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04-20-2022, 03:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2022, 01:35 PM by github_bot. Edited 6 times in total.)
About the PR
This adds in a secure crate that contains some new items. The ecto blaster, which uses ectoplasm to fire energy bolts that force wraiths to become corporeal, and the advanced ectoplasmoleic imager, a more powerful version of the goggles that the ghost buster uses that can see wraiths and poltergeists. Comes with a box full of ectoplasm blob ammo for the Ecto Blaster, and some auto-injectors of strange green goop to help see the wraith. Ectoplasm blobs now require freezing ectoplasm in a container in order to get the blob. Also changes some back end things with invisibility. Neither the guns nor the goggles can be mech scanned. I also made strange green goop able to see wraiths, in case the goggles are lost.
Why's this needed?
Currently, the only counter-play to wraith is hoping they mess up in some way, whether it be crossing salt or corporeallizing in a bad location. This kit intends to add in a more proactive way of fighting a wraith that adds in some level of counter play. The change to ectoplasm blobs is to prevent infinite ammo with the blaster with gas duping. I also think it fits nicely.
Code: changelog
(*)The scientists at NanoTrasen have been able to invent and ship out some gear to allow security personal to deal with the less-than-physical threats. Available in each armory, see minor changes for details
(+)Adds a security restricted crate that contains 3 items, the ecto blaster, the advanced ectoplasmoleic imager, a box of ectoplasm balls, and 3 auto-injectors of strange green goop.
(+)The ecto blaster fires special energy bolts that force wraiths and poltergeists to become corporeal for a short amount of time. Is requires ecto plasm in order to fuel it.
(+)The advanced ectoplasmoleic imager is able to see wraiths, as opposed to it's lesser version that only sees ghosts.
(+)Ectoplasm now requires chilling at least 20 units in an open container in order for it to turn into an ectoplasm ball
(+)Strange green goop now let's you see wraiths as well as ghosts
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BYOND Username: Sbmhawk
Character Name: Peyton Dugmore
A couple things, for one the ectoplasm blobs are used for more than just the ammo. Another thing is that all energy guns are supposed to be scannable, but i guess you could explain that away as it literally shooting blobs of ectoplasm
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BYOND Username: Wisemonster
Character Name: Jessica Bennedict, Borgington, Discount Dan's Bargain Bin AI
I could make it scannable, but require special materials in order to fabricate (such as soulsteel). My main concern is not making it easy for the entire station to get a hold of the ecto blaster, as it would make being a wraith a pain in the ass.
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BYOND Username: MitchTheStationPreformer
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BYOND Username: Myco
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Idea: make it chaplain locked (may need some reworking of accesses tho)
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BYOND Username: Wisemonster
Character Name: Jessica Bennedict, Borgington, Discount Dan's Bargain Bin AI
04-20-2022, 04:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2022, 05:40 PM by Wisemonster.)
I could make it require either security and/or chaplain access, but there is the concern of making chaplain the "valid-hunter job". If security wanted, they could give the chaplain the gear after unlocking it.
Also, if there is a concern of the chef not being able to get ecto balls for food, don't worry. Simply putting ice from an ice dispensor into an open container of ecto plasm is enough to make an ecto ball.
Ok, so apparently all ecto goggle types count as thermals, so I'm gonna go with restricting this crate to armory.
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BYOND Username: Nihisohel
Character Name: Nil Souhel
04-24-2022, 01:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-24-2022, 01:32 PM by Nihisohel. Edited 1 time in total.)
i mean it is kind of inevitable that the chaplain would be a valid hunter job, its just that its set back most of the time by newer players or docile players
a bit at odds with making it an armory access item though, you could probably just not allow the goggles to have thermal vision, its a weird thing for it to have anyway
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
Squirtgun filled with holy water
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BYOND Username: UltraNumeron
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Honestly feel itd be better to just give it to the chap directly instead of a cargo crate
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BYOND Username: Rmeaper
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(04-25-2022, 04:23 AM)UltraNumeron Wrote: Honestly feel itd be better to just give it to the chap directly instead of a cargo crate
Agreed, It also adds ghost buster to the list of chaplain gimmicks you can do.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
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I litterly recommended the chaplain getting a ghost buster set to make em more playable as well as several other things.
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Yes this is good. I planned to add this functionality to the ecto gun pali made for me years ago but I never did it. A bit unsure on what should be the "proper" way to introduce this into a round. But it's a solid job.
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BYOND Username: ikea
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04-25-2022, 03:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2022, 03:56 PM by Ikea. Edited 2 times in total.)
Overall I very much like this, the counter to wraith that isnt salt would be great. I think the rough concept is good too, a gun thats obtainable that shoots wraith in order to weaken it. However I think some of the specifics could go with improving.
On the mechanical side of things overall I think its okay. It using ectoplasm as ammo seems really odd, the only way to keep having ammo is to not run out of ammo so you can shoot things for more ammo or know of a specific discount dans drink which is new player unfriendly. I think itd be much better if it used energy as ammo or had a unique energy refueling mechanic instead of ectoplasm (idk something like needing to shock it with something like a defib or baton to charge it, would be weird if it was just a gun but works better for backpack idea later). I think a wraith should always know who has this item, so something like requiring a specific backpack to be worn to use it may be good, if you dont know how to code this look at syndie flamer code, its surprisingly easy (but may be too much ghost busters esc). I think instead of a single shot setup, something like full auto or a charge up shot would be much more fitting and make the item feel more unique.
On the thematic side of things however, I think there's a lot of improvement to go. The ecto blaster being given to security (fine with current for azones and the like) is too magicky, and I feel like the gun that sec should have should aim more towards "magic" (clarkes law and all that) disguised as science. I think the gun could go with a more cooler experimental sciencey name, a neat acronym like P.S.Y.C.H.E. could be good. Description would be best as buzz words galore describing how its specially calibrated to destabilize aggressively remaining spectral existences (ARSE for short) and lesser quantum conscious remnants. Look wise lots of metals, blinking lights etc.
I think on how it should be obtained, chaplain already has a lot of stuff to do to hunt valids and giving them more stuff in that regard seems meh. I feel like the best way would be make it more available then less. Especially in a classic round its really easy for a single item to be lost, and only one failsafe seems bad. Have it start roundstart in sec locked, similar to flamer crates. Its mechscannable, however requires expensive mats. Its gettable from cargo, however decently expensive (50K or so) youd need to balance effectiveness accordingly but yeah.
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BYOND Username: DIO Chasek
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Flip side of giving it to sec is it gives them yet another hammer to deal with antags which yes some rounds that is great others it is just going to make things even less fun for antags. Yes Chaplain has valid hunting problems but it extends to sec as well and as an antag I would much rather have to worry about a single chaplain with a lot of gear to stop me early versus an entire sec team.
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BYOND Username: Nihisohel
Character Name: Nil Souhel
ill still reiterate that giving it to the chaplain wouldnt make the job any worse, most chaplains just do gimmicks or are new enough besides the occasional valid hunter (me) abusing the bible and .22 LR magazines
giving what may be a new and actual thing for chaplains to do would be pretty good is my take