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Station Objectives
The idea:
The station as a whole can receive an objective, an optional goal to accomplish akin to the Crew Objectives. Completing a station objective would result in some sort of reward for the station. Rewards include stuff like money added to the budget or deliveries of goodies like crates full of funny outfits or spawning a bunch of brainless cluwne NPCs for the crew to take their bloodlust out on. Shipment of random mutation injectors. Or maybe it plays a funny midi. Or.. well folks should suggest stuff. As each objective is completed a new one becomes available.

Objectives should be big things involving teams of people and/or multiple departments.

Wouldn't see much use during the average round but would be nice for slow rounds/extended where much of the crew doesn't have a purpose.

Here's some suggested objectives:

"Recover X item from Z Teleport site." Teleport expeditions are always cool, give opportunities to lots of folks to join in. Heads of Staff/QM could get involved putting supplies together for trips to the more dangerous telescience locations.

"Sell $X worth of goods." or "Sell $X worth of goods within Y minutes." QM works with Botany, Mining, staff assistants prying loose every piece of salvageable metal from the station for resale.

"Activate X Artifacts." Science QM and Mining working on this one.

"Replace X limbs with cyborg prosthetics." Robotics & a horde of eager volunteers.

"Hygiene Inspection: Earn a score of %X or greater in the next Y minutes." based off the uncleaned messes/dead bodies on station score the game calculates at end of round

"Morale Inspection: Earn a score of %X or greater in the next Y minutes." based off a mess of random stats like drug use, intoxication, meals prepared/eaten, clowns present, etc.

suggest some more.

Functional aspect:
I was thinking, there'd be a computer on the Bridge that handles this. Captain (or whoever has broken in) walks up and checks the screen, there's a proposed objective. If it's a time limit one, the time has already started. User can accept it-- announcing it to everyone-- or decline it, which makes it go away and a new one pops up in about 5 minutes. This lets you ignore impossible stuff (like something requiring a department that's already blown up) but keeps you from just cycling through to find the easiest stuff. Once an objective is selected the crew is locked in, and can't get a new objective until the current one is either completed or reaches a fail state. Makes it easier for the baddie to ruin everyone's day.
This sounds like it could be loads of fun if handled correctly, good luck with it! As for suggestions... Hell burn, get that engine up to x MW for Y amount of time?
Maybe one of the rewards for this could be new types of QM crates? You know, gimmicky ones that don't exist right now, and would be unorderable unless the mission was completed.

It could even possibly come with some somewhat useful stuff like an experimental power generator on rare occasions, just as an example.

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