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[PR] Using emergency security alert now triggers maptext + a sound effect

About the PR
Pressing the emergency security alert button plays this sound (, and does this maptext:
[Image: 171094471-6ce9419a-09c0-449b-9b34-545d8f00d33a.png]

Why's this needed?
The security alert can easily have a massive shift in the combat dynamic, with it easily causing a rush of security officers to arrive to an area with only the touch of a single button. This gives people nearby a warning, so they can choose to retreat or stay put accordingly.


(*)Pressing the pda security alert now alerts people nearby through the use of a sound effect and text.

This is a good change imo. While you should always expect security to hit the button of death TM a heads up for newer players is a win.
It does however have a side effect of possibly increasing vigilantism by people passing by looking to get in on the stomp.
Yeah honestly I've never liked this feature in general.

I think this does just serve as an invitation for people nearby to join the brawl.
The alerting nearby people is very much an intentional aspect of this addition. Adds a nice new dynamic to it and gives the antag another thing to consider. Consider it balance compensation for giving the antag more information to work with.
I actually think this one is fine

Mildly worried about shitheads bragging in chat that they got officers to hit alert
Those guys will brag about anything, i dont think this change will effect that toxicity.
does it look like that with the opacity & grey in game or was it just not fully atop the head in that pic
big fan, wasn't sure about the maptext being needed and then I remembered how many people play with the sound off and I realized it was Good Actually. provides a new avenue of counterplay to a well organized sec team, and I'm very excited to see how this enhances the sec-antag dynamic for both sides big grin
(04-23-2022, 02:36 PM)Yellow Wrote: does it look like that with the opacity & grey in game or was it just not fully atop the head in that pic

That is how it looks in game yeah, wanted it to be very distinct from normal human speech. 

(04-23-2022, 02:38 PM)Waffleloffle Wrote: big fan, wasn't sure about the maptext being needed and then I remembered how many people play with the sound off and I realized it was Good Actually. provides a new avenue of counterplay to a well organized sec team, and I'm very excited to see how this enhances the sec-antag dynamic for both sides big grin

I also went with the maptext so that newer players who haven't heard the sound yet knew what that sound effect meant.
Good improvement, but I think the maptext should only say "Emergency alert sent". I think the "please assist this officer" part is unnecessary and would just encourage people around to jump into the action, especially newer players that see this for the first time.
Kinda agree with Alex here
i like it, as antag an alert can really mess with you if you arent fast so this can help antags a bit and sounds fun
The "please assist this officer" bit is mostly there because 1. it gives an in character explanation for why it was designed with a noise and alert, and 2. The alert is used mostly when a sec off is getting there shit kicked in so I find the irony of the alert having good intentions in character of getting others to help actually just further encouraging the antag to beat there shit in faster to be funny. I am in no ways opposed to removing it, Id just like a bit more in the way of feedback in this regard first (this means feel free to comment yeah I think that bit is bad or whatever with no other feedback attached).
Flavor wise the text "Please assist this officer" is fantastic. Overall this is a great change
My personal taste: I think the alarm sound should be something more in line with those personal alarm devices where it's going on a bit longer and more droning. Make it clear that you don't want to stay in the area much longer, and to other people that they should head that way to see what is going on

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