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Remove lawyer job on classic
In my time playing security and hos, I have never once seen a lawyer provide something beneficial to the game. Often lawyers do one of three things; they run off and do something not related to the job, they bug security left and right while they are making arrests, or they straight-up self antag by helping other antags. I like the idea of the job but unfortunately on classic they more or less just become a nuisance. I think removing their sec access was a step in the right direction but this has not really stopped any of the discussed behavior.

TLDR Lawyers should be removed because they frequently get in secs way or self antag.

P.S. I have no idea how lawyers are on Goon 3 and 4 so this suggestion only applies to 1 and 2.
or maybe limit the job to 1, instead of whatever absurd number it is now. we dont need as many lawyers as there are secoffs.
isn't it a job of the day
(05-25-2022, 09:33 PM)Froggit_Dogget Wrote: or maybe limit the job to 1, instead of whatever absurd number it is now. we dont need as many lawyers as there are secoffs.

Keep it at two, for the hypothetical (and occassionally real!) RP scenario involving a trial that has one lawyer for each side.
And if you really need to expand your defense or prosecution teams the mime and clown usually aren't too busy.
Pretty much lower the number to two and if they are a problem they aren't security. So if they break the rules brig em or denial trial due to conflict of interrest.

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