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A rambling thought on the transitory nature of existence 6 beers deep
Like it or not SS13, and Goon are a community. We like to think at times that we play a game to be the hero of our own story, but for most of us it comes down to an all consuming need to interact with others in a fun sand box, filled with clowns ,farts, betrayal, and events told with strangers. Furthermore it goes further than the game a discord channel, subreddit, wiki, and forum each filled with amusing anecdotes on shared experiences, fleeting glimpses of a shared common bond. 

What nags at me though is what happens when you leave? Whether it is boredom, ban, or worse, will others even remember you leaving or will they too move on to the next round without so much as a second thought as to whatever happened to... 

Am I perfect player by all means no, and anyone who claims to be is lying to you, but I try to be a helpful and welcoming player. I think we should all try to do that. Both in game and out.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack pods on fire off the shoulder of Horizon... I watched C-sabers glitter in the dark near the Thermoelectric Generator... All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.

Mouse Fitzgerald emits a loud clunk!
Born to late to explore the earth,
Born to early to explore space
Born just at the right time to play SS13.
Day 2 six beers again you still aren't getting me to join the discord.
Here's an idea... You give meaning to your life, not the universe!
Day 3 ever wonder why we as a society place more value on little green pieces fiber with made up value than we do actually advancing the species to a more enlightened state?

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