangerous and require a period of you standing next to the Apoidean, after doing this nearby bees or wasps (if they weren't attacking you before) will attack you, as you have just consumed one of their kind. This could be implemented as an ability that lets you click on a nearby bee and then have an actionbar show up. A sick and twisted way of getting pleasure sustenance.
Skunks are also immune to snake venom, and are thus a pretty good counter to the poor, introverted rattlesnakes who just want to be left alone... This does not mean, that they are completely immune, as they still get brute damage from the snakes' bites.
Skunks have terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible vision in high light environments, but fairly decent vision in the dark. Their terrible vision could be implemented so that skunks simply cannot see behind them, or that they've got decreased depth perception by making them see a few tiles less. Dark tiles, however, should be made brighter, or perhaps just giving them the cat eyes trait would suffice.
They should also get scared of pugs, somehow. I've yet to find a way to really make this into a feature, my most coherent idea was making them get stunned and having them fart when touched by a pug. I felt this was needed as skunks tend to get very skittish around predators (dogs).
This last one is really just a throw-away and definitely one of the worst ideas of these, making skunks get stunned when standing on a tile thats a few tiles removed from urine, since skunks are scared of the urine of predators, this could be a good way of pestering any fiendish skunks who're up to no good, but mostly this will probably be used as an excuse to spread urine everywhere, which is something that I think not a lot of people want any more of than the scarce amount we see already, anyhow, this is not a thread for debating whether or not we should remove urine!!!!
I do definitely feel as if some drawbacks to being a skunk would be needed for it to be an actually balanced race, so tell me if there's any drawbacks that could still be added
They should also get scared of pugs, somehow. I've yet to find a way to really make this into a feature, my most coherent idea was making them get stunned and having them fart when touched by a pug. I felt this was needed as skunks tend to get very skittish around predators (dogs).
This last one is really just a throw-away and definitely one of the worst ideas of these, making skunks get stunned when standing on a tile thats a few tiles removed from urine, since skunks are scared of the urine of predators, this could be a good way of pestering any fiendish skunks who're up to no good, but mostly this will probably be used as an excuse to spread urine everywhere, which is something that I think not a lot of people want any more of than the scarce amount we see already, anyhow, this is not a thread for debating whether or not we should remove urine!!!!
I do definitely feel as if some drawbacks to being a skunk would be needed for it to be an actually balanced race, so tell me if there's any drawbacks that could still be added
Feel free to suggest any changes, ideas or balancing solutions you've found to be needed, as I am not all-knowing.